Classification of Errors
When we talk about errors and erroneous behavior in Ada, we can classify them in one of the four categories:
compilation errors — i.e. errors that an Ada compiler must detect at compilation time;
runtime errors — i.e. errors that are detected by an Ada-based application using checks at runtime;
bounded errors;
erroneous execution.
In this section, we discuss each of these categories.
In the Ada Reference Manual
Compilation errors
In the category of compilation errors, the goal is to prevent compilers from accepting illegal programs. Here, any program that doesn't follow the rules described in the Ada Reference Manual is considered illegal. Those rules include not only simple syntax errors, but also more complicated semantic rules, such as the ones concerning accessibility levels for access types.
Note that Ada — in contrast to many programming languages, which can be quite permissive — tries to prevent as many errors as possible at compilation time because of its focus on safety. However, even though a wide range of errors can be detected at compilation time, this doesn't mean that a legal Ada program is free of errors. Therefore, using methods such as static analysis or unit testing is important.
Runtime errors
When a rule cannot be verified at compilation time, a common strategy is to have the compiler insert runtime checks into the resulting application. We see details about these checks later on when we discuss checks and exceptions.
A typical example is an overflow check. Consider a calculation using variables: if this calculation leads to a result that isn't representable with the underlying data types, we cannot possibly store a value into a register or memory that can be considered correct — so we have to detect this situation. Unfortunately, because we're using variables, we obviously cannot verify the result of the calculation at compilation time, so we have to verify it at runtime.
As we've mentioned before, Ada strives for detecting as many erroneous conditions as possible, while other programming language would allow errors such as overflow errors to remain undetected — which would likely lead the application to misbehave. Those checks raise an exception if an erroneous condition is detected, so the programmer has the means — and the responsibility — to catch that exception and handle the situation properly (Note, however, that some of the runtime checks can be deactivated. We will discuss this topic later on.)
Bounded errors
For certain kinds of errors, the compiler might not be able to detect the error
— neither at compilation time, nor with checks at runtime. Such errors
are called bounded errors because their possible effects are bounded.
In fact, the
Ada Reference Manual describes each bounded error and its possible effects
— one of those effects is raising the Program_Error
Just as an example, consider the bounded error described in section 13.9.1 Data Validity, paragraphs 9:
If the representation of a scalar object does not represent a value of the object's subtype (perhaps because the object was not initialized), the object is said to have an invalid representation. It is a bounded error to evaluate the value of such an object. If the error is detected, either
is raised. Otherwise, execution continues using the invalid representation. The rules of the language outside this subclause assume that all objects have valid representations.
Let's see a code example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Bounded_Error is subtype Int_1_10 is Integer range 1 .. 10; I1 : Int_1_10; I1_Overlay : Integer with Address => I1'Address, Import, Volatile; begin I1_Overlay := 0; -- ^^^^^^^^^^^ -- We use this overlay to write an invalid -- value to I1. Put_Line ("I1 = " & I1'Image); -- ^^^^^^^^ -- Bounded error: value in -- I1 is out of range. I1 := I1 + 1; -- ^^ -- Bounded error: using value -- in operation that is out of -- range. Put_Line ("I1 = " & I1'Image); end Show_Bounded_Error;---- run info:
In this example, we simulate a missing initialization by using an overlay
). As a consequence, I1
has an invalid value that is
out of the allowed range of the Int_1_10
subtype. This situation causes
two bounded errors:
a bounded error when
is evaluated in the call toImage
; anda bounded error when the value of the right-sided
is evaluated — in the incrementI1 := I1 + 1
In the Ada Reference Manual
Erroneous execution
Erroneous execution is similar to bounded errors in the sense that having the compiler detect the erroneous condition at compilation time or at runtime isn't possible. However, unlike bounded errors, the effects are usually nondeterministic: a bound on possible effects is not described by the language.
Again, as an example of erroneous execution, consider the description from
section 13.9.1 Data Validity, paragraph 12/3, which discusses
the implications of using the Unchecked_Conversion
function. Let's see a
code example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; procedure Show_Erroneous_Execution is subtype Int_1_10 is Integer range 1 .. 10; function To_Int_1_10 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Integer, Target => Int_1_10); I1 : Int_1_10 := To_Int_1_10 (0); -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- Bounded error begin Put_Line ("I1 = " & I1'Image); I1 := I1 + 1; -- ^^^^^^ -- Erroneous execution: using value -- in operation that is out of range. Put_Line ("I1 = " & I1'Image); end Show_Erroneous_Execution;---- build info:---- run info:
It is considered to be a bounded error to use the To_Int_1_10
(based on Unchecked_Conversion
) with a value that is invalid for the
target data type. However, if we use the invalid value of I1
in an
operation such as the I1 := I1 + 1
assignment, this leads to erroneous
execution, and the effects are unpredictable: they aren't described in the Ada
Reference Manual, as they are nondeterministic.
In the Ada Reference Manual
When we want to indicate a condition in the code that must always be valid, we
can use the pragma Assert
. As the name implies, when we use this pragma,
we're asserting some truth about the source-code. (We can also use the
procedural form, as we'll see later.)
Another method to assert the truth about the source-code is to use pre and post-conditions.
