Interacting with Devices

Interacting with hardware devices is one of the more frequent activities in embedded systems programming. It is also one of the most enjoyable because you can make something happen in the physical world. There's a reason that making an LED blink is the "hello world" of embedded programming. Not only is it easy to do, it is surprisingly satisfying. I suspect that even the developers of "Full Authority Digital Engine Controllers" (FADEC) — the computers that are in complete, total control of commercial airline engines — have fond memories of making an LED blink early in their careers. And of course a blinking LED is a good way to indicate application status, especially if off-board I/O is limited, which is often the case.

Working at the device register level can be error prone and relatively slow, in terms of source-lines-of-code (SLOC) produced. That's partly because the hardware is in some cases complicated, and partly because of the way the software is written. Using bit masks for setting and clearing bits is not a readable approach, comparatively speaking. There's just not enough information transmitted to the reader. It might be clear enough when written, but will you see it that way months later? Readability is important because programs are read many more times than they are written. Also, an unreadable program is more difficult to maintain, and maintenance is where most money is spent in long-lived applications. Comments can help, until they are out of date. Then they are an active hindrance.

For example, what do you think the following code does? This is real code, where temp and temp2 are unsigned 32-bit integers:

temp = ((uint32_t)(GPIO_AF) <<
          ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] &= ~((uint32_t)0xF <<
          ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
temp_2 = GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] | temp;
GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] = temp_2;

That's unfair to ask, absent any context. The code configures a general purpose I/O (GPIO) pin on an Arm microcontroller for one of the "alternate functions". GPIOx is a pointer to a GPIO port, GPIO_PinSource is a GPIO pin number, and GPIO_AF is the alternate function number. But let's say you knew that. Is the code correct? The longer it takes to know, the less productive you are.

The fact that the code above is in C is beside the point. If we wrote it the same way in Ada it would be equally opaque, if not more so. There are simpler approaches. Judicious use of record and array types is one. We'll say more about that later, but the underlying idea is to let the compiler do as much work for us as possible. For example, the data structures used in the code above require explicit shifting whenever they are accessed. If we can avoid that at the source code level — by having the compiler do it for us — we will have simplified the code considerably. Furthermore, letting the compiler do the work for us makes the code more maintainable (which is where the money is). For example, if the code does the shifting explicitly and the data structures are changed, we'll have to change the number of bits to shift left or right. Constants will help there, but we still have to remember to change them; the compiler won't complain if we forget. In contrast, if we let the compiler do this shifting for us, the amounts to shift will be changed automatically.

Some devices are very simple. In these cases the application may interact directly with the device without unduly affecting productivity. For example, there was a board that had a user-accessible rotary switch with sixteen distinct positions. Users could set the switch to whatever the application code required, e.g., to indicate some configuration information. The entire software interface to this device consisted of a single read-only 8-bit byte in memory. That's all there was to it: you read the memory and thus got the numeric setting of the switch.

More complex devices, however, usually rely on software abstraction to deal with the complexity. Just as abstraction is a fundamental way to combat complexity in software, abstraction also can be used to combat the complexity of driving sophisticated hardware. The abstraction is presented to users by a software "device driver" that exists as a layer between the application code and the hardware device. The layer hides the gory details of the hardware manipulation behind subprograms, types, and parameters.

We say that the device driver layer is an abstraction because, at the least, the names of the procedures and functions indicate what they do, so at the call site you can tell what is being done. That's the point of abstraction: it allows us to focus on what, rather than how. Consider that GPIO pin configuration code block again. Instead of writing that block every time we need to configure the alternate function for a pin, suppose we called a function:


The GPIO_PinAFConfig function is part of the GPIO device driver provided by the STM32 Standard Peripherals Library (SPL). Even though that's not the best function name conceivable, calls to the function will be far more readable than the code of the body, and we only have to make sure the function implementation is correct once. And assuming the device drivers' subprograms can be inlined, the subprogram call imposes no performance penalty.

Note the first parameter to the call above: USARTx_TX_GPIO_PORT. There are multiple GPIO ports on an Arm implementation; the vendor decides how many. In this case one of them has been connected to a USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter), an external device for sending and receiving serial data. When there are multiple devices, good software engineering suggests that the device driver present a given device as one of a type. That's what an "abstract data type" (ADT) provides for software and so the device driver applies the same design. An ADT is essentially a class, in class-oriented languages. In Ada, an ADT is represented as a private type declared in a package, along with subprograms that take the type as a parameter.

