Object-oriented programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a large and ill-defined concept in programming languages and one that tends to encompass many different meanings because different languages often implement their own vision of it, with similarities and differences from the implementations in other languages.

However, one model mostly "won" the battle of what object-oriented means, if only by sheer popularity. It's the model used in the Java programming language, which is very similar to the one used by C++. Here are some defining characteristics:

  • Type derivation and extension: Most object oriented languages allow the user to add fields to derived types.

  • Subtyping: Objects of a type derived from a base type can, in some instances, be substituted for objects of the base type.

  • Runtime polymorphism: Calling a subprogram, usually called a method, attached to an object type can dispatch at runtime depending on the exact type of the object.

  • Encapsulation: Objects can hide some of their data.

  • Extensibility: People from the "outside" of your package, or even your whole library, can derive from your object types and define their own behaviors.

Ada dates from before object-oriented programming was as popular as it is today. Some of the mechanisms and concepts from the above list were in the earliest version of Ada even before what we would call OOP was added:

  • As we saw, encapsulation is not implemented at the type level in Ada, but instead at the package level.

  • Subtyping can be implemented using, well, subtypes, which have a full and permissive static substitutability model. The substitution will fail at runtime if the dynamic constraints of the subtype are not fulfilled.

  • Runtime polymorphism can be implemented using variant records.

However, this lists leaves out type extensions, if you don't consider variant records, and extensibility.

The 1995 revision of Ada added a feature filling the gaps, which allowed people to program following the object-oriented paradigm in an easier fashion. This feature is called tagged types.


It's possible to program in Ada without ever creating tagged types. If that's your prefered style of programming or you have no specific use for tagged types, feel free to not use them, as is the case for many features of Ada.

However, they can be the best way to express solutions to certain problems and they may be the best way to solve your problem. If that's the case, read on!

Derived types

Before presenting tagged types, we should discuss a topic we have brushed on, but not really covered, up to now:

You can create one or more new types from every type in Ada. Type derivation is built into the language.

package Newtypes is type Point is record X, Y : Integer; end record; type New_Point is new Point; end Newtypes;

Type derivation is useful to enforce strong typing because the type system treats the two types as incompatible.

But the benefits are not limited to that: you can inherit things from the type you derive from. You not only inherit the representation of the data, but you can also inherit behavior.

When you inherit a type you also inherit what are called primitive operations. A primitive operation (or just a primitive) is a subprogram attached to a type. Ada defines primitives as subprograms defined in the same scope as the type.


A subprogram will only become a primitive of the type if:

  1. The subprogram is declared in the same scope as the type and

  2. The type and the subprogram are declared in a package

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Primitives is package Week is type Days is (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); -- Print_Day is a primitive -- of the type Days procedure Print_Day (D : Days); end Week; package body Week is procedure Print_Day (D : Days) is begin Put_Line (Days'Image (D)); end Print_Day; end Week; use Week; type Weekend_Days is new Days range Saturday .. Sunday; -- A procedure Print_Day is automatically -- inherited here. It is as if the procedure -- -- procedure Print_Day (D : Weekend_Days); -- -- has been declared with the same body Sat : Weekend_Days := Saturday; begin Print_Day (Sat); end Primitives;

This kind of inheritance can be very useful, and is not limited to record types (you can use it on discrete types, as in the example above), but it's only superficially similar to object-oriented inheritance:

  • Records can't be extended using this mechanism alone. You also can't specify a new representation for the new type: it will always have the same representation as the base type.

  • There's no facility for dynamic dispatch or polymorphism. Objects are of a fixed, static type.

There are other differences, but it's not useful to list them all here. Just remember that this is a kind of inheritance you can use if you only want to statically inherit behavior without duplicating code or using composition, but a kind you can't use if you want any dynamic features that are usually associated with OOP.

Tagged types

The 1995 revision of the Ada language introduced tagged types to fullfil the need for an unified solution that allows programming in an object-oriented style similar to the one described at the beginning of this chapter.

Tagged types are very similar to normal records except that some functionality is added:

  • Types have a tag, stored inside each object, that identifies the runtime type of that object.

  • Primitives can dispatch. A primitive on a tagged type is what you would call a method in Java or C++. If you derive a base type and override a primitive of it, you can often call it on an object with the result that which primitive is called depends on the exact runtime type of the object.

  • Subtyping rules are introduced allowing a tagged type derived from a base type to be statically compatible with the base type.