A simple assert has this form:
procedure Show_Pragma_Assert is I : constant Integer := 10; pragma Assert (I = 10); begin null; end Show_Pragma_Assert;
In this example, we're asserting that the value of I
is always 10. We
could also display a message if the assertion is false:
procedure Show_Pragma_Assert is I : constant Integer := 11; pragma Assert (I = 10, "I is not 10"); begin null; end Show_Pragma_Assert;
Similarly, we can use the procedural form of Assert
. For example, the
code above can implemented as follows:
with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions; procedure Show_Procedure_Assert is I : constant Integer := 11; begin Assert (I = 10, "I is not 10"); end Show_Procedure_Assert;
Note that a call to Assert
is simply translated to a check — and
the Assertion_Error
exception from the Ada.Assertions
being raised in the case that the check fails. For example, the code above
roughly corresponds to this:
with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions; procedure Show_Assertion_Error is I : constant Integer := 11; begin if I /= 10 then raise Assertion_Error with "I is not 10"; end if; end Show_Assertion_Error;
In the Ada Reference Manual
Assertion policies
We can activate and deactivate assertions based on assertion policies. We can do
that by using the pragma Assertion_Policy
. As an argument to this pragma,
we indicate whether a specific policy must be checked or ignored.
For example, we can deactivate assertion checks by specifying
Assert => Ignore
. Similarly, we can activate assertion checks by
specifying Assert => Check
. Let's see a code example:
procedure Show_Pragma_Assertion_Policy is I : constant Integer := 11; pragma Assertion_Policy (Assert => Ignore); begin pragma Assert (I = 10); end Show_Pragma_Assertion_Policy;
Here, we're specifying that asserts shall be ignored. Therefore, the call to the
pragma Assert
doesn't raise an exception. If we replace Ignore
with Check
in the call to Assertion_Policy
, the assert will raise
the Assertion_Error
The following table presents all policies that we can set:
Policy |
Descripton |
Check assertions |
Check static predicates |
Check dynamic predicates |
Check pre-conditions |
Check pre-condition of classes of tagged types |
Check post-conditions |
Check post-condition of classes of tagged types |
Check type invariants |
Check type invariant of classes of tagged types |
In the GNAT toolchain
Compilers are free to include policies that go beyond the ones listed above. For example, GNAT includes the following policies — called assertion kinds in this context:
Also, in addtion to Check
and Ignore
, GNAT allows you to set
a policy to Disable
and Suppressible
You can read more about them in the GNAT Reference Manual.
You can specify multiple policies in a single call to Assertion_Policy
For example, you can activate all policies by writing:
procedure Show_Multiple_Assertion_Policies is pragma Assertion_Policy (Assert => Check, Static_Predicate => Check, Dynamic_Predicate => Check, Pre => Check, Pre'Class => Check, Post => Check, Post'Class => Check, Type_Invariant => Check, Type_Invariant'Class => Check); begin null; end Show_Multiple_Assertion_Policies;
In the GNAT toolchain
With GNAT, policies can be specified in multiple ways. In addition to calls
to Assertion_Policy
, you can use
configuration pragmas files.
You can use these files to specify all pragmas that are relevant to your
application, including Assertion_Policy
. In addition, you can manage
the granularity for those pragmas. For example, you can use a global
configuration pragmas file for your complete application, or even different
files for each source-code file you have.
Also, by default, all policies listed in the table above are deactivated,
i.e. they're all set to Ignore
. You can use the command-line switch
to activate them.
Note that the Assert
procedure raises an exception independently of the
assertion policy (Assertion_Policy (Assert => Ignore)
). For example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions; procedure Show_Assert_Procedure_Policy is pragma Assertion_Policy (Assert => Ignore); I : constant Integer := 1; begin Put_Line ("------ Pragma Assert -----"); pragma Assert (I = 0); Put_Line ("---- Procedure Assert ----"); Assert (I = 0); Put_Line ("Finished."); end Show_Assert_Procedure_Policy;
Here, the pragma Assert
is ignored due to the assertion policy. However,
the call to Assert
is not ignored.
In the Ada Reference Manual
Checks and exceptions
This table shows all language-defined checks and the associated exceptions:
Check |
Exception |
In addition, we can use All_Checks
to refer to all those checks above at
Let's discuss each check and see code examples where those checks are performed. Note that all examples are erroneous, so please avoid reusing them elsewhere.
Access Check
As you know, an object of an access type might be null. It would be an error to dereference this object, as it doesn't indicate a valid position in memory. Therefore, the access check verifies that an access object is not null when dereferencing it. For example:
procedure Show_Access_Check is type Integer_Access is access Integer; AI : Integer_Access; begin AI.all := 10; end Show_Access_Check;
Here, the value of AI
is null by default, so we cannot dereference it.
The access check also performs this verification when assigning to a subtype
that excludes null (not null access
). (You can find more information
about this topic in the section about
not null access.) For example:
procedure Show_Access_Check is type Integer_Access is access all Integer; type Safe_Integer_Access is not null access all Integer; AI : Integer_Access; SAI : Safe_Integer_Access := new Integer; begin SAI := Safe_Integer_Access (AI); end Show_Access_Check;
Here, the value of AI
is null (by default), so we cannot assign it to
because its type excludes null.
Note that, if we remove the := new Integer
assignment from the
declaration of SAI
, the null exclusion fails in the declaration
itself (because the default value of the access type is null
Discriminant Check
As we've seen earlier, a variant record is a record with discriminants that allows for changing its structure. In operations such as an assignment, it's important to ensure that the discriminants of the objects match — i.e. to ensure that the structure of the objects matches. The discriminant check verifies whether this is the case. For example:
procedure Show_Discriminant_Check is type Rec (Valid : Boolean) is record case Valid is when True => Counter : Integer; when False => null; end case; end record; R : Rec (Valid => False); begin R := (Valid => True, Counter => 10); end Show_Discriminant_Check;
Here, R
's discriminant (Valid
) is False
, so we cannot
assign an object whose Valid
discriminant is True
Also, when accessing a component, the discriminant check ensures that this component exists for the current discriminant value:
procedure Show_Discriminant_Check is type Rec (Valid : Boolean) is record case Valid is when True => Counter : Integer; when False => null; end case; end record; R : Rec (Valid => False); I : Integer; begin I := R.Counter; end Show_Discriminant_Check;
Here, R
's discriminant (Valid
) is False
, so we cannot
access the Counter
component, for it only exists when the Valid
discriminant is True
Division Check
The division check verifies that we're not trying to divide a value by zero
when using the /
, rem
and mod
operators. For example:
package Ops is function Div_Op (A, B : Integer) return Integer is (A / B); function Rem_Op (A, B : Integer) return Integer is (A rem B); function Mod_Op (A, B : Integer) return Integer is (A mod B); end Ops;with Ops; use Ops; procedure Show_Division_Check is I : Integer; begin I := Div_Op (10, 0); I := Rem_Op (10, 0); I := Mod_Op (10, 0); end Show_Division_Check;
All three calls in the Show_Division_Check
procedure — to
the Div_Op
, Rem_Op
and Mod_Op
functions — can raise
an exception because we're using 0 as the second argument, which makes the
division check in those functions fail.
Index Check
We use indices to access components of an array. An index check verifies that the index we're using to access a specific component is within the array's bounds. For example:
procedure Show_Index_Check is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; function Value_Of (A : Integer_Array; I : Integer) return Integer is type Half_Integer_Array is new Integer_Array (A'First .. A'First + A'Length / 2); A_2 : Half_Integer_Array := (others => 0); begin return A_2 (I); end Value_Of; Arr_1 : Integer_Array (1 .. 10) := (others => 1); begin Arr_1 (10) := Value_Of (Arr_1, 10); end Show_Index_Check;
The range of A_2
— which is passed as an argument to the
function — is 1 to 6. However, in that function call,
we're trying to access position 10, which is outside A_2
's bounds.
Length Check
In array assignments, both arrays must have the same length. To ensure that this is the case, a length check is performed. For example:
procedure Show_Length_Check is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; procedure Assign (To : out Integer_Array; From : Integer_Array) is begin To := From; end Assign; Arr_1 : Integer_Array (1 .. 10); Arr_2 : Integer_Array (1 .. 9) := (others => 1); begin Assign (Arr_1, Arr_2); end Show_Length_Check;
Here, the length of Arr_1
is 10, while the length of Arr_2
is 9,
so we cannot assign Arr_2
parameter) to Arr_1
parameter) in the Assign
Overflow Check
Operations on scalar objects might lead to overflow, which, if not checked, lead to wrong information being computed and stored. Therefore, an overflow check verifies that the value of a scalar object is within the base range of its type. For example:
procedure Show_Overflow_Check is A, B : Integer; begin A := Integer'Last; B := 1; A := A + B; end Show_Overflow_Check;
In this example, A
already has the last possible value of the
range, so increasing it by one causes an overflow error.
Range Check
The range check verifies that a scalar value is within a specific range — for instance, the range of a subtype. Let's see an example:
procedure Show_Range_Check is subtype Int_1_10 is Integer range 1 .. 10; I : Int_1_10; begin I := 11; end Show_Range_Check;
In this example, we're trying to assign 11 to the variable I
of the
subtype, which has a range from 1 to 10. Since 11 is outside
that range, the range check fails.
Tag Check
The tag check ensures that the tag of a tagged object matches the expected tag in a dispatching operation. For example:
package P is type T is tagged null record; type T1 is new T with null record; type T2 is new T with null record; end P;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Tags; with P; use P; procedure Show_Tag_Check is A1 : T'Class := T1'(null record); A2 : T'Class := T2'(null record); begin Put_Line ("A1'Tag: " & Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (A1'Tag)); Put_Line ("A2'Tag: " & Ada.Tags.Expanded_Name (A2'Tag)); A2 := A1; end Show_Tag_Check;
Here, A1
and A2
have different tags:
A1'Tag = T1'Tag
, whileA2'Tag = T2'Tag
Since the tags don't match, the tag check fails in the assignment of A1
to A2
Accessibility Check
The accessibility check verifies that the accessibility level of an entity matches the expected level. We discuss accessibility levels in a later chapter.
Let's look at an example that mixes access types and anonymous access types.