The Ada Drivers Library (ADL) provided by AdaCore and the Ada community uses this design to supply Ada drivers for the timers, I2C, A/D and D/A converters, and other devices common to microcontrollers. Multiple devices are presented as instances of abstract data types. A variety of development platforms from various vendors are supported, including the STM32 series boards. The library is available on GitHub for both non-proprietary and commercial use here: We are going to use some of these drivers as illustrations in the following sections.

Non-Memory-Mapped Devices

Some devices are connected to the processor on a dedicated bus that is separate from the memory bus. The Intel processors, for example, used to have (and may still have) instructions for sending and receiving data on this bus. These are the "in" and "out" instructions, and their data-length specific variants.

The original version of Ada defined a package named Low_Level_IO for such architectures, but there were very few implementations (maybe just one, known to support the Intel processors). As a result, the package was actually removed from the language standard. Implementations could still support the package, it just wouldn't be a standard package. That's different from constructs that are marked as "obsolescent" by the standard, e.g., the pragmas replaced by aspects, among other things. Obsolescent constructs are still part of the standard.

If a given target machine has such I/O instructions for the device bus, these can be invoked in Ada via machine-code insertions. For example:

procedure Send_Control (Device : Port;  Data : Unsigned_16) is
   pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
   asm ("outw %1, (%0)",
        Inputs  => (Port'Asm_Input("dx",Device),
        Clobber => "ax, dx");
end Send_Control;

procedure Receive_Control (Device : Port;  Data : out Unsigned_16) is
   pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
   asm ("inw (%1), %0",
        Inputs   => (Port'Asm_Input("dx",Device)),
        Outputs  => (Unsigned_16'Asm_Output("=ax",Data)),
        Clobber  => "ax, dx",
        Volatile => True);
end Receive_Control;

Applications could use these subprograms to set the frequency of the Intel PC tone generator, for example, and to turn it on and off. (You can't do that any more in application code because modern operating systems don't give applications direct access to the hardware, at least not by default.)

Although the Low_Level_IO package is no longer part of the language, you can write this sort of thing yourself, or vendors can do it. That's possible because the Systems Programming Annex, when implemented, guarantees fully effective use of machine-code inserts. That means you can express anything the compiler could emit. The guarantee is important because otherwise the compiler might "get in the way." For example, absent the guarantee, the compiler would be allowed to insert additional assembly language statements in between yours. That can be a real problem, depending on what your statements do. For instance, if your MCI assembly statements do something and then check a resulting condition code, such as the overflow flag, those interleaved compiler-injected statements might clear that condition code before your code can check it. Fortunately, the annex guarantees that sort of thing cannot happen.

Memory-Mapped Devices

In another earlier chapter, we said that we could query the address of some object, and we also showed how to use that result to specify the address of some other object. We used that capability to create an "overlay," in which two objects are used to refer to the same memory locations. As we indicated in that discussion, you would not use the same type for each object — the point, after all, is to provide a view of the shared underlying memory cells that is not already available otherwise. Each distinct type would provide a distinct view of the memory values, that is, a set of operations providing some required functionality.

For example, here's an overlay composed of a 32-bit signed integer object and a 32-bit array object:

type Bits32 is array (0 .. 31) of Boolean
   with Component_Size => 1;

X : aliased Integer_32;
Y : Bits32 with Address => X'Address;

Because one view is as an integer and the other as an array, we can access that memory using the two different views' operations. Using the view as an array object (Y) we can access individual bits of the memory shared with X. Using the view as an integer (X), we can do arithmetic on the contents of that memory. (We could have used an unsigned integer instead of the signed type, and thereby gained the bit-oriented operations, but that's not the point.)

Very often, though, there is only one Ada object that we place at some specific address. That's because the Ada object is meant to be the software interface to some memory-mapped hardware device. In this scenario we don't have two overlaid Ada objects, we just have one. The other "object" is the hardware device mapped to that starting address. Since they are at the same memory location(s), accessing the Ada object accesses the hardware device.

For a real-world but nonetheless simple example, recall that example of a rotary switch on the front of our embedded computer that we mentioned in the introduction. This switch allows humans to provide some very simple input to the software running on the computer.

Rotary_Switch : Unsigned_8 with
  Address => System.Storage_Elements.To_Address (16#FFC0_0801#);

We declare the object and also specify the address, but not by querying some entity. We already know the address from the hardware documentation. But we cannot simply use an integer address literal from that documentation because type System.Address is almost always a private type. We need a way to compose an Address value from an integer value. The package System.Storage_Elements defines an integer representation for Address values, among other useful things, and a way to convert those integer values to Address values. The function To_Address does that conversion.

As a result, in the Ada code, reading the value of the variable Rotary_Switch reads the number on the actual hardware switch.

Note that if you specify the wrong address, it is hard to say what happens. Likewise, it is an error for an address clause to disobey the object's alignment. The error cannot be detected at compile time, in general, because the address is not necessarily known at compile time. There's no requirement for a run-time check for the sake of efficiency, since efficiency seems paramount here. Consequently, this misuse of address clauses is just like any other misuse of address clauses — execution of the code is erroneous, meaning all bets are off. You need to know what you're doing.

What about writing to the variable? Is that meaningful? In this particular example, no. It is effectively read-only memory. But for some other device it very well could be meaningful, certainly. It depends on the hardware. But in this case, assigning a value to the Rotary_Switch variable would have no effect, which could be confusing to programmers. It looks like a variable, after all. We wouldn't declare it as a constant because the human user could rotate the switch, resulting in a different value read. Therefore, we would hide the Ada variable behind a function, precluding the entire issue. Clients of the function can then use it for whatever purpose they require, e.g., as the unique identifier for a computer in a rack.

Let's talk more about the type we use to represent a memory-mapped device. As we said, that type defines the view we have for the object, and hence the operations we have available for accessing the underlying mapped device.

We choose the type for the representative Ada variable based on the interface of the hardware mapped to the memory. If the interface is a single monolithic register, for example, then an integer (signed or unsigned) of the necessary size will suffice. But suppose the interface is several bytes wide, and some of the bytes have different purposes from the others? In that case, a record type is the obvious solution, with distinct record components dedicated to the different parts of the hardware interface. We could use individual bits too, of course, if that's what the hardware does. Ada is particularly good at this fine-degree of representation because record components of any types can be specified in the layout, down to the bit level, within the record.

In addition, we might want to apply more than one type, at any one time, to a given memory-mapped device. Doing so allows the client code some flexibility, or it might facilitate an internal implementation. For example, the STM32 boards from ST Microelectronics include a 96-bit device unique identifier on each board. The identifier starts at a fixed memory location. In this example we provide two different views — types — for the value. One type provides the identifier as a String containing twelve characters, whereas another type provides the value as an array of three 32-bit unsigned words (i.e., 12 bytes). The two types are applied by two overloaded functions that are distinguished by their return type:

package STM32.Device_Id is

   subtype Device_Id_Image is String (1 .. 12);

   function Unique_Id return Device_Id_Image;

   type Device_Id_Tuple is array (1 .. 3) of UInt32
     with Component_Size => 32;

   function Unique_Id return Device_Id_Tuple;

end STM32.Device_Id;

The subtype Device_Id_Image is the view of the 96-bits as an array of twelve 8-bit characters. (Using type String here isn't essential. We could have defined an array of bytes instead of Character.) Similarly, subtype Device_Id_Tuple is the view of the 96-bits as an array of three 32-bit unsigned integers. Clients can then choose how they want to view the unique id by choosing which function to call.

In the package body we implement the functions as two ways to access the same shared memory:

with System;

package body STM32.Device_Id is

   ID_Address : constant System.Address := System'To_Address (16#1FFF_7A10#);

   function Unique_Id return Device_Id_Image is
      Result : Device_Id_Image with Address => ID_Address, Import;
      return Result;
   end Unique_Id;

   function Unique_Id return Device_Id_Tuple is
      Result : Device_Id_Tuple with Address => ID_Address, Import;
      return Result;
   end Unique_Id;

end STM32.Device_Id;

The GNAT-defined attribute System'To_Address in the declaration of ID_Address is the same as the function System.Storage_Elements.To_Address except that, if the argument is static, the function result is static. This means that such an expression can be used in contexts (e.g., preelaborable packages) which require a static expression and where the function call could not be used (because the function call is always non-static, even if its argument is static).

The only difference in the bodies is the return type and matching type for the local Result variable. Both functions read from the same location in memory.

