Controlling Object Initialization and Creation


Developers are responsible for ensuring that no uninitialized objects are read in Ada programs. Default initialization is a good way to meet this requirement because it is guaranteed to happen and requires no actions on the part of the client code. But of the many kinds of types provided by Ada, only access types have a language-defined default initial value. Fortunately, Ada supports user-defined default initialization for user-defined types.

Default initialization is conveniently expressed, especially because components of record types can have default initial values. Record types are perhaps the most commonly used non-numeric type in the language. Sometimes a given type was wrapped inside a record type purely for the sake of default component initialization, e.g., numeric types. That wrapping approach is less common than in earlier versions of the language, given the comparatively more recent aspect Default_Value for scalar types, and Default_Component_Value for scalar array components.

These facilities are often sufficient to express an abstraction's initial state. For example, we can expect that container objects will be initially empty. Consider a bounded stack ADT. The representation is likely a record type containing an array component and a Top component indicating the index of the last array component used. We can default initialize objects to the empty state simply by setting Top to zero in the record component's declaration:

type Content is array (Positive range <>) of Element;
type Stack (Capacity : Positive) is record
   Values : Content (1 .. Capacity);
   Top    : Natural := 0;
end record;

For an unbounded container such as a simple binary tree, if the representation is an access type, the automatic default value null initializes Tree objects to the empty state.

package Binary_Trees is
   type Tree is limited private;
   type Leaf_and_Branch is record ...
   type Tree is access Leaf_and_Branch;
end Binary_Trees;

In both cases, simply declaring an object in the client code is sufficient to ensure it is initially empty.

However, not all abstractions have a meaningful default initial state. Default initialization will not suffice to fully initialize objects in these cases, so explicit initialization is required.

An explicit procedure call could be used to set the initial state of an object (passed to a mode-out parameter), but there is no guarantee that the call will occur and no way to force a client to make it.

In contrast, the declaration of the object is guaranteed to occur, and as part of the declaration the object can be given an explicit initial value. The initial value can be specified by a literal for the type, by the value of another object of that type, or by the value of that type returned from a function call.

   X : Integer := Some_Existing_Integer_Object;
   Prompt : constant String := "Name? ";
   Reply : constant String := Response (Prompt);

The initial value can also specify constraints, if required. In the code above, the object Prompt has a lower bound of Positive'First and an upper bound set to the length of the literal. The specific bounds of Reply are determined by the function, and need not start at Positive'First.

An object cannot be used before it is declared. Since this explicit initial value is part of the declaration, the object cannot be read before it is initialized. That fact is the key to the implementation approaches.

However, although the object declaration is guaranteed to occur, explicit initialization is optional. But unlike a procedure call, we can force the initial value to be given. There are two ways to force it, so there are two implementations presented.

In addition, a specific form of explicit initialization may be required because not all forms of initialization are necessarily appropriate for a given abstraction. Imagine a type representing a thread lock, implemented in such a way that default initialization isn't an option. Unless we prevent it, initialization by some other existing object will be possible:

   X : Thread_Lock := Y;    --  Y is some other Thread_Lock object
   --  ...

This would amount to a copy, which might not make sense. Imagine the lock type contains a queue of pending callers...

More generally, if a type's representation includes access type components, initialization by another object will create a shallow copy of the designated objects. That is typically inappropriate.

Using an existing object for the initial value amounts to a complete copy of that other object, perhaps more of a copy than required. For example, consider a bounded container type, e.g., another stack, backed by an array and an index component named Top. At any time, for any stack, the contained content is in the slice of the array from 1 up to Top. Any array component at an index greater than Top has a junk value. Those components may never even have been assigned during use. Now consider the declaration of a Stack object, A, whose initial value is that of another existing Stack named B.

A : Stack := B;

The entire value of B is copied into A, so B.Top is copied to A.Top, which makes sense. But likewise, the entire array in B will be copied to the array in A. For a stack with a large backing array that might take a significant amount of time. If B is logically full then the time required for the full array copy is unavoidable. But if only a few values are contained by B, the hit could be avoided by only copying up to Top.