Here, we use an anonymous access type in the declaration of A1
and a
named access type in the declaration of A2
package P is type T is tagged null record; type T_Class is access all T'Class; end P;with P; use P; procedure Show_Accessibility_Check is A1 : access T'Class := new T; A2 : T_Class; begin A2 := T_Class (A1); end Show_Accessibility_Check;
The anonymous type (access T'Class
), which is used in the declaration of
, doesn't have the same accessibility level as the T_Class
type. Therefore, the accessibility check fails during the T_Class (A1)
We can see the accessibility check failing in this example as well:
with P; use P; procedure Show_Accessibility_Check is A : access T'Class := new T; procedure P (A : T_Class) is null; begin P (T_Class (A)); end Show_Accessibility_Check;
Again, the check fails in the T_Class (A)
conversion and raises a
Allocation Check
The allocation check ensures, when a task is about to be created, that its master has not been completed. Also, it ensures that the finalization has not started.
This is an example adapted from AI-00280:
with Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; package P is type T1 is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record; procedure Finalize (X : in out T1); type T2 is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record; procedure Finalize (X : in out T2); X1 : T1; type T2_Ref is access T2; procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (T2, T2_Ref); end P;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body P is procedure Finalize (X : in out T1) is X2 : T2_Ref := new T2; begin Put_Line ("Finalizing T1..."); Free (X2); end Finalize; procedure Finalize (X : in out T2) is begin Put_Line ("Finalizing T2..."); end Finalize; end P;with P; use P; procedure Show_Allocation_Check is X2 : T2_Ref := new T2; begin Free (X2); end Show_Allocation_Check;
Here, in the finalization of the X1
object of T1
type, we're
trying to create an object of T2
type while the finalization of the
master has already started. (Note that X1
was declared in the P
package.) This is forbidden, so the allocation check raises a
Elaboration Check
The elaboration check verifies that subprograms — or protected entries, or task activations — have been elaborated before being called.
This is an example adapted from AI-00064:
function P return Integer;function P return Integer is begin return 1; end P;with P; procedure Show_Elaboration_Check is function F return Integer; type Pointer_To_Func is access function return Integer; X : constant Pointer_To_Func := P'Access; Y : constant Integer := F; Z : constant Pointer_To_Func := X; -- Renaming-as-body function F return Integer renames Z.all; begin null; end Show_Elaboration_Check;
This is a curious example: first, we declare a function F
and assign the
value returned by this function to constant Y
in its declaration. Then,
we declare F
as a renamed function, thereby providing a body to F
— this is called renaming-as-body. Consequently, the compiler doesn't
complain that a body is missing for function F
. (If you comment out the
function renaming, you'll see that the compiler can then detect the missing
body.) Therefore, at runtime, the elaboration check fails because the body of
the first declaration of the F
function is actually missing.
This concept was introduced in Ada 2022.
As we've seen before, there are three checks that may raise a
exception: the Accessibility_Check
, the
and the Elaboration_Check
. In addition to that,
we have the Program_Error_Check
, which is actually a collection of
various different checks that may raise a Program_Error
, but don't have
a category for themselves.
For completeness, these are the error conditions checked by the
(listed in the
Action Item (AI) 12-0309 document),
according to their definition in the Ada Reference Manual:
Ada Reference Manual |
Paragraph |
Description |
(29.1/4) |
It checks that subtypes with predicates are not used to index an array in generic units. |
(8.1/5) |
It checks that the maximum number of chunks for statement-level parallelism is greater than zero. |
(13.4/4) |
It checks that the default value of an out
parameter is convertible: an error occurs when
we have an out parameter with
(23.3/2) |
It checks that there is no misuse of functions in a generic with a class-wide actual type. |
(75.1/3) |
It checks that there are no colliding
(22/2) |
It checks that there is no misuse of
operations of |
In the Ada Reference Manual
Example of a Program_Error_Check
Just as an example, let's look at the check for subtype predicates in generic units:
generic type R is (<>); package Some_Generic_Package is procedure Process; end Some_Generic_Package;package body Some_Generic_Package is procedure Process is type Arr is array (R) of Integer; Dummy : Arr := (others => 0); begin null; end Process; end Some_Generic_Package;with Some_Generic_Package; procedure Show_Subtype_Predicate_Programm_Error is type Custom_Range is range 1 .. 5 with Dynamic_Predicate => 4 not in Custom_Range; package P is new Some_Generic_Package (Custom_Range); use P; begin Process; end Show_Subtype_Predicate_Programm_Error;
Here, we're using the Custom_Range
type for the formal type R
in the instantiation of the generic package Some_Generic_Package
. Since
we use R
as an index for the array type Arr
(in the procedure
), we cannot map a type to R
that uses a predicate.
Therefore, because Custom_Range
type has a dynamic predicate, the
exception is raised.
Storage Check
The storage check ensures that the storage pool has enough space when allocating memory. Let's revisit an example that we discussed earlier:
package Custom_Types is type UInt_7 is range 0 .. 127; type UInt_7_Reserved_Access is access UInt_7 with Storage_Size => 8; end Custom_Types;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Custom_Types; use Custom_Types; procedure Show_Storage_Check is RAV1, RAV2 : UInt_7_Reserved_Access; begin Put_Line ("Allocating RAV1..."); RAV1 := new UInt_7; Put_Line ("Allocating RAV2..."); RAV2 := new UInt_7; New_Line; end Show_Storage_Check;
On each allocation (new UInt_7
), a storage check is performed. Because
there isn't enough reserved storage space before the second allocation, the
checks fails and raises a Storage_Error
The Tasking_Check
ensures that all tasks have been activated
successfully and that no terminated task is called. If the check fails, a
exception is raised.