Earlier we indicated that the bit-pattern implementation of the GPIO function could be expressed differently, resulting in more readable, therefore maintainable, code. The fact that the code is in C is irrelevant; the same approach in Ada would not be any better. Here's the complete code for the function body:

void GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx,
                      uint16_t      GPIO_PinSource,
                      uint8_t       GPIO_AF)
  uint32_t temp = 0x00;
  uint32_t temp_2 = 0x00;

  /* Check the parameters */

  temp = ((uint32_t)(GPIO_AF) <<
            ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
  GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] &= ~((uint32_t)0xF <<
            ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
  temp_2 = GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] | temp;
  GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] = temp_2;

The problem, other than the magic numbers (some named constants would have helped), is that the code is doing nearly all the work instead of off-loading it to the compiler. Partly that's because in C we cannot declare a numeric type representing a 4-bit quantity, so everything is done in terms of machine units, in this case 32-bit unsigned integers.

Why do we need 4-bit values? At the hardware level, each memory-mapped GPIO port has a sequence of 16 4-bit quantities, one for each of the 16 pins on the port. Those 4-bit quantities specify the "alternate functions" that the pin can take on, if needed. The alternate functions allow a given pin to do more than act as a single discrete I/O pin. For example, a pin could be connected to the incoming lines of a USART. We use the configuration routine to apply the specific 4-bit code representing the alternate function required for our application.

These 16 4-bit alternate function fields are contiguous in the register (hence memory) so we can represent them as an array with a total size of 64-bits (i.e., 16 times 4). In the C version this array has two components of type uint32_t so it must compute where the corresponding 4-bit value for the pin is located within those two words. In contrast, the Ada version of the array has components of the 4-bit type, rather than two 32-bit components, and simply uses the pin number as the index. The resulting Ada procedure body is extremely simple:

procedure Configure_Alternate_Function
  (Port : in out GPIO_Port;
   Pin  : GPIO_Pin;
   AF   : GPIO_Alternate_Function_Code)
   Port.AFR (Pin) := AF;
end Configure_Alternate_Function;

In the Ada version, AFR is a component within the GPIO_Port record type, much like in the C code's struct. However, Ada allows us to declare a much more descriptive set of types, and it is these types that allows the developer to off-load the work to the compiler.

First, in Ada we can declare a 4-bit numeric type:

type Bits_4 is mod 2**4 with Size => 4;

The Bits_4 type was already globally defined elsewhere so we just derive our 4-bit "alternate function code" type from it. Doing so allows the compiler to enforce simple strong typing so that the two value spaces are not accidentally mixed. This approach also increases understanding for the reader:

type GPIO_Alternate_Function_Code is new Bits_4;
--  We cannot use an enumeration type because there are duplicate binary
--  values

Hence type GPIO_Alternate_Function_Code is a copy of Bits_4 in terms of operations and values, but is not the same type as Bits_4 so the compiler will keep them separate for us.

We can then use that type as the array component type for the representation of the AFR:

type Alternate_Function_Fields is
  array (GPIO_Pin) of GPIO_Alternate_Function_Code
  with Component_Size => 4, Size => 64;  -- both in units of bits

Note that we can use the GPIO Pin parameter directly as the index into the array type, obviating any need to massage the Pin value in the procedure. That's possible because the type GPIO_Pin is an enumeration type:

type GPIO_Pin is
  (Pin_0, Pin_1, Pin_2,  Pin_3,  Pin_4,  Pin_5,  Pin_6,  Pin_7,
   Pin_8, Pin_9, Pin_10, Pin_11, Pin_12, Pin_13, Pin_14, Pin_15);

for GPIO_Pin use
  (Pin_0  => 16#0001#,
   Pin_1  => 16#0002#,
   Pin_2  => 16#0004#,
   Pin_3  => 16#0008#,
   Pin_4  => 16#0010#,
   Pin_5  => 16#0020#,
   Pin_6  => 16#0040#,
   Pin_7  => 16#0080#,
   Pin_8  => 16#0100#,
   Pin_9  => 16#0200#,
   Pin_10 => 16#0400#,
   Pin_11 => 16#0800#,
   Pin_12 => 16#1000#,
   Pin_13 => 16#2000#,
   Pin_14 => 16#4000#,
   Pin_15 => 16#8000#);

In the hardware, the GPIO_Pin values don't start at zero and monotonically increase. Instead, the values are bit patterns, where one bit within each value is used. The enumeration representation clause allows us to express that representation.