And of course, the initial value might require client-specific information.

Calling a constructor function for the initial value would be the right approach in these cases, returning an object of the type. The function might even take an existing object as a parameter, creating a new object with only the necessary parts copied.

Therefore, for some abstractions, not only do we need to guarantee explicit object initialization, we may also need to restrict the form of initial value to a function call.

The other purpose of the idiom is controlling, for some type, whether object creation itself is to be allowed by clients. As you will see, controlling object initialization can be used to control object creation.

Preventing object creation is not typical but is not unknown. The singleton design pattern is an example, in which a type is defined but corresponding object creation by clients is not intended. Instead, the abstraction implementation creates a single object of the type. The abstraction is a type, rather than an ADM, for the sake of potential extension via inheritance. We will illustrate this design pattern and implementation using a real-world hardware device.


There are two ways to force an explicit initial value as part of an object declaration. One is a matter of legality at compile-time so it is enforced by the compiler. The other is enforced by a run-time check.

Note that both approaches are type-specific, so when we say objects we mean objects of a type that has been designed with one of these two idiom implementations. Neither implementation applies to every object of every type used in the client code. (SPARK, a formal language based closely on Ada, statically ensures all objects are initialized before read.)

The ADT idiom describes Ada building blocks that developers can use to compose types with semantics that we require. We can declare a type to be private, for example, so that the implementation is not compile-time visible to clients.

In addition to private types, we can decorate a type declaration with the reserved word limited so that assignment is not allowed (among other things) for client objects of the type. We can combine the two building blocks, creating a type that is both private and limited.

Throughout this discussion we will assume that these designs are based on Abstract Data Types, hence we assume the use of private types. That's a general, initial design assumption but in this case private types are required by the two idiom implementations. The types are not necessarily limited as well, but in one situation they will be limited too. But in both implementations the primary types will be private types.

Compile-Time Legality

We can combine the private type and limited type building blocks with another, known as unknown discriminants, to force explicit object initialization by clients, to control the form of explicit initialization, and, when required, to control client object creation itself. Limited and private types are fairly common building blocks, but unknown discriminants are less common so we will first explain them, and then show how to utilize the combinations for this idiom.

Discriminants are useful for our purpose because types with discriminants are indefinite types (under certain circumstances). Indefinite types do not allow object declarations without also specifying some sort of constraints for those objects. Unconstrained array types, such as String, are good examples. We cannot simply declare an object of type String without also specifying the array bounds, one way or another:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Initialization_Demo is
   S1 : String (1 .. 11) := (others => ' ');
   S2 : String := "Hello World";
   S3 : String := S1;
   Put_Line ('"' & S1 & '"');
   Put_Line ('"' & S2 & '"');
   Put_Line ('"' & S3 & '"');
end Initialization_Demo;

In the code above, String objects S1, S2, and S3 all have the same constraints: a lower bound of Positive'First and an upper bound of 11. S1 gives the bounds directly, whereas S2 and S3 take their constraints from their initial values. A function that returned a String value would suffice for the initial value too and would thus serve to specify the array bounds. There are other ways to specify a constraint as well, but we can ignore them in this idiom because the building blocks we'll use preclude them.

Types with discriminants are indefinite types unless the discriminants have default values. That fact will not apply in this idiom because of the characteristics of the building blocks. You will see why in a moment. The important idea is that we can leverage the object constraint requirements of indefinite types to force explicit initialization on declarations.

Discriminants come in two flavors. So-called known discriminants are the most common. These discriminants are known in the sense that they are compile-time visible to client code. Clients then have everything needed for declaring objects of the corresponding type. For example, here is the type declaration for a bounded stack ADT:

type Stack (Capacity : Positive) is private;

In the above, Capacity is the physical number of components in the array backing the bounded implementation. Clients can, therefore, have different objects of the type with different capacities:

Trays : Stack (Capacity => 10);
Operands : Stack (100);

The existence of Capacity is known to clients via the partial view, so the requirement for the constraint is visible and can be expressed.

In contrast, types may have unknown discriminants in the client's view. The syntax reflects their confidential nature:

type Foo (<>) is private;

The parentheses are required as usual, but the box symbol appears inside, instead of one or more discriminant declarations. The box symbol always indicates not specified here so in this case no discriminants are included in the view. There may or may not be discriminants in the full view, but client's don't have compile-time visibility to that information because the type is private.

Unknown discriminants can be specified for various kinds of types, not only private types. See the Notes section for the full list. That said, combining them with private type declarations, or private type extension declarations, is the most common usage when composing abstraction definitions. For example:

package P is
   type Q (<>) is private;
   type Q is range 0 .. 100;
end P;

Clients of package P must use type Q as if Q requires discriminant constraints, even though clients don't have compile-time visibility to whatever constraints are actually required, if any. In the above, Q is just an integer type in the full view. No constraint is required to create objects of type Q, but clients cannot take advantage of that fact because they only have the partial view. Only the package private part, the package body, and child units have the visibility required to treat Q as an integer type.

Q might actually be completed as an indefinite type, but the constraint required need not be a discriminant constraint. In the following, objects of type Q require an array bounds constraint:

package P is
   type Q (<>) is private;
   type Q is array  (Positive range <>) of Integer;
end P;

Code with the full view must respect the index bounds requirement, but the semantics of the partial view remain the same.

As illustrated, the consequence of combining indefinite types with private types is that, when declaring objects, clients must express a constraint but cannot do so directly. The constraints must instead be provided by the initial value. Hence, for these types, the initial value is now a requirement that the compiler enforces on client object declarations.

But because the type is private, the initial value cannot be specified by a literal. Instead, the initial value must be either an existing object of the type, or the result of a call to a function that returns an object of the type.

Consider the following:

package P is
   type Q (<>) is private;
   function F return Q;
   type Q is range 0 .. 100;
end P;

package body P is
   function F return Q is (42);
   --  since that is the answer to everything...
end P;

with P;
procedure Demo is
   Obj1 : P.Q;  --  not legal, requires initial value for constraint
   Obj2 : P.Q := 42;  --  not legal, per client's partial view
   Obj3 : P.Q := P.F;
   Obj4 : P.Q := Obj3;
end Demo;

The declaration for Obj1 is illegal because no constraint is provided. Because P.Q is also private, the declaration of Obj2 is illegal because clients don't have the full view supporting integer usage. But the initial value can be provided by a function result (Obj3), thereby also specifying the required constraint. And an existing object can be used to give the constraints to other objects during their declarations (Obj4). Explicit client initialization in these two ways is required by the compiler for indefinite private types.

But as illustrated by the spin-lock example, initialization by an existing object is not always appropriate. We can restrict the initial value to a function call result by making the type limited as well as private and indefinite. Then only constructor functions can be used legally for the initial values, and the compiler will require them to be called during object declarations (e.g., Obj3 above). That's what we'd do for the spin-lock type. We'd make the type limited in the completion too, to prevent copying in any form, including the function result. (The function result would then be built in place instead of copied.)

To recap, the primary purpose of the idiom, for a given type, is to ensure that clients initialize objects of that type as part of the object declarations. In this first implementation we meet the requirement by composing the type via building blocks that:

  1. require a constraint to be given when declaring any object of the type, and

  2. require an initial value to give that constraint, and

  3. allow only objects and function call results as the initial values, and

  4. when necessary, allow only function call results to be used for the initial values.

The compiler will reject declarations that do not adhere to these rules. Explicit initialization in the client code is thus guaranteed.

For a concrete example, consider a closed loop process controller, specifically a proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller. A PID controller examines the difference between an intended value, such as the desired speed of your automobile, and the current value (the actual speed). In response to that difference the controller increases or decreases the throttle setting. This measurement and resulting control output response happens iteratively at some rate. This is a sophisticated ADT, and explaining how a PID controller actually works is beyond the scope of this document. There are numerous web sites available that describe them in detail. What you should know for our purpose is that they are used to control physical processes, such as your car's cruise control system, that affect our lives directly. Ensuring proper initialization is part of ensuring correct use.

The PID controller must be explicitly initialized because there is no default initial state that would allow subsequent safe use. Only a partial meaningful state can be defined by default. Specifically, a PID controller can be enabled and disabled by the user (the external process control engineer) at arbitrary times. We can define default initialization such that the objects are initially in the disabled state. When disabled, the output computation actually affects nothing, so starting from that state would be safe. However, there is nothing to prevent the user from enabling the controller object without first configuring it. Configuring the various parameters is essential for safe and predictable behavior.

To address that problem, we could add operation preconditions requiring the object to be in some configured state, but that isn't always appropriate. Such a precondition would just raise an exception, which isn't in the use-cases. (Statically proving prior configuration in the client code would be a viable alternative, but that's also beyond the scope of this document.)

Therefore, default initialization doesn't really suffice for this ADT. We need to force initialization (configuration) during object creation so that enabling the ADT output will always be safe. This idiom implementation does exactly that.

The following is a cut-down version of the package declaration using this idiom implementation, with some operations and record components elided for the sake of simplicity. In the full version the unit is a generic package for the sake of not hard-coding the floating point types. We use a regular package and type Float here for convenience. The full version is here:

package Process_Control is

   type PID_Controller (<>) is tagged limited private;

   type Bounds is record
      Min, Max : Float;
   end record with
     Predicate => Min < Max;

   type Controller_Directions is (Direct, Reversed);

   type Millisecond_Units is mod 2**32;

   subtype Positive_Milliseconds is
     Millisecond_Units range 1 .. Millisecond_Units'Last;

   function Configured_Controller
     (Proportional_Gain : Float;
      Integral_Gain     : Float;
      Derivative_Gain   : Float;
      Invocation_Period : Positive_Milliseconds;
      Output_Limits     : Bounds;
      Direction         : Controller_Directions := Direct)
   return PID_Controller;

   procedure Enable
     (This             : in out PID_Controller;
      Process_Variable : Float;   --  current input value from the process
      Control_Variable : Float);  --  current output value

   procedure Disable (This : in out PID_Controller);

   procedure Compute_Output
     (This             : in out PID_Controller;
      Process_Variable : Float;          --  the input, Measured Value/Variable
      Setpoint         : Float;
      Control_Variable : in out Float);  --  the output, Manipulated Variable

   --  ...

   function Enabled (This : PID_Controller) return Boolean;


   type PID_Controller is tagged limited record
      --  ...
      Enabled : Boolean;
   end record;

end Process_Control;

As you can see, the PID controller type is indefinite limited private:

type PID_Controller (<>) is tagged limited private;

It is also tagged, primarily for the sake of the distinguished receiver call syntax. We don't really expect type extensions in this specific ADT, although nothing prevents them.

Therefore, the language requires an initial value when creating objects of the type, and because the type is limited, a function must be used for that initial value. The compiler will not compile the code containing the declaration otherwise. The only constructor function provided is Configured_Controller so it is guaranteed to be called. (A later child package could add another constructor function. For that matter, we probably should have declared this one in a child package. In any case one of them is guaranteed to be called.)

Here is an example declaration taken from the steering control module for an RC car written in Ada.

The PID controller, named Steering_Computer, is declared within the body of a task Servo that controls a motor, Steering_Motor, in response to requested directions from the remote control. Steering_Motor is an instance of an ADT named Basic_Motors, and is declared elsewhere. The Servo task is declared within the body of a package that contains various values referenced within the task, such as the various PID gain parameters, that are not shown.

task body Servo is
   Next_Release       : Time;
   Target_Angle       : Float;
   Current_Angle      : Float := 0.0;
   --  zero for call to Steering_Computer.Enable
   Steering_Power     : Float := 0.0;
   --  zero for call to Steering_Computer.Enable
   Motor_Power        : NXT.Motors.Power_Level;
   Rotation_Direction : NXT.Motors.Directions;
   Steering_Offset    : Float;
   Steering_Computer  : PID_Controller :=
       (Proportional_Gain => Kp,
        Integral_Gain     => Ki,
        Derivative_Gain   => Kd,
        Invocation_Period => System_Configuration.Steering_Control_Period,
        Output_Limits     => Power_Level_Limits,
        Direction         => Closed_Loop.Direct);
   Global_Initialization.Critical_Instant.Wait (Epoch => Next_Release);
   Initialize_Steering_Mechanism (Steering_Offset);
   Steering_Computer.Enable (Process_Variable => Current_Angle,
                             Control_Variable => Steering_Power);
      Current_Angle := Current_Motor_Angle (Steering_Motor) -
      Target_Angle := Float (Remote_Control.Requested_Steering_Angle);
      Limit (Target_Angle, -Steering_Offset, +Steering_Offset);
        (Process_Variable => Current_Angle,
         Setpoint         => Target_Angle,
         Control_Variable => Steering_Power);
      Convert_To_Motor_Values (Steering_Power,
      Steering_Motor.Engage (Rotation_Direction, Motor_Power);

      Next_Release := Next_Release + Period;
      delay until Next_Release;
   end loop;
end Servo;

Because Steering_Computer must be declared before it can be passed as a parameter, the call to configure the object's state necessarily precedes any other operation (e.g., Enable).

Run-Time Checks

Ada 2022 adds another building block, Default_Initial_Condition (DIC), that can be used as an alternative to the unknown discriminants used above. We must still have a private type or private type extension, and the type may or may not be limited, but unknown discriminants will not be involved. The compiler would not allow the combination, in fact.

DIC is an aspect applied to a private type or private extension declaration. Developers use it to specify a developer-defined Boolean condition that will be true at run-time after the default initialization of an object of the type. Specifically, if Default_Initial_Condition is specified for a type, a run-time check is emitted for each object declaration of that type that uses default initialization. The check consists of the evaluation of the DIC expression. The exception Assertion_Error is raised if the check fails. You can think of this aspect as specifying the effects of default initialization for the type, with a verification at run-time when needed. No check is emitted for those declarations that use explicit initialization.

For example, the following is a partial definition of a Stack ADT. It is only a partial definition primarily because Pop is not provided, but other operations would be included as well. Moreover, a fully realistic version would be a generic package. We have used a subtype named Element as a substitute for the generic formal type what would have had that name. Note that there is a Default_Initial_Condition aspect specifying that any object of type Stack is initially empty as a result of default initialization. The argument to the function call is the corresponding type name, representing the current instance object, thus any object of the type.

package Bounded_Stacks is

   subtype Element is Integer;
   --  arbitrary substitute for generic formal type

   type Stack (Capacity : Positive) is limited private with
     Default_Initial_Condition => Empty (Stack);

   procedure Push (This : in out Stack; Value : Element) with
     Pre  => not Full (This),
     Post => not Empty (This);

   function Full (This : Stack) return Boolean;

   function Empty (This : Stack) return Boolean;


   type Contents is array (Positive range <>) of Element;

   type Stack (Capacity : Positive) is limited record
      Content : Contents (1 .. Capacity);
      Top     : Natural :=0;
   end record;

   function Full (This : Stack) return Boolean is
     (This.Top = This.Capacity);

   function Empty (This : Stack) return Boolean is
     (This.Top = 0);

end Bounded_Stacks;

package body Bounded_Stacks is

   procedure Push (This : in out Stack; Value : Element) is
      This.Top := This.Top + 1;
      This.Content (This.Top) := Value;
   end Push;

end Bounded_Stacks;

with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;
with Bounded_Stacks; use Bounded_Stacks;

procedure Demo is
   S : Stack (Capacity => 10);
   Push (S, 42);
   Put_Line ("Done");
end Demo;

The function Empty returns True when Top is zero, and zero is assigned to Top during default initialization. Consequently, Assertion_Error is not raised when Demo executes because the object S was indeed default initialized to the empty state.

We said that when DIC is applied to a type, the run-time check is emitted for all object declarations of that type that rely on default initialization. But suppose the type does not define any default initialization. We can detect these uninitialized objects at run-time if we set the DIC Boolean expression to indicate that there is no default initialization defined for this type. The checks will then fail for those objects. That's the second implementation approach to the initialization requirement.

Specifically, we can express the lack of default initialization by a DIC condition that is hard-coded to the literal False. The evaluation during the check will then necessarily fail, raising Assertion_Error. Hence, for this type, explicit initialization is guaranteed in a program that does not raise Assertion_Error for this cause.

The following is an example of the DIC set to False:

package P is

   type Q is limited private with
     Default_Initial_Condition => False;

   function F return Q;


   type Q is range -1 .. 100;

end P;

package body P is

   function F return Q is (42);

end P;

with Ada.Text_IO;  use Ada.Text_IO;

with P; use P;

procedure Main is
   Obj1 : constant Q := F;
   Obj2 : Q;  --  triggers Assertion_Error
   Put_Line (Obj1'Image);
   Put_Line (Obj2'Image);
   Put_Line ("Done");
end Main;

In the above, Assertion_Error is raised by the elaboration of Obj2 because the DIC check necessarily fails. There is no check on the declaration of Obj1 because it is initialized, explicitly.

To recap, we can ensure initialization for objects of the type by detecting, during elaboration at run-time, any objects not explicitly initialized.

This approach is sufficient because when elaboration of an object declaration raises an exception, no use of that object is possible. That's guaranteed because the frame containing that declarative part is immediately abandoned and the exception is propagated up to the previous level. A local handler never can apply. But even if there is a matching handler in the previous level, there's really nothing much to be done. Re-entering the frame containing the declaration will raise the exception all over again, necessarily. Thus the code will have to be changed and recompiled, meeting the goal of the idiom.

We can illustrate this assurance using Storage_Error. Consider the following program, in which the main procedure calls an inner procedure P:

with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure Main is

   procedure P (Output : out Float) is
      N : array (Positive) of Float; -- Storage_Error is likely
      Put_Line ("P's body assigns N's components and uses them");
      -- The following indexes and component values are arbitrary
      -- and used purely for illustration...
      N := (others => 0.0);
      -- other computations and assignments to N ...
      Output := N (5);
      when Storage_Error =>
         Output := N (1);
   end P;

   X : Float;

   P (X);
   Put_Line (X'Image);
   Put_Line ("Done");
   when Storage_Error =>
      Put_Line ("Main completes abnormally");
end Main;

When Main calls P, the elaboration of the declarative part of P almost certainly fails because there is insufficient storage to allocate to the object P.N, hence Storage_Error is raised. (If your machine can handle the above, congratulations.) Even though procedure P has a handler specifically for Storage_Error, that handler never applies because the declarative part is immediately abandoned. Instead, the exception is raised in the caller, where it can be caught. This behavior is essential to ensure that problematic objects are not referenced in the local handlers. In the above, the handler in P for Storage_Error references the object P.N to assign the P.Output parameter. If that assignment could happen — again, it cannot — what would it mean, functionally? No one knows.

Handling Storage_Error is a little tricky anyway. Does the OS give the program a chance to execute a handler? If so, is there sufficient storage remaining to execute the exception handler's statements? In any case you can see the problem that the declaration failure semantics preclude.

Therefore, although the DIC approach is not enforced at compile-time, it is nevertheless sufficient to ensure no uninitialized object of the type can be used.

Preventing Object Creation by Clients

The other idiom requirement is the ability to control object creation itself. The implementation is trivially achieved using an indefinite limited private type: we can prevent client object creation simply by not providing any constructor functions. Doing so removes any means for initializing objects of the type, and since the type is indefinite there is then no way for clients to declare objects at all. The compiler again enforces this implementation.

For a concrete example, we can apply the Singleton design pattern to represent the time stamp counter (TSC) provided by x86 architectures. The TSC is a 64-bit hardware register incremented once per clock cycle, starting from zero at power-up. We can use it to make a timestamp abstraction. As explained by Wikipedia page, some care is required when using the register for that purpose on modern hardware, but it will suffice to illustrate the idiom implementation. Note that the Singleton pattern is itself somewhat controversial in the OOP community, but that's beyond the scope of this document.

Why use the Singleton pattern in this case? Ordinarily, clients of some ADT will reasonably expect that the states of distinct objects are independent of each other. When using an ADT to represent a single piece of hardware, however, this presumption of independence will not hold because the device is shared by all the objects, unavoidably. The singleton idiom prevents the resulting problems by precluding the existence of multiple objects in the first place.

In this specific case, the time stamp counter hardware is read-only, so the lack of independence is not an issue. Multiple objects would not be a problem. But many devices are not read-only, so the singleton pattern is worth knowing.

First we'll define a singleton ADT representing the TSC register itself, then we will extend that type to add convenience operations for measuring elapsed times. We'll use the design approach of indefinite limited private types without any constructor functions in order to ensure clients cannot create objects of the type. The type will also be tagged for the sake of allowing type extensions. Adding the tagged characteristic doesn't change anything regarding the idiom implementation.

with Interfaces;

package Timestamp is

   type Cycle_Counter (<>) is tagged limited private;

   type Cycle_Counter_Reference is access all Cycle_Counter;

   function Counter return not null Cycle_Counter_Reference;

   type Cycle_Count is new Interfaces.Unsigned_64;

   function Sample (This : not null access Cycle_Counter) return Cycle_Count;


   type Cycle_Counter is tagged limited null record;

   function Read_TimeStamp_Counter return Cycle_Count with
     Convention    => Intrinsic,
     External_Name => "__rdtsc",
   --  This gcc builtin issues the machine instruction to read the time-stamp
   --  counter, i.e., RDTSC, which returns a 64-bit count of the number of
   --  system clock cycles since power-up.

   function Sample (This : not null access Cycle_Counter)
                    return Cycle_Count is
     --  The formal parameter This is not referenced

end Timestamp;

Note also that the primitive function named Counter is not a constructor — it doesn't return an object of the Cycle_Counter type. As such, it cannot be used as an initial value for a Cycle_Counter object declaration. Clients cannot, therefore, create their own objects of type Cycle_Counter.

Instead, function Counter returns an access value designating an object of the type. Because clients cannot declare objects themselves the function is the only way to get an object, albeit indirectly. Therefore, the function can control how many objects are created. As you will see, the function only creates a single object of the type.

The type Cycle_Counter is completed as a null record because the state is maintained in the hardware register we're reading.

The function Sample reads the timestamp counter register by calling the Read_TimeStamp_Counter function. That second function accesses the TSC register by executing an assembly language instruction dedicated to that purpose. We could have Sample issue that instruction instead, without declaring a separate function, but there is no run-time cost (due to the inlining) and separating them emphasizes that one is a member of the API and the other is an implementation artifact. Note that Sample does not actually reference the formal parameter This. The parameter exists just to make Sample a primitive function. Assuming we don't have a use-clause for Timestamp, to call Sample we could say:


for example:

with Timestamp;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Demo_TimeStamp is
   for K in 1 .. 10 loop
      Put_Line (Timestamp.Counter.Sample'Image);
   end loop;
end Demo_TimeStamp;

The above calls the Timestamp.Counter function and then implicitly dereferences the resulting access value to call the Sample function using the distinguished receiver syntax. The resulting number is then converted to a String value and output to Standard_Output.

We could have instead used positional call notation for the call to Sample:

Timestamp.Sample (Timestamp.Counter)

In that case we need the package name on the references, or we'd add a use-clause.

The package body is shown below. Only the function Counter has a body because Sample is completed in the package declaration's private part and Read_TimeStamp_Counter is an imported intrinsic, i.e., without a body.

package body Timestamp is

   The_Instance : Cycle_Counter_Reference;

   -- Counter --

   function Counter return not null Cycle_Counter_Reference is
      if The_Instance = null then
         The_Instance := new Cycle_Counter;
      end if;
      return The_Instance;
   end Counter;

end Timestamp;

Function Counter creates the single object that this singleton implementation creates. It does so by lazily allocating an object dynamically. If Counter is never called (because some subclass is used instead) then no object of type Cycle_Counter is created. At most one Cycle_Counter object is ever created.

We could instead declare The_Instance as a Cycle_Counter object in the package body, mark it as aliased, and return a corresponding access value designating it. But when objects are large, declaring one that might never be used is wasteful. The indirection avoids that wasted storage at the cost of an access object, which is small. On the other hand, now the heap is involved.

Note that we could have declared The_Instance in the private part of the package declaration. Type extensions in child packages could then use it, if needed. Presumably we'd make The_Instance be of some access to class-wide type so that extensions could use it to allocate objects of their specific type, otherwise extensions in child packages would have no need for it. But that only saves the storage for an access object in the child packages, so we leave the declaration in the parent package body. See the Programming by Extension idiom for a discussion of whether to declare an entity in the package private part or the package body.

Next, we declare a type extension in a child package. The child package body will contain its own object named The_Instance, returning an access value designating the specific extension type. The client API in the package declaration follows that of the parent type Cycle_Counter, but with additional primitives for working with samples.

package Timestamp.Sampling is

   type Timestamp_Sampler is new Cycle_Counter with private;

   type Timestamp_Sampler_Reference is access all Timestamp_Sampler;

   function Counter return not null Timestamp_Sampler_Reference with Inline;
   --  returns an access value designating the single instance

   procedure Take_First_Sample  (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
     with Inline;
   procedure Take_Second_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
     with Inline;

   function First_Sample  (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                           return Cycle_Count;
   function Second_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                           return Cycle_Count;
   function Elapsed       (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                           return Cycle_Count;


   type Timestamp_Sampler is new Cycle_Counter with record
      First  : Cycle_Count := 0;
      Second : Cycle_Count := 0;
   end record;

end Timestamp.Sampling;

package body Timestamp.Sampling is

   The_Instance : Timestamp_Sampler_Reference;

   -- Counter --

   function Counter return not null Timestamp_Sampler_Reference is
      if The_Instance = null then
         The_Instance := new Timestamp_Sampler;
      end if;
      return The_Instance;
   end Counter;

   -- Take_First_Sample --

   procedure Take_First_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler) is
      This.First := Sample (This);
   end Take_First_Sample;

   -- Take_Second_Sample --

   procedure Take_Second_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler) is
      This.Second := Sample (This);
   end Take_Second_Sample;

   -- First_Sample --

   function First_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                          return Cycle_Count is

   -- Second_Sample --

   function Second_Sample (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                           return Cycle_Count is

   -- Elapsed --

   function Elapsed (This : not null access Timestamp_Sampler)
                     return Cycle_Count is
     (This.Second - This.First + 1);

end Timestamp.Sampling;

The inherited Sample function is called in the two procedures that take the two samples of the timestamp register. The formal parameter This is passed to the calls, but as mentioned earlier the argument is not referenced within Sample. All the formal parameter does is participate in dispatching the calls to Sample, in this case meaning that the inherited version of Sample is the one called because This is of the extended type.

But Sample is not overridden in this child package, therefore effectively we are calling the parent version. Is Sample ever likely to be overridden? Arguably not, because it is so directly dependent on the underlying hardware. Of course, some future type extension may override Sample for some unforeseen reason — that's the point of making it possible, after all. Presumably the overridden version would also call the parent version, otherwise the timestamp counter would not be accessed. Because we can't say for certain that it will never need to be overridden, we have made Sample a primitive function, thus overridable.

Suppose we came to the opposite conclusion, that Timestamp.Sample would never need to be overridden. In that case we have some options worth exploring.

Clearly function Sample must be part of the client API, but that doesn't force it to be a primitive function.

We could have declared Sample in Timestamp as a visible non-primitive operation, i.e., without a formal parameter or function result of the ADT type:

function Sample return Cycle_Count with Inline;

As a non-primitive function it would be neither inherited nor overridable. But we'd still be able to call it in client code.

Yet, as a non-primitive, this version looks like an implementation artifact, hence out of place as part of the visible client API. It isn't illegal by any means, it just looks wrong.

Furthermore, if we are going to make Sample a non-primitive function, why not remove it and replace it with the other non-primitive function Read_Timestamp_Counter? Or make the body of Sample call the imported intrinsic, and do away with function Read_Timestamp_Counter? There is no clear winner here.

An attractive alternative would be to make Sample be a class-wide operation. To do so, we make the formal parameter class-wide instