
So, what is this Ada thing anyway?

To answer this question let's introduce Ada as it compares to C for an embedded application. C developers are used to a certain coding semantic and style of programming. Especially in the embedded domain, developers are used to working at a very low level near the hardware to directly manipulate memory and registers. Normal operations involve mathematical operations on pointers, complex bit shifts, and logical bitwise operations. C is well designed for such operations as it is a low level language that was designed to replace assembly language for faster, more efficient programming. Because of this minimal abstraction, the programmer has to model the data that represents the problem they are trying to solve using the language of the physical hardware.

Let's look at an example of this problem in action by comparing the same program in Ada and C:


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DEGREES_MAX (360) typedef unsigned int degrees; #define MOD_DEGREES(x) (x % DEGREES_MAX) degrees add_angles(degrees* list, int length) { degrees sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { sum += list[i]; } return sum; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { degrees list[argc - 1]; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { list[i - 1] = MOD_DEGREES(atoi(argv[i])); } printf("Sum: %d\n", add_angles(list, argc - 1)); return 0; }


with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Sum_Angles is DEGREES_MAX : constant := 360; type Degrees is mod DEGREES_MAX; type Degrees_List is array (Natural range <>) of Degrees; function Add_Angles (List : Degrees_List) return Degrees is Sum : Degrees := 0; begin for I in List'Range loop Sum := Sum + List (I); end loop; return Sum; end Add_Angles; List : Degrees_List (1 .. Argument_Count); begin for I in List'Range loop List (I) := Degrees (Integer'Value (Argument (I))); end loop; Put_Line ("Sum:" & Add_Angles (List)'Img); end Sum_Angles;

Here we have a piece of code in C and in Ada that takes some numbers from the command line and stores them in an array. We then sum all of the values in the array and print the result. The tricky part here is that we are working with values that model an angle in degrees. We know that angles are modular types, meaning that angles greater than 360° can also be represented as Angle mod 360. So if we have an angle of 400°, this is equivalent to 40°. In order to model this behavior in C we had to create the MOD_DEGREES macro, which performs the modulus operation. As we read values from the command line, we convert them to integers and perform the modulus before storing them into the array. We then call add_angles which returns the sum of the values in the array. Can you spot the problem with the C code?

Try running the Ada and C examples using the input sequence 340 2 50 70. What does the C program output? What does the Ada program output? Why are they different?

The problem with the C code is that we forgot to call MOD_DEGREES in the for loop of add_angles. This means that it is possible for add_angles to return values greater than DEGREES_MAX. Let's look at the equivalent Ada code now to see how Ada handles the situation. The first thing we do in the Ada code is to create the type Degrees which is a modular type. This means that the compiler is going to handle performing the modulus operation for us. If we use the same for loop in the Add_Angles function, we can see that we aren't doing anything special to make sure that our resulting value is within the 360° range we need it to be in.

The takeaway from this example is that Ada tries to abstract some concepts from the developer so that the developer can focus on solving the problem at hand using a data model that models the real world rather than using data types prescribed by the hardware. The main benefit of this is that the compiler takes some responsibility from the developer for generating correct code. In this example we forgot to put in a check in the C code. The compiler inserted the check for us in the Ada code because we told the compiler what we were trying to accomplish by defining strong types.

Ideally, we want all the power that the C programming language can give us to manipulate the hardware we are working on while also allowing us the ability to more accurately model data in a safe way. So, we have a dilemma; what can give us the power of operations like the C language, but also provide us with features that can minimize the potential for developer error? Since this course is about Ada, it's a good bet we're about to introduce the Ada language as the answer to this question…

Unlike C, the Ada language was designed as a higher level language from its conception; giving more responsibility to the compiler to generate correct code. As mentioned above, with C, developers are constantly shifting, masking, and accessing bits directly on memory pointers. In Ada, all of these operations are possible, but in most cases, there is a better way to perform these operations using higher level constructs that are less prone to mistakes, like off-by-one or unintentional buffer overflows. If we were to compare the same application written using C and with Ada using high level constructs, we would see similar performance in terms of speed and memory efficiency. If we compare the object code generated by both compilers, it's possible that they even look identical!

Ada — The Technical Details

Like C, Ada is a compiled language. This means that the compiler will parse the source code and emit machine code native to the target hardware. The Ada compiler we will be discussing in this course is the GNAT compiler. This compiler is based on the GCC technology like many C and C++ compilers available. When the GNAT compiler is invoked on Ada code, the GNAT front-end expands and translates the Ada code into an intermediate language which is passed to GCC where the code is optimized and translated to machine code. A C compiler based on GCC performs the same steps and uses the same intermediate GCC representation. This means that the optimizations we are used to seeing with a GCC based C compiler can also be applied to Ada code. The main difference between the two compilers is that the Ada compiler is expanding high level constructs into intermediate code. After expansion, the Ada code will be very similar to the equivalent C code.

It is possible to do a line-by-line translation of C code to Ada. This feels like a natural step for a developer used to C paradigms. However, there may be very little benefit to doing so. For the purpose of this course, we're going to assume that the choice of Ada over C is guided by considerations linked to reliability, safety or security. In order to improve upon the reliability, safety and security of our application, Ada paradigms should be applied in replacement of those usually applied in C. Constructs such as pointers, preprocessor macros, bitwise operations and defensive code typically get expressed in Ada in very different ways, improving the overall reliability and readability of the applications. Learning these new ways of coding, often, requires effort by the developer at first, but proves more efficient once the paradigms are understood.

In this course we will also introduce the SPARK subset of the Ada programming language. The SPARK subset removes a few features of the language, i.e., those that make proof difficult, such as pointer aliasing. By removing these features we can write code that is fit for sound static analysis techniques. This means that we can run mathematical provers on the SPARK code to prove certain safety or security properties about the code.