Type Alternate_Function_Fields is then used to declare the AFR record component in the GPIO_Port record type:

type GPIO_Port is limited record
   MODER      : Pin_Modes_Register;
   OTYPER     : Output_Types_Register;
   Reserved_1 : Half_Word;
   OSPEEDR    : Output_Speeds_Register;
   PUPDR      : Resistors_Register;
   IDR        : Half_Word;       --  input data register
   Reserved_2 : Half_Word;
   ODR        : Half_Word;       --  output data register
   Reserved_3 : Half_Word;
   BSRR_Set   : Half_Word;       --  bit set register
   BSRR_Reset : Half_Word;       --  bit reset register
   LCKR       : Word with Atomic;
   AFR        : Alternate_Function_Fields;
   Unused     : Unaccessed_Gap;
end record with
  Size => 16#400# * 8;

for GPIO_Port use record
   MODER      at 0  range 0 .. 31;
   OTYPER     at 4  range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_1 at 6  range 0 .. 15;
   OSPEEDR    at 8  range 0 .. 31;
   PUPDR      at 12 range 0 .. 31;
   IDR        at 16 range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_2 at 18 range 0 .. 15;
   ODR        at 20 range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_3 at 22 range 0 .. 15;
   BSRR_Set   at 24 range 0 .. 15;
   BSRR_Reset at 26 range 0 .. 15;
   LCKR       at 28 range 0 .. 31;
   AFR        at 32 range 0 .. 63;
   Unused     at 40 range 0 .. 7871;
end record;

These declarations define a record type that matches the content and layout of the STM32 GPIO Port memory-mapped device.

Let's compare the two procedure implementations again. Here they are, for convenience:

void GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx,
                      uint16_t      GPIO_PinSource,
                      uint8_t       GPIO_AF)
  uint32_t temp = 0x00;
  uint32_t temp_2 = 0x00;

  /* Check the parameters */

  temp = ((uint32_t)(GPIO_AF) <<
            ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
  GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] &= ~((uint32_t)0xF <<
            ((uint32_t)((uint32_t)GPIO_PinSource & (uint32_t)0x07) * 4));
  temp_2 = GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] | temp;
  GPIOx->AFR[GPIO_PinSource >> 0x03] = temp_2;
procedure Configure_Alternate_Function
  (Port : in out GPIO_Port;
   Pin  : GPIO_Pin;
   AF   : GPIO_Alternate_Function_Code)
   Port.AFR (Pin) := AF;
end Configure_Alternate_Function;

Which one is correct? Both. But clearly, the Ada version is far simpler, so much so that it is immediately obvious that it is correct. Not so for the coding approach used in the C version, comparatively speaking. It is true that the Ada version required a couple more type declarations, but those make the procedure body far simpler. That resulting simplicity is a reflection of the balance between data structures and executable statements that we should always try to achieve. Ada just makes that easier to achieve than in some other languages.

Of course, the underlying hardware likely has no machine-supported 4-bit unsigned type so larger hardware numeric types are used in the generated code. Hence there are shifts and masking being done in the Ada version as well, but they do not appear in the source code. The developer has let the compiler do that work. An additional benefit of this approach is that the compiler will change the shifting and masking code for us if we change the explicit type declarations.

Why is simplicity so important? Simplicity directly increases understandability, which directly affects correctness and maintainability, which greatly affects the economic cost of the software. In large, long-lived projects, maintenance is by far the largest economic cost driver. In high-integrity applications, correctness is essential. Therefore, doing anything reasonable to keep the code as simple as possible is usually worth the effort. In some projects the non-functional requirements, especially performance, can dictate less simple code, but that won't apply to all of the code. Where possible, simplicity rules.

One more point about the GPIO ports. There are as many of these ports as the Arm microcontroller vendor decides to implement. And as we said, they are memory-mapped, at addresses specified by the vendor. If the memory used by all the ports is contiguous, we can conveniently use an array of the GPIO_Port record type to represent all the ports implemented. We would just set the array object's address at the address specified for the first port object in memory. Then, normal array indexing will provide access to any given port in the memory-mapped hardware.

This array approach requires each array component — the GPIO_Port record type — to be the right size so that all the array components start on addresses corresponding to the start of the next port in hardware.