This concept was introduced in Ada 2022. It was created to group all checks
that might raise the Tasking_Error
Let's look at a simple example:
package Workers is task type Worker is entry Start; end Worker; end Workers;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Workers is task body Worker is begin Put_Line ("Task has started."); delay 1.0; Put_Line ("Task has finished."); end Worker; end Workers;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Workers; use Workers; procedure Show_Tasking_Check_Error is W : Worker; begin Put_Line ("W.Start..."); W.Start; Put_Line ("Finished"); end Show_Tasking_Check_Error;
In this example, the body of Worker
doesn't have an accept
Therefore, no rendezvous can happen for the W.Start
call. Since the
task eventually terminates (as you can see in the user messages), the call
to Start
constitutes a call to a terminated task. This condition is
checked by the Tasking_Check
, which fails in this case, thereby
raising a Tasking_Error
Parts of this section were originally published as Gem #142 : Exception-ally
The standard Ada run-time library provides the package Ada.Exceptions
This package provides a number of services to help analyze exceptions.
Each exception is associated with a (short) message that can be set by the code that raises the exception, as in the following code:
raise Constraint_Error with "some message";
Since Ada 2005, we can use the
raise Constraint_Error with "some message"
In Ada 95, you had to call the Raise_Exception
Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception -- Ada 95
(Constraint_Error'Identity, "some message");
In Ada 83, there was no way to do it at all.
The new syntax is now very convenient, and developers should be encouraged to provide as much information as possible along with the exception.
In the GNAT toolchain
The length of the message is limited to 200 characters by default in GNAT, and messages longer than that will be truncated.
In the Ada Reference Manual
Retrieving exception information
Exceptions also embed information set by the run-time itself that can be
retrieved by calling the Exception_Information
function. The function
also displays the Exception_Message
For example:
when E : others =>
(Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
In the GNAT toolchain
In the case of GNAT, the information provided by an exception might include the source location where the exception was raised and a nonsymbolic traceback.
You can also retrieve this information individually. Here, you can use:
functions — and its derivativesWide_Exception_Name
— to retrieve the name of an exception.the
function to retrieve the message associated with an exception.
Let's see a complete example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Show_Exception_Info is Custom_Exception : exception; procedure Nested is begin raise Custom_Exception with "We got a problem"; end Nested; begin Nested; exception when E : others => Put_Line ("Exception info: " & Exception_Information (E)); Put_Line ("Exception name: " & Exception_Name (E)); Put_Line ("Exception msg: " & Exception_Message (E)); end Show_Exception_Info;
Collecting exceptions
You can save an exception occurrence using the Save_Occurrence
(Note that a Save_Occurrence
function exists as well.)
For example, the following application collects exceptions into a list and
displays them after running the Test_Exceptions
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; package Exception_Tests is Custom_Exception : exception; type All_Exception_Occur is array (Positive range <>) of Exception_Occurrence; procedure Test_Exceptions (All_Occur : in out All_Exception_Occur; Last_Occur : out Integer); end Exception_Tests;package body Exception_Tests is procedure Save_To_List (E : Exception_Occurrence; All_Occur : in out All_Exception_Occur; Last_Occur : in out Integer) is L : Integer renames Last_Occur; O : All_Exception_Occur renames All_Occur; begin L := L + 1; if L > O'Last then raise Constraint_Error with "Cannot save occurrence"; end if; Save_Occurrence (Target => O (L), Source => E); end Save_To_List; procedure Test_Exceptions (All_Occur : in out All_Exception_Occur; Last_Occur : out Integer) is procedure Nested_1 is begin raise Custom_Exception with "We got a problem"; exception when E : others => Save_To_List (E, All_Occur, Last_Occur); end Nested_1; procedure Nested_2 is begin raise Constraint_Error with "Constraint is not correct"; exception when E : others => Save_To_List (E, All_Occur, Last_Occur); end Nested_2; begin Last_Occur := 0; Nested_1; Nested_2; end Test_Exceptions; end Exception_Tests;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Exception_Tests; use Exception_Tests; procedure Show_Exception_Info is L : Integer; O : All_Exception_Occur (1 .. 10); begin Test_Exceptions (O, L); for I in O 'First .. L loop Put_Line (Exception_Information (O (I))); end loop; end Show_Exception_Info;
In the Save_To_List
procedure of the Exception_Tests
package, we
call the Save_Occurrence
procedure to store the exception occurrence to
the All_Occur
array. In the Show_Exception_Info
, we display all
the exception occurrences that we collected.
