Abstract Data Machines
In some systems, only one logical "instance" of an abstraction should exist in the software. This requirement may stem from the functionality involved. For example, a subsystem-level software logging facility should be unique at that level. Likewise, the function of a hardware device may be such that only one instance should exist in both the system and the software. A security device that validates users would be an example. Another reason can be simple physical reality. There might be only one on-board or on-chip device of some sort. Execution on that board or chip entails there being only one such device present.
How can the software representing the abstraction best implement this requirement?
The Abstract Data Type (ADT) Abstract Data Type idiom is the primary abstraction definition facility in Ada. Given an ADT that provides the required facility you could simply declare a single object of the type. But how could you ensure that some other client, perhaps in the future, doesn't declare another object of the type, either accidentally or maliciously?
As a general statement about program design, if there is something that must not be allowed, the ideal approach is to use the language rules to make it impossible. That's far better than debugging. For example, we don't want clients to have compile-time access to internal representation artifacts, so we leverage the language visibility rules to make such access illegal. The compiler will then reject undesired references, rigorously.
The occasional need to control object creation is well-known, so much so that there is a design pattern for creating an ADT in which only one instance can ever exist. Known as the "singleton" pattern, the given programming language's rules are applied such that only the ADT implementation can create objects of the type. Clients cannot do so. The implementation only creates one such object, so multiple object declarations are precluded.
Singletons can be expressed easily in Ada Controlling Object Initialization and Creation but there is an alternative in this specific situation.
This idiom entry describes the alternative, known as the Abstract Data Machine (ADM). The Abstract Data Machine was introduced by Grady Booch [1] as the Abstract State Machine, but that name, though appropriate, encompasses more in computer science than we intend to evoke.
The ADM is similar to the ADT idiom in that it presents an abstraction that doesn't already exist in the programming language. Furthermore, like the ADT, operations are provided to clients to manipulate the abstraction state, which is not otherwise compile-time visible to client code.
Unlike the ADT, however, the ADM does not define the abstraction as a
type. To understand this difference, first recall that type declarations
are descriptions for objects that will contain data (the state). For
example, our earlier Stack
ADT was represented as a record containing
two components: an array to hold the values logically contained by the
and an integer indicating the logical top of that array
(the stack pointer). No data actually exists, i.e., is allocated
storage, until objects of the type are declared. Clients can declare as
many objects of type Stack
as they require and each object has a
distinct, independent copy of the data.
Continuing the Stack
example, clients could choose to declare only
one object of the Stack
type, in which case only one instance of
the data described by the Stack
type will exist:
Integer_Stack : Stack;
But, other than convenience, there is no functional difference from the client declaring individual variables of the representational component types directly, one for the array and one for the stack pointer:
Capacity : constant := 100;
type Content is array (1 .. Capacity) of Integer;
Values : Content;
Top : Integer range 0 .. Capacity := 0;
or even this, using an anonymously-typed array:
Capacity : constant := 100;
Values : array (1 .. Capacity) of Integer;
Top : Integer range 0 .. Capacity := 0;
If there is to be only one logical stack, these two variables will suffice.
That's what the ADM does. The state variables are declared directly within a package, rather than as components of a type. In that way the package, usually a library package, declares the necessary state for a single abstraction instance. But, as an abstraction, those data declarations must not be compile-time visible to clients. Therefore, the state is declared in either the package private part or the package body. Doing so requires that visible operations be made available to clients, as with the ADT. Hence the combination of a package, the encapsulated variables, and the operations is the one instance of the abstraction. That combination is the fundamental concept for the ADM idiom.
Therefore, the package declaration's visible section contains only the following:
Constants (but almost certainly not variables)
Ancillary Types
The package declaration's private part and the package body may contain all the above, but one or the other (or both) will contain variable declarations representing the abstraction's state.
Consider the following ADM version of the package Integer_Stacks
, now
renamed to Integer_Stack
for reasons we will discuss shortly. In this
version we declare the state in the package body.
package Integer_Stack is
procedure Push (Item : in Integer);
procedure Pop (Item : out Integer);
function Empty return Boolean;
Capacity : constant := 100;
end Integer_Stack;
package body Integer_Stack is
Values : array (1 .. Capacity) of Integer;
Top : Integer range 0 .. Capacity := 0;
procedure Push (Item : in Integer) is
-- ...
Top := Top + 1;
Values (Top) := Item;
end Push;
procedure Pop (Item : out Integer) is ... end Pop;
function Empty return Boolean is (Top = 0);
end Integer_Stack;
Note how the procedure and function bodies directly access the local variables hidden in the package body.
For those readers familiar with programming languages that can declare entities to be "static," the effect is as if the two variables in the package body are static variables.
When using this idiom, there is only one stack (containing values of
some type, in this case type Integer). That's why we changed the name of
the package from Integer_Stacks
, i.e., from the plural form to
the singular. It may help to note that what is now the package name was
the name of the client's variable name when there was a Stack
type involved.
As with the ADT idiom, clients of an ADM can only manipulate the
encapsulated state via the visible operations. The difference is that
the state to be manipulated is no longer an object passed as an argument
to the operations. For illustration, consider the Push
The ADT version requires the client to pass the Stack
object intended to
contain the new value (i.e., the actual parameter for the formal named This
procedure Push (This : in out Stack; Item : in Integer);
In contrast, the ADM version has one less formal parameter, the value to be pushed:
procedure Push (Item : in Integer);
Here is a call to the ADM version of Push:
Integer_Stack.Push (42);
That call places the value 42 in the (hidden) array Integer_Stack.Values
within the package body. Compare that to the ADT approach, in which objects of
type Stack
are manipulated:
Answers : Stack;
-- ...
Push (Answers, 42);
That call places the value 42 in the (hidden) array Answers.Values
, i.e., within
the Answers
variable. Clients can declare as many Stack
as they require, each containing a distinct copy of the state defined by the
type. In the ADM version, there is only one stack and therefore only one instance
of the state variables. Hence the Stack
formal parameter is not required.
Rather than declare the abstraction state in the package body, we could just as easily declare it in the package's private section:
package Integer_Stack is
procedure Push (Item : in Integer);
procedure Pop (Item : out Integer);
function Empty return Boolean;
Capacity : constant := 100;
Values : array (1 .. Capacity) of Integer;
Top : Integer range 0 .. Capacity := 0;
end Integer_Stack;
Doing so doesn't change anything from the client code point of view; just as clients have no compile-time visibility to declarations in the package body, they have no compile-time visibility to the items in the package private part. This placement also doesn't change the fact that there is only one instance of the data. We've only changed where the data are declared. (We will ignore the effect of child packages here.)
Because the two variables are implementation artifacts we don't declare them in the package's visible part.
Note that the private section wasn't otherwise required when we chose to declare the data in the package body.
The ADM idiom applies information hiding to the internal state, like the ADT idiom, except that the state is not in an object declared by the client. Also, like the Groups of Related Program Units, the implementations of the visible subprograms are hidden in the package body, along with any non-visible entities required for their implementation.
There are no constructor functions returning a value of the abstraction
type because the abstraction is not represented as a type. However,
there could be one or more initialization procedures, operating directly
on the hidden state in the package private part or package body. In the
ADM there is no need for them because of the
abstraction-appropriate default initial value, as is true of the ADT
The considerations regarding selectors/accessors are the same for the ADM as for the ADT idiom, so they are not provided by default. Also like the ADT, so-called getters and setters are highly suspect and not provided by the idiom by default.
As mentioned, the ADM idiom can be applied to hardware abstractions. For example, consider a target that has a single on-board rotary switch for arbitrary use by system designers. The switch value is available to the software via an 8-bit integer located at a dedicated memory address, mapped like so:
Switch : Unsigned_8 with
Address => System.Storage_Elements.To_Address (16#FFC0_0801#);
Reading the value of the memory-mapped Switch
variable provides the
rotary switch's current value.
However, on this target the memory at that address is read-only, and rightly so because the only way to change the value is to physically rotate the switch. Writing to that address has no effect whatsoever. Although doing so is a logical error no indication is provided by the hardware, which is potentially confusing to developers. It certainly looks like a variable, after all. Declaring it as a constant wouldn't suffice because the user could rotate the switch during execution.
Furthermore, although mapped as a byte, the physical switch has only 16 total positions, read as the values zero through fifteen. An unsigned byte has no such constraints.
The compiler will enforce the read-only view and the accessor operation can handle the range constraint. The ADM is a reasonable choice because there is only one such physical switch; a type doesn't bring any advantages in this case. The following illustrates the approach:
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
package Rotary_Switch is
subtype Values is Unsigned_8 range 0 .. 15;
function State return Values;
end Rotary_Switch;
Clients can then call the function Rotary_Switch.State
to get the
switch's current value, as a constrained subtype. The body will handle all the
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
package body Rotary_Switch is
Switch : Unsigned_8 with Volatile, Address => To_Address (16#FFC0_0801#);
function State return Values is
if Switch in Values then
return Switch;
raise Program_Error;
end if;
end State;
end Rotary_Switch;
The range check in the function body might be considered over-engineering
because the switch is a physical device that cannot have more than 16 values,
but physical devices have a habit of springing surprises. Note that
attribute Valid would not be useful here
because there are no invalid bit patterns for an unsigned integer. If, on the
other hand, we were working with an enumeration type, for example, then
would be useful.
In terms of abstraction and information hiding, the ADM idiom provides the same advantages as the ADT idiom: clients have no visibility to representation details and must use the operations declared in the package to manipulate the state. The compiler enforces this abstract view. The ADM also has the ADT benefit of knowing where any bugs could possibly be located. If there is a bug in the behavior, it must be in the one package defining the abstraction itself. No other code would have the compile-time visibility necessary.
In addition, less source code text is required to express the abstraction.
The disadvantage of the ADM is the lack of flexibility.
An ADM defines only one abstraction instance. If more than one becomes necessary, the developer must copy-and-paste the entire package and then change the new package's unit name. This approach doesn't scale well.
Furthermore, the ADM cannot be used to compose other types, e.g., as the component type in an array or record type. The ADM cannot be used to define the formal parameter of a client-defined subprogram, cannot be dynamically allocated, and so on.
But if one can know with certainty that only one thing is ever going to be represented, as in the hardware rotary switch example, the ADM limitations are irrelevant.