That starting address correspondence for the array components is obtained automatically as long as the record type includes all the memory used by any individual device. In that case the next array component will indeed start at an address matching the next device in hardware. Note that this assumes the first array component matches the address of the first hardware device in memory. The first array component is at the same address as the whole array object itself (a fact that is guaranteed by the language), so the array address must be set to whatever the vendor documentation specified for the first port.

However, in some cases the vendor will leave gaps of unused memory for complicated memory-mapped objects like these ports. They do so for the sake of future expansion of the implementation, e.g., to add new features or capacity. The gaps are thus between consecutive hardware devices.

These gaps are presumably (hopefully!) included in the memory layout documented for the device, but it won't be highlighted particularly. You should check, therefore, that the documented starting addresses of the second and subsequent array components are what you will get with a simple array object having components of that record type.

For example, the datasheet for the STM32F407 Arm implementation indicates that the GPIO ports start at address 16#4002_0000#. That's where GPIO_A begins. The next port, GPIO_B, starts at address 16#4002_0400#, or a byte offset of 1024 in decimal. In the STM32F4 Reference Manual, however, the GPIO port register layout indicates a size for any one port that is much less than 1024 bytes. As you saw earlier in the corresponding record type declaration, on the STM32F4 each port only requires 40 (decimal) bytes. Hence there's a gap of unused memory between the ports, including after the last port, of 984 bytes (7872 bits).

To represent the gap, an "extra", unused record component was added, with the necessary location and size specified within the record type, so that the unused memory is included in the representation. As a result, each array component will start at the right address (again, as long as the first one does). Telling the compiler, and future maintainers, that this extra component is not meant to be referenced by the software would not hurt. You can use the pragma or aspect Unreferenced for that purpose. Here's the code again, for convenience:

type GPIO_Port is limited record
   MODER      : Pin_Modes_Register;
   OTYPER     : Output_Types_Register;
   Reserved_1 : Half_Word;
   OSPEEDR    : Output_Speeds_Register;
   PUPDR      : Resistors_Register;
   IDR        : Half_Word;       --  input data register
   Reserved_2 : Half_Word;
   ODR        : Half_Word;       --  output data register
   Reserved_3 : Half_Word;
   BSRR_Set   : Half_Word;       --  bit set register
   BSRR_Reset : Half_Word;       --  bit reset register
   LCKR       : Word with Atomic;
   AFR        : Alternate_Function_Fields;
   Unused     : Unaccessed_Gap with Unreferenced;
end record with
   Size => 16#400# * 8;

for GPIO_Port use record
   MODER      at 0  range 0 .. 31;
   OTYPER     at 4  range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_1 at 6  range 0 .. 15;
   OSPEEDR    at 8  range 0 .. 31;
   PUPDR      at 12 range 0 .. 31;
   IDR        at 16 range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_2 at 18 range 0 .. 15;
   ODR        at 20 range 0 .. 15;
   Reserved_3 at 22 range 0 .. 15;
   BSRR_Set   at 24 range 0 .. 15;
   BSRR_Reset at 26 range 0 .. 15;
   LCKR       at 28 range 0 .. 31;
   AFR        at 32 range 0 .. 63;
   Unused     at 40 range 0 .. 7871;
end record;

The type for the gap, Unaccessed_Gap, must represent 984 bytes so we declared an array like so:

Gap_Size : constant := 984;  -- bytes
--  There is a gap of unused, reserved memory after the end of the
--  bytes used by any given memory-mapped GPIO port. The size of the
--  gap is indicated in the STM32F405xx etc. Reference Manual, RM 0090.
--  Specifically, Table 1 shows the starting and ending addresses mapped
--  to the GPIO ports, for an allocated size of 16#400#, or 1024 (decimal)
--  bytes per port. However, in the same document, the register map for
--  these ports shows only 40 bytes currently in use. Presumably this gap is
--  for future expansion when additional functionality or capacity is added,
--  such as more pins per port.

type Unaccessed_Gap is array (1 .. Gap_Size) of Unsigned_8 with
   Component_Size => Unsigned_8'Size,
   Size           => Gap_Size * Unsigned_8'Size;
--  This type is used to represent the necessary gaps between GPIO
--  ports in memory. We explicitly allocate a record component of
--  this type at the end of the record type for that purpose.