and Write
Similarly, we can use files to read and write exception occurrences. To do that,
we can simply use the Read
and Write
with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Exception_Occurrence_Stream is Custom_Exception : exception; S : Stream_Access; procedure Nested_1 is begin raise Custom_Exception with "We got a problem"; exception when E : others => Exception_Occurrence'Write (S, E); end Nested_1; procedure Nested_2 is begin raise Constraint_Error with "Constraint is not correct"; exception when E : others => Exception_Occurrence'Write (S, E); end Nested_2; F : File_Type; File_Name : constant String := "exceptions_file.bin"; begin Create (F, Out_File, File_Name); S := Stream (F); Nested_1; Nested_2; Close (F); Read_Exceptions : declare E : Exception_Occurrence; begin Open (F, In_File, File_Name); S := Stream (F); while not End_Of_File (F) loop Exception_Occurrence'Read (S, E); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Exception_Information (E)); end loop; Close (F); end Read_Exceptions; end Exception_Occurrence_Stream;---- run info:
In this example, we store the exceptions raised in the application in the
exceptions_file.bin file. In the exception part of procedures Nested_1
and Nested_2
, we call Exception_Occurrence'Write
to store an
exception occurence in the file. In the Read_Exceptions
block, we read
the exceptions from the the file by calling Exception_Occurrence'Read
Debugging exceptions in the GNAT toolchain
Here is a typical exception handler that catches all unexpected exceptions in the application:
with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is procedure Nested is begin raise Constraint_Error with "some message"; end Nested; begin Nested; exception when E : others => Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); end Main;
The output we get when running the application is not very informative. To get
more information, we need to rerun the program in the debugger. To make the
session more interesting though, we should add debug information in the
executable, which means using the -g
switch in the
gnatmake command.
The session would look like the following (omitting some of the output from the debugger):
> rm *.o # Cleanup previous compilation
> gnatmake -g main.adb
> gdb ./main
(gdb) catch exception
(gdb) run
Catchpoint 1, CONSTRAINT_ERROR at 0x0000000000402860 in main.nested () at main.adb:8
8 raise Constraint_Error with "some message";
(gdb) bt
#0 <__gnat_debug_raise_exception> (e=0x62ec40 <constraint_error>) at s-excdeb.adb:43
#1 0x000000000040426f in ada.exceptions.complete_occurrence (x=x@entry=0x637050)
at a-except.adb:934
#2 0x000000000040427b in ada.exceptions.complete_and_propagate_occurrence (
x=x@entry=0x637050) at a-except.adb:943
#3 0x00000000004042d0 in <__gnat_raise_exception> (e=0x62ec40 <constraint_error>,
message=...) at a-except.adb:982
#4 0x0000000000402860 in main.nested ()
#5 0x000000000040287c in main ()
And we now know exactly where the exception was raised. But in fact, we could
have this information directly when running the application. For this, we need
to bind the application with the switch -E
, which tells the
binder to store exception tracebacks in exception occurrences. Let's recompile
and rerun the application.
> rm *.o # Cleanup previous compilation
> gnatmake -g main.adb -bargs -E
> ./main
Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR
Message: some message
Call stack traceback locations:
0x10b7e24d1 0x10b7e24ee 0x10b7e2472
The traceback, as is, is not very useful. We now need to use another tool that is bundled with GNAT, called addr2line. Here is an example of its use:
> addr2line -e main --functions --demangle 0x10b7e24d1 0x10b7e24ee 0x10b7e2472
This time we do have a symbolic backtrace, which shows information similar to what we got in the debugger.
For users on OSX machines, addr2line does not exist. On these machines, however, an equivalent solution exists. You need to link your application with an additional switch, and then use the tool atos, as in:
> rm *.o
> gnatmake -g main.adb -bargs -E -largs -Wl,-no_pie
> ./main
Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR
Message: some message
Call stack traceback locations:
0x1000014d1 0x1000014ee 0x100001472
> atos -o main 0x1000014d1 0x1000014ee 0x100001472
main__nested.2550 (in main) (main.adb:8)
_ada_main (in main) (main.adb:12)
main (in main) + 90
We will now discuss a relatively new switch of the compiler, namely
. When used, this switch will generate extra
information in exception messages.
Let's amend our test program to:
with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is procedure Nested (Index : Integer) is type T_Array is array (1 .. 2) of Integer; T : constant T_Array := (10, 20); begin Put_Line (T (Index)'Img); end Nested; begin Nested (3); exception when E : others => Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); end Main;
When running the application, we see that the exception information (traceback)
is the same as before, but this time the exception message is set automatically
by the compiler. So we know we got a Constraint_Error
because an
incorrect index was used at the named source location
, line 10). But the significant addition is the second
line of the message, which indicates exactly the cause of the error. Here, we
wanted to get the element at index 3, in an array whose range of valid indexes
is from 1 to 2. (No need for a debugger in this case.)
The column information on the first line of the exception message is also very useful when dealing with null pointers. For instance, a line such as:
A := Rec1.Rec2.Rec3.Rec4.all;
where each of the Rec
is itself a pointer, might raise
with a message "access check failed". This indicates for
sure that one of the pointers is null, and by using the column information it is
generally easy to find out which one it is.
Exception renaming
We can rename exceptions by using the an exception renaming declaration in this
form Renamed_Exception : exception renames Existing_Exception;
. For
procedure Show_Exception_Renaming is CE : exception renames Constraint_Error; begin raise CE; end Show_Exception_Renaming;
Exception renaming creates a new view of the original exception. If we rename an
exception from package A
in package B
, that exception will become
visible in package B
. For example:
package Internal_Exceptions is Int_E : exception; end Internal_Exceptions;with Internal_Exceptions; package Test_Constraints is Ext_E : exception renames Internal_Exceptions.Int_E; end Test_Constraints;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Test_Constraints; use Test_Constraints; procedure Show_Exception_Renaming_View is begin raise Ext_E; exception when E : others => Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E)); end Show_Exception_Renaming_View;
Here, we're renaming the Int_E
exception in the Test_Constraints
package. The Int_E
exception isn't directly visible in the
procedure because we're not with
ing the
package. However, it is indirectly visible
in that procedure via the renaming (Ext_E
) in the Test_Constraints
In the Ada Reference Manual
Out and Uninitialized
This section was originally written by Robert Dewar and published as Gem #150: Out and Uninitialized
Perhaps surprisingly, the Ada standard indicates cases where objects passed to
and in out
parameters might not be updated when a procedure
terminates due to an exception. Let's take an example:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Out_Uninitialized is procedure Local (A : in out Integer; Error : Boolean) is begin A := 1; if Error then raise Program_Error; end if; end Local; B : Integer := 0; begin Local (B, Error => True); exception when Program_Error => Put_Line ("Value for B is" & Integer'Image (B)); -- "0" end Show_Out_Uninitialized;
This program outputs a value of 0 for B
, whereas the code indicates that
is assigned before raising the exception, and so the reader might
expect B
to also be updated.
The catch, though, is that a compiler must by default pass objects of
elementary types (scalars and access types) by copy and might choose to do so
for other types (records, for example), including when passing out
in out
parameters. So what happens is that while the formal parameter
is properly initialized, the exception is raised before the new value
of A
has been copied back into B
(the copy will only happen on a
normal return).
In the GNAT toolchain
In general, any code that reads the actual object passed to an out
in out
parameter after an exception is suspect and should be avoided.
GNAT has useful warnings here, so that if we simplify the above code to:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Out_Uninitialized_Warnings is procedure Local (A : in out Integer) is begin A := 1; raise Program_Error; end Local; B : Integer := 0; begin Local (B); exception when others => Put_Line ("Value for B is" & Integer'Image (B)); end Show_Out_Uninitialized_Warnings;
We now get a compilation warning that the pass-by-copy formal may have no effect.
Of course, GNAT is not able to point out all such errors (see first example above), which in general would require full flow analysis.
The behavior is different when using parameter types that the standard mandates be passed by reference, such as tagged types for instance. So the following code will work as expected, updating the actual parameter despite the exception:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Out_Initialized_Rec is type Rec is tagged record Field : Integer; end record; procedure Local (A : in out Rec) is begin A.Field := 1; raise Program_Error; end Local; V : Rec; begin V.Field := 0; Local (V); exception when others => Put_Line ("Value of Field is" & V.Field'Img); -- "1" end Show_Out_Initialized_Rec;
In the GNAT toolchain
It's worth mentioning that GNAT provides a pragma called
that forces reference semantics on out
parameters. Use of this pragma would ensure updates of the actual parameter
prior to abnormal completion of the procedure. However, this pragma only
applies to library-level procedures, so the examples above have to be
rewritten to avoid the use of a nested procedure, and really this pragma is
intended mainly for use in interfacing with foreign code. The code below
shows an example that ensures that B
is set to 1 after the call to
package Exported_Procedures is procedure Local (A : in out Integer; Error : Boolean); pragma Export_Procedure (Local, Mechanism => (A => Reference)); end Exported_Procedures;package body Exported_Procedures is procedure Local (A : in out Integer; Error : Boolean) is begin A := 1; if Error then raise Program_Error; end if; end Local; end Exported_Procedures;with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Exported_Procedures; use Exported_Procedures; procedure Show_Out_Reference is B : Integer := 0; begin Local (B, Error => True); exception when Program_Error => Put_Line ("Value for B is" & Integer'Image (B)); -- "1" end Show_Out_Reference;
In the case of direct assignments to global variables, the behavior in the
presence of exceptions is somewhat different. For predefined exceptions, most
notably Constraint_Error
, the optimization permissions allow some
flexibility in whether a global variable is or is not updated when an exception
occurs (see Ada RM 11.6). For
instance, the following code makes an incorrect assumption:
X := 0; -- about to try addition
Y := Y + 1; -- see if addition raises exception
X := 1 -- addition succeeded
A program is not justified in assuming that X = 0
if the addition raises
an exception (assuming X
is a global here). So any such assumptions in a
program are incorrect code which should be fixed.
In the Ada Reference Manual
Suppressing checks
pragma Suppress
This section was originally written by Gary Dismukes and published as Gem #63: The Effect of Pragma Suppress.
One of Ada's key strengths has always been its strong typing. The language imposes stringent checking of type and subtype properties to help prevent accidental violations of the type system that are a common source of program bugs in other less-strict languages such as C. This is done using a combination of compile-time restrictions (legality rules), that prohibit mixing values of different types, together with run-time checks to catch violations of various dynamic properties. Examples are checking values against subtype constraints and preventing dereferences of null access values.
At the same time, Ada does provide certain "loophole" features, such as
, that allow selective bypassing of the normal
safety features, which is sometimes necessary when interfacing with hardware or
code written in other languages.
Ada also permits explicit suppression of the run-time checks that are there to
ensure that various properties of objects are not violated. This suppression
can be done using pragma Suppress
, as well as by using a compile-time
switch on most implementations — in the case of GNAT, with the -gnatp
In addition to allowing all checks to be suppressed, pragma Suppress
supports suppression of specific forms of check, such as Index_Check
array indexing, Range_Check
for scalar bounds checking, and
for dereferencing of access values. (See section 11.5 of
the Ada Reference Manual for further details.)
Here's a simple example of suppressing index checks within a specific subprogram:
procedure Main is
procedure Sort_Array (A : in out Some_Array) is
pragma Suppress (Index_Check);
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- eliminate check overhead
end Sort_Array;
end Main;
Unlike a feature such as Unchecked_Conversion
, however, the purpose of
check suppression is not to enable programs to subvert the type system, though
many programmers seem to have that misconception.
What's important to understand about pragma Suppress
is that it only
gives permission to the implementation to remove checks, but doesn't require
such elimination. The intention of Suppress
is not to allow bypassing of
Ada semantics, but rather to improve efficiency, and the Ada Reference Manual
has a clear statement to that effect in the note in RM-11.5, paragraph 29:
There is no guarantee that a suppressed check is actually removed; hence a
pragma Suppress
should be used only for efficiency reasons.
There is associated Implementation Advice that recommends that implementations should minimize the code executed for checks that have been suppressed, but it's still the responsibility of the programmer to ensure that the correct functioning of the program doesn't depend on checks not being performed.
There are various reasons why a compiler might choose not to remove a check. On some hardware, certain checks may be essentially free, such as null pointer checks or arithmetic overflow, and it might be impractical or add extra cost to suppress the check. Another example where it wouldn't make sense to remove checks is for an operation implemented by a call to a run-time routine, where the check might be only a small part of a more expensive operation done out of line.
Furthermore, in many cases GNAT can determine at compile time that a given run-time check is guaranteed to be violated. In such situations, it gives a warning that an exception will be raised, and generates code specifically to raise the exception. Here's an example:
X : Integer range 1..10 := ...;
if A > B then
X := X + 1;
end if;
For the assignment incrementing X
, the compiler will normally generate
machine code equivalent to:
Temp := X + 1;
if Temp > 10 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
X := Temp;
If range checks are suppressed, then the compiler can just generate the
increment and assignment. However, if the compiler is able to somehow prove
that X = 10
at this point, it will issue a warning, and replace the
entire assignment with simply:
raise Constraint_Error;
even though checks are suppressed. This is appropriate, because
we don't care about the efficiency of buggy code, and
there is no "extra" cost to the check, because if we reach that point, the code will unconditionally fail.
One other important thing to note about checks and pragma Suppress
this statement in the Ada RM (RM-11.5, paragraph 26):
If a given check has been suppressed, and the corresponding error situation occurs, the execution of the program is erroneous.
In Ada, erroneous execution is a bad situation to be in, because it means that the execution of your program could have arbitrary nasty effects, such as unintended overwriting of memory. Note also that a program whose "correct" execution somehow depends on a given check being suppressed might work as the programmer expects, but could still fail when compiled with a different compiler, or for a different target, or even with a newer version of the same compiler. Other changes such as switching on optimization or making a change to a totally unrelated part of the code could also cause the code to start failing.
So it's definitely not wise to write code that relies on checks being removed. In fact, it really only makes sense to suppress checks once there's good reason to believe that the checks can't fail, as a result of testing or other analysis. Otherwise, you're removing an important safety feature of Ada that's intended to help catch bugs.
pragma Unsuppress
We can use pragma Unsuppress
to reverse the effect of a
pragma Suppress
. While pragma Suppress
gives permission to the
compiler to remove a specific check, pragma Unsuppress
revokes that
Let's see an example:
procedure Show_Index_Check is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; pragma Suppress (Index_Check); -- from now on, the compiler may -- eliminate index checks... function Unchecked_Value_Of (A : Integer_Array; I : Integer) return Integer is type Half_Integer_Array is new Integer_Array (A'First .. A'First + A'Length / 2); A_2 : Half_Integer_Array := (others => 0); begin return A_2 (I); end Unchecked_Value_Of; pragma Unsuppress (Index_Check); -- from now on, index checks are -- typically performed... function Value_Of (A : Integer_Array; I : Integer) return Integer is type Half_Integer_Array is new Integer_Array (A'First .. A'First + A'Length / 2); A_2 : Half_Integer_Array := (others => 0); begin return A_2 (I); end Value_Of; Arr_1 : Integer_Array (1 .. 10) := (others => 1); begin Arr_1 (10) := Unchecked_Value_Of (Arr_1, 10); Arr_1 (10) := Value_Of (Arr_1, 10); end Show_Index_Check;
In this example, we first use a pragma Suppress (Index_Check)
, so the
compiler is allowed to remove the index check from the
function. (Therefore, depending on the compiler, the
call to the Unchecked_Value_Of
function may complete without raising an
exception.) Of course, in this specific example, suppressing the index check
masks a severe issue.
In contrast, an index check is performed in the Value_Of
because of the pragma Unsuppress
. As a result, the index checks fails in
the call to this function, which raises a Constraint_Error
In the Ada Reference Manual