Modular Programming


Goal: create a package to display the months of the year.


  1. Convert the Months procedure below to a package.

  2. Create the specification and body of the Months package.


  1. Months must contain the declaration of strings for each month of the year, which are stored in three-character constants based on the month's name.

    • For example, the string "January" is stored in the constant Jan. These strings are then used by the Display_Months procedure, which is also part of the Months package.


  1. The goal of this exercise is to create the Months package.

    1. In the code below, Months is declared as a procedure.

      • Therefore, we need to convert it into a real package.

    2. You have to modify the procedure declaration and implementation in the code below, so that it becomes a package specification and a package body.

-- Create specification for Months package, which includes -- the declaration of the Display_Months procedure. -- procedure Months;
-- Create body of Months package, which includes -- the implementation of the Display_Months procedure. -- procedure Months is procedure Display_Months is begin Put_Line ("Months:"); Put_Line ("- " & Jan); Put_Line ("- " & Feb); Put_Line ("- " & Mar); Put_Line ("- " & Apr); Put_Line ("- " & May); Put_Line ("- " & Jun); Put_Line ("- " & Jul); Put_Line ("- " & Aug); Put_Line ("- " & Sep); Put_Line ("- " & Oct); Put_Line ("- " & Nov); Put_Line ("- " & Dec); end Display_Months; begin null; end Months;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Months; use Months; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Months_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Months_Chk => Display_Months; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;
-- Create specification for Months package, which includes
-- the declaration of the Display_Months procedure.
procedure Months;


Goal: create a package to perform basic mathematical operations.


  1. Implement the Operations package.

    1. Declare and implement the Add function.

    2. Declare and implement the Subtract function.

    3. Declare and implement the Multiply: function.

    4. Declare and implement the Divide function.

  2. Implement the Operations.Test package

    1. Declare and implement the Display procedure.


  1. Package Operations contains functions for each of the four basic mathematical operations for parameters of Integer type:

    1. Function Add performs the addition of A and B and returns the result;

    2. Function Subtract performs the subtraction of A and B and returns the result;

    3. Function Multiply performs the multiplication of A and B and returns the result;

    4. Function Divide performs the division of A and B and returns the result.

  2. Package Operations.Test contains the test environment:

    1. Procedure Display must use the functions from the parent (Operations) package as indicated by the template in the code below.

package Operations is -- Create specification for Operations package, including the -- declaration of the functions mentioned above. -- end Operations;
package body Operations is -- Create body of Operations package. -- end Operations;
package Operations.Test is -- Create specification for Operations package, including the -- declaration of the Display procedure: -- -- procedure Display (A, B : Integer); -- end Operations.Test;
package body Operations.Test is -- Implement body of Operations.Test package. -- procedure Display (A, B : Integer) is A_Str : constant String := Integer'Image (A); B_Str : constant String := Integer'Image (B); begin Put_Line ("Operations:"); Put_Line (A_Str & " + " & B_Str & " = " & Integer'Image (Add (A, B)) & ","); -- Use the line above as a template and add the rest of the -- implementation for Subtract, Multiply and Divide. end Display; end Operations.Test;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Operations; with Operations.Test; use Operations.Test; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Operations_Chk, Operations_Display_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Operations_Chk => Put_Line ("Add (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Add (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Subtract (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Subtract (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Multiply (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Multiply (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Divide (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Divide (100, 2))); when Operations_Display_Chk => Display (10, 5); Display ( 1, 2); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;
package Operations is
-- Create specification for Operations package, including the
-- declaration of the functions mentioned above.
end Operations;