We also set the size of the entire record type to 16#400# bytes since that is the total of the required bytes plus the gap, as per the documentation. As such, this is a "confirming" size clause because the reserved gap component increases the required size to that value (which is the point). We don't really need to do both, i.e., declare the reserved gap component and also set the record type size to the larger value. We could have done either one alone. One could argue that setting the size alone would have been simpler, in that it would obviate the type declaration and corresponding record component declaration. Being doubly explicit seemed a good idea at the time.

Dynamic Address Conversion

In the overlay example there were two distinct Ada objects, of two different types, sharing one (starting) address. The overlay provides two views of the memory at that address because there are two types involved. In this idiom the address is known when the code is written, either because it is a literal value specified in some hardware spec, or it is simply the address of the other object (in which case the actual address value is neither known nor relevant).

When there are several views required, declaring multiple overlaid variables at the same address absolutely can work, but can be less convenient than an alternative idiom. The alternative is to convert an address value to a value of an access type. Dereferencing the resulting access value provides a view of the memory corresponding to the designated type, starting at the converted address value.

For example, perhaps a networking component is given a buffer — an array of bytes — representing a received message. A subprogram is called with the buffer as a parameter, or the parameter can be the address of the buffer. If the subprogram must interpret this array via different views, this alternative approach works well. We could have an access type designating a message preamble, for example, and convert the first byte's address into such an access value. Dereferencing the conversion gives the preamble value. Likewise, the subprogram might need to compute a checksum over some of the bytes, so a different view, one of an array of a certain set size, could be used. Again, we could do that with overlaid objects but the alternative can be more convenient.

Here's a simple concrete example to illustrate the approach. Suppose we want to have a utility to swap the two bytes at any arbitrary address. Here's the declaration:

procedure Swap2 (Location : System.Address);

Callers pass the address of an object intended to have its (first) two bytes swapped:

Swap2 (Z'Address);

In the call, Z is of type Interfaces.Integer_16, for example, or Unsigned_16, or even something bigger as long as you only care about swapping the first two bytes.

The incomplete implementation using the conversion idiom could be like so:

procedure Swap2 (Location : System.Address) is
   X : Word renames To_Pointer (Location).all;
   X :=  Shift_Left (X, 8) or Shift_Right (X, 8);
end Swap2;

The declaration of X is the pertinent part.

In the declaration, X is of type Word, a type (not yet shown) derived from Interfaces.Unsigned_16. Hence X can have the inherited shift and logical or operations applied.

The To_Pointer (Location) part of the declaration is a function call. The function returns the conversion of the incoming address value in Location into an access value designating Word values. We'll explain how to do that momentarily. The .all explicitly dereferences the access value resulting from the function call.

Finally, X renames the Word designated by the converted access value. The benefit of the renaming, in addition to the simpler name, is that the function is only called once, and the access value deference is only evaluated once.

Now for the rest of the implementation not shown earlier.

type Word is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16;

package Word_Ops is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Word);
use Word_Ops;

System.Address_To_Access_Conversions is a language-defined generic package that provides just two functions: one to convert an address value to an access type, and one to convert in the opposite direction:

   type Object (<>) is limited private;
package System.Address_To_Access_Conversions is

   type Object_Pointer is access all Object;

   function To_Pointer (Value : Address) return Object_Pointer;
   function To_Address (Value : Object_Pointer) return Address;

   pragma Convention (Intrinsic, To_Pointer);
   pragma Convention (Intrinsic, To_Address);

end System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;

Object is the generic formal type parameter, i.e., the type we want our converted addresses to designate via the type Object_Pointer. In the byte-swapping example, the type Word was passed to Object in the instantiation.

The access type used by the functions is Object_Pointer, declared along with the functions. Object_Pointer designates values of the type used for the generic actual parameter, in this case Word.

Note the pragma Convention applied to each function, indicating that there is no actual function call involved; the compiler emits the code directly, if any code is actually required. Otherwise the compiler just treats the incoming Address bits as a value of type Object_Pointer.

The instantiation specifies type Word as the generic actual type parameter, so now we have a set of functions for that type, in particular To_Pointer.

Let's look at the code again, this time with the additional declarations:

type Word is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16;

package Word_Ops is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Word);
use Word_Ops;

procedure Swap2 (Location : System.Address) is
   X : Word renames To_Pointer(Location).all;
   X :=  Shift_Left (X, 8) or Shift_Right (X, 8);
end Swap2;

Word_Ops is the generic instance, followed immediately by a use clause so that we can refer to the visible content of the package instance conveniently.

