Ada is a general purpose, high-level programming language designed to support the construction of long-lived, highly-reliable applications. Like all general-purpose languages, only a subset of the full language is appropriate for safety-critical applications because the full language includes facilities that are difficult to analyze and verify to the degree required. This document facilitates identification of subsets appropriate for the highest levels of integrity, including safety-critical applications.
SPARK is a statically verifiable subset of Ada designed specifically for the most critical applications. Ada constructs not amenable to verification are precluded, such as arbitrary use of access types and full tasking. SPARK is also a superset of Ada, with additional contracts for specifying and verifying programs. Many of the guidelines (and more) are implicit in the design of SPARK.
Therefore, this document defines guidelines for the development of high-integrity, safety-critical applications in either the Ada or SPARK programming languages, or both (because the two can be mixed).
This document provides guidelines for development decisions, both at the system level and at the unit level, regarding the use of the programming languages Ada and SPARK, as well as related tools, such as static analyzers and unit test generators. It is not concerned with presentation issues such as naming, use of whitespace, or the like.
Rather than defining a specific set of rules defining a single subset, this document defines a set of criteria, in the form of guidelines, used by system architects to identify project-specific subsets appropriate to a given project.
The guidelines are separated into related categories, such as storage management, object-oriented programming, concurrency management, and so on. Each guideline is in a separate table, specifying the rule name, a unique identifier, and additional attributes common to each table.
Detection and enforcement mechanisms are indicated for each guideline. These
mechanisms typically consist of the application of a language standard pragma
named Restrictions
, with policy-specific restriction identifiers given as
parameters to the pragma [AdaRM2016]. Violations of the given restrictions are
then detected and enforced by the Ada compiler.
Alternatively, the AdaCore GNATcheck utility program has rules precisely
corresponding to those restriction identifiers, with the same degree of
detection and enforcement. For example, the language restriction identifier
corresponds to the GNATcheck
+RRestrictions:No_Unchecked_Deallocation rule.
The advantage of GNATcheck over the compiler is that all generated messages will be collected in the GNATcheck report that can be used as evidence of the level of adherence to the coding standard. In addition, GNATcheck provides a mechanism to deal with accepted exemptions.
In some cases the enforcement mechanism is the SPARK language and analyzer. Many of the guidelines (and more) are implicit in the design of SPARK and are, therefore, automatically enforced.
In some (very) rare cases the enforcement mechanism is manual program inspection, although alternatives (e.g., SPARK) are usually available and recommended. These guidelines are included because they are considered invaluable in this domain.
About the Rules
Although we refer to them as rules in the tables for the sake of brevity, these entries should be considered guidance because they require both thought and consideration of project-specific characteristics. For example, in some cases the guidance is to make a selection from among a set of distinct enumerated policies. In other cases a single guideline should be followed but not without some exceptional situations allowing it to be violated. The project lead should consider which guidelines to apply and how best to apply each guideline selected.
Mapping to Other Standards
Many of these rules can also be considered good programming practices. As such, many of them can be directly correlated to the ISO/IEC Guidance to Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Programming Languages [TR24772]. When a rule addresses one of these vulnerabilities, it is listed in the appropriate subsection.
In addition, MITRE's list of Common Weakness Enumerations [MITRE_CWE] contains many software issues that can be addressed by rules within this standard. Where appropriate, each rule lists the CWE(s) that can be addressed. Note that software CWEs tend to be generalized across all languages, so that many of the weaknesses may be prevented by the language itself. For this reason, the CWEs identified within this document specifically address vulnerabilities that would not be addressed by the Ada language itself (i.e., using the language is not sufficient to prevent the vulnerability).