Let's see our first tagged type declarations:

package P is type My_Class is tagged null record; -- Just like a regular record, but -- with tagged qualifier -- Methods are outside of the type -- definition: procedure Foo (Self : in out My_Class); -- If you define a procedure taking a -- My_Class argument in the same package, -- it will be a method. -- Here's how you derive a tagged type: type Derived is new My_Class with record A : Integer; -- You can add fields in derived types. end record; overriding procedure Foo (Self : in out Derived); -- The "overriding" qualifier is optional, -- but if it is present, it must be valid. end P;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body P is procedure Foo (Self : in out My_Class) is begin Put_Line ("In My_Class.Foo"); end Foo; procedure Foo (Self : in out Derived) is begin Put_Line ("In Derived.Foo, A = " & Integer'Image (Self.A)); end Foo; end P;

Classwide types

To remain consistent with the rest of the language, a new notation needed to be introduced to say "This object is of this type or any descendant derives tagged type".

In Ada, we call this the classwide type. It's used in OOP as soon as you need polymorphism. For example, you can't do the following:

with P; use P; procedure Main is O1 : My_Class; -- Declaring an object of type My_Class O2 : Derived := (A => 12); -- Declaring an object of type Derived O3 : My_Class := O2; -- INVALID: Trying to assign a value -- of type derived to a variable of -- type My_Class. begin null; end Main;

This is because an object of a type T is exactly of the type T, whether T is tagged or not. What you want to say as a programmer is "I want O3 to be able to hold an object of type My_Class or any type descending from My_Class". Here's how you do that:

with P; use P; procedure Main is O1 : My_Class; -- Declare an object of type My_Class O2 : Derived := (A => 12); -- Declare an object of type Derived O3 : My_Class'Class := O2; -- Now valid: My_Class'Class designates -- the classwide type for My_Class, -- which is the set of all types -- descending from My_Class (including -- My_Class). begin null; end Main;


Because an object of a classwide type can be the size of any descendant of its base type, it has an unknown size. It's therefore an indefinite type, with the expected restrictions:

  • It can't be stored as a field/component of a record

  • An object of a classwide type needs to be initialized immediately (you can't specify the constraints of such a type in any way other than by initializing it).

Dispatching operations

We saw that you can override operations in types derived from another tagged type. The eventual goal of OOP is to make a dispatching call: a call to a primitive (method) that depends on the exact type of the object.

But, if you think carefully about it, a variable of type My_Class always contains an object of exactly that type. If you want to have a variable that can contain a My_Class or any derived type, it has to be of type My_Class'Class.

In other words, to make a dispatching call, you must first have an object that can be either of a type or any type derived from this type, namely an object of a classwide type.

with P; use P; procedure Main is O1 : My_Class; -- Declare an object of type My_Class O2 : Derived := (A => 12); -- Declare an object of type Derived O3 : My_Class'Class := O2; O4 : My_Class'Class := O1; begin Foo (O1); -- Non dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo Foo (O2); -- Non dispatching: Calls Derived.Foo Foo (O3); -- Dispatching: Calls Derived.Foo Foo (O4); -- Dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo end Main;


You can convert an object of type Derived to an object of type My_Class. This is called a view conversion in Ada parlance and is useful, for example, if you want to call a parent method.

In that case, the object really is converted to a My_Class object, which means its tag is changed. Since tagged objects are always passed by reference, you can use this kind of conversion to modify the state of an object: changes to converted object will affect the original one.

with P; use P; procedure Main is O1 : Derived := (A => 12); -- Declare an object of type Derived O2 : My_Class := My_Class (O1); O3 : My_Class'Class := O2; begin Foo (O1); -- Non dispatching: Calls Derived.Foo Foo (O2); -- Non dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo Foo (O3); -- Dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo end Main;

Dot notation

You can also call primitives of tagged types with a notation that's more familiar to object oriented programmers. Given the Foo primitive above, you can also write the above program this way:

with P; use P; procedure Main is O1 : My_Class; -- Declare an object of type My_Class O2 : Derived := (A => 12); -- Declare an object of type Derived O3 : My_Class'Class := O2; O4 : My_Class'Class := O1; begin O1.Foo; -- Non dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo O2.Foo; -- Non dispatching: Calls Derived.Foo O3.Foo; -- Dispatching: Calls Derived.Foo O4.Foo; -- Dispatching: Calls My_Class.Foo end Main;

If the dispatching parameter of a primitive is the first parameter, which is the case in our examples, you can call the primitive using the dot notation. Any remaining parameter are passed normally:

with P; use P; procedure Main is package Extend is type D2 is new Derived with null record; procedure Bar (Self : in out D2; Val : Integer); end Extend; package body Extend is procedure Bar (Self : in out D2; Val : Integer) is begin Self.A := Self.A + Val; end Bar; end Extend; use Extend; Obj : D2 := (A => 15); begin Obj.Bar (2); Obj.Foo; end Main;

Private & Limited

We've seen previously (in the Privacy chapter) that types can be declared limited or private. These encapsulation techniques can also be applied to tagged types, as we'll see in this section.

This is an example of a tagged private type:

package P is type T is tagged private; private type T is tagged record E : Integer; end record; end P;

This is an example of a tagged limited type:

package P is type T is tagged limited record E : Integer; end record; end P;

Naturally, you can combine both limited and private types and declare a tagged limited private type:

package P is type T is tagged limited private; procedure Init (A : in out T); private type T is tagged limited record E : Integer; end record; end P;
package body P is procedure Init (A : in out T) is begin A.E := 0; end Init; end P;
with P; use P; procedure Main is T1, T2 : T; begin T1.Init; T2.Init; -- The following line doesn't work -- because type T is private: -- -- T1.E := 0; -- The following line doesn't work -- because type T is limited: -- -- T2 := T1; end Main;

Note that the code in the Main procedure above presents two assignments that trigger compilation errors because type T is limited private. In fact, you cannot:

  • assign to T1.E directly because type T is private;

  • assign T1 to T2 because type T is limited.

In this case, there's no distinction between tagged and non-tagged types: these compilation errors would also occur for non-tagged types.

Classwide access types

In this section, we'll discuss an useful pattern for object-oriented programming in Ada: classwide access type. Let's start with an example where we declare a tagged type T and a derived type T_New:

package P is type T is tagged null record; procedure Show (Dummy : T); type T_New is new T with null record; procedure Show (Dummy : T_New); end P;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body P is procedure Show (Dummy : T) is begin Put_Line ("Using type " & T'External_Tag); end Show; procedure Show (Dummy : T_New) is begin Put_Line ("Using type " & T_New'External_Tag); end Show; end P;

Note that we're using null records for both types T and T_New. Although these types don't actually have any component, we can still use them to demonstrate dispatching. Also note that the example above makes use of the 'External_Tag attribute in the implementation of the Show procedure to get a string for the corresponding tagged type.

As we've seen before, we must use a classwide type to create objects that can make dispatching calls. In other words, objects of type T'Class will dispatch. For example:

with P; use P; procedure Dispatching_Example is T2 : T_New; T_Dispatch : constant T'Class := T2; begin T_Dispatch.Show; end Dispatching_Example;

A more useful application is to declare an array of objects that can dispatch. For example, we'd like to declare an array T_Arr, loop over this array and dispatch according to the actual type of each individual element:

for I in T_Arr'Range loop
   T_Arr (I).Show;
   --  Call Show procedure according
   --  to actual type of T_Arr (I)
end loop;

However, it's not possible to declare an array of type T'Class directly:

with P; use P; procedure Classwide_Compilation_Error is T_Arr : array (1 .. 2) of T'Class; -- ^ -- Compilation Error! begin for I in T_Arr'Range loop T_Arr (I).Show; end loop; end Classwide_Compilation_Error;

In fact, it's impossible for the compiler to know which type would actually be used for each element of the array. However, if we use dynamic allocation via access types, we can allocate objects of different types for the individual elements of an array T_Arr. We do this by using classwide access types, which have the following format:

type T_Class is access T'Class;

We can rewrite the previous example using the T_Class type. In this case, dynamically allocated objects of this type will dispatch according to the actual type used during the allocation. Also, let's introduce an Init procedure that won't be overridden for the derived T_New type. This is the adapted code:

package P is type T is tagged record E : Integer; end record; type T_Class is access T'Class; procedure Init (A : in out T); procedure Show (Dummy : T); type T_New is new T with null record; procedure Show (Dummy : T_New); end P;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body P is procedure Init (A : in out T) is begin Put_Line ("Initializing type T..."); A.E := 0; end Init; procedure Show (Dummy : T) is begin Put_Line ("Using type " & T'External_Tag); end Show; procedure Show (Dummy : T_New) is begin Put_Line ("Using type " & T_New'External_Tag); end Show; end P;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with P; use P; procedure Main is T_Arr : array (1 .. 2) of T_Class; begin T_Arr (1) := new T; T_Arr (2) := new T_New; for I in T_Arr'Range loop Put_Line ("Element # " & Integer'Image (I)); T_Arr (I).Init; T_Arr (I).Show; Put_Line ("-----------"); end loop; end Main;

In this example, the first element (T_Arr (1)) is of type T, while the second element is of type T_New. When running the example, the Init procedure of type T is called for both elements of the T_Arr array, while the call to the Show procedure selects the corresponding procedure according to the type of each element of T_Arr.