In the renaming expression, To_Pointer (Location) converts the incoming address in Location to a pointer designating the Word at that address. The .all dereferences the resulting access value to get the designated Word value. Hence X refers to that two-byte value in memory.

We could almost certainly achieve the same affect by replacing the call to the function in To_Pointer with a call to an instance of Ada.Unchecked_Conversion. The conversion would still be between an access type and a value of type System.Address, but the access type would require declaration by the user. In both cases there would be an instantiation of a language-defined facility, so there's not much saving in lines of source code, other than the access type declaration. Because System.Address_To_Access_Conversions is explicitly intended for this purpose, good style suggests its use in preference to unchecked conversion, but both approaches are common in production code.

In either case, the conversion is not required to work, although in practice it will, most of the time. Representing an access value as an address value is quite common because it matches the typical underlying hardware's memory model. But even so, a single address is not necessarily sufficient to represent an access value for any given designated type. In that case problems arise, and they are difficult to debug.

For example, in GNAT, access values designating values of unconstrained array types, such as String, are represented as two addresses, known as "fat pointers". One address points to the bounds for the specific array object, since they can vary. The other address designates the characters. Therefore, conversions of a single address to an access value requiring fat pointers will not work using unchecked conversions. (There is a way, however, to tell GNAT to use a single address value, but it is an explicit step in the code. Once done, though, unchecked conversions would then work correctly.)

You can alternatively use generic package System.Address_To_Access_Conversions. That generic is defined for the purpose of converting addresses to access values, and vice versa. But note that the implementation of the generic's routines must account for the representation their compiler uses for unbounded types like String.

Address Arithmetic

Part of "letting the compiler do the work for you" is not doing address arithmetic in the source code if you can avoid it. Instead, for instance, use the normal "dot notation" to reference components, and let the compiler compute the offsets to those components. The approach to implementing procedure Configure_Alternate_Function for a GPIO_Port is a good example.

That said, sometimes address arithmetic is the most direct expression of what you're trying to implement. For example, when implementing your own memory allocator, you'll need to do address arithmetic.

Earlier in this section we mentioned the package System.Storage_Elements, for the sake of the function that converts integer values to address values. The package also defines functions that provide address arithmetic. These functions work in terms of type System.Address and the package-defined type Storage_Offset. The type Storage_Offset is an integer type with an implementation-defined range. As a result you can have positive and negative offsets, as needed. Addition and subtraction of offsets to/from addresses is supported, as well as the mod operator.

Combined with package System (for type System.Address), the functions and types in this package provide the kinds of address arithmetic other languages provide. Nevertheless, you should prefer having the compiler do these computations for you, if possible.

Here's an example illustrating the facilities. The procedure defines an array of record values, then traverses the array, printing the array components as it goes. (This is not the way to really implement such code. It's just an illustration for address arithmetic.)

with Ada.Text_IO;               use Ada.Text_IO;
with System.Storage_Elements;   use System.Storage_Elements;
with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;

procedure Demo_Address_Arithmetic is

   type R is record
      X : Integer;
      Y : Integer;
   end record;

   R_Size : constant Storage_Offset := R'Object_Size / System.Storage_Unit;

   Objects : aliased array (1 .. 10) of aliased R;     --  arbitrary bounds

   Objects_Base : constant System.Address := Objects'Address;

   Offset : Storage_Offset;

   --  display the object of type R at the address specified by Location
   procedure Display_R (Location : in System.Address) is

      package R_Pointers is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (R);
      use R_Pointers;

       Value : R renames To_Pointer (Location).all;
      --  The above converts the address to a pointer designating an R value
      --  and dereferences it, using the name Value to refer to the
      --  dereferenced R value.
      Put (Integer'Image (Value.X));
      Put (", ");
      Put (Integer'Image (Value.Y));
   end Display_R;

   Objects := ((0,0), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4),
               (5,5), (6,6), (7,7), (8,8), (9,9));

   Offset := 0;

   --  walk the array of R objects, displaying each one individually by
   --  adding the offset to the base address of the array
   for K in Objects'Range loop
      Display_R (Objects_Base + Offset);
      Offset := Offset + R_Size;
   end loop;
end Demo_Address_Arithmetic;

Seriously, this is just for the purpose of illustration. It would be much better to just index into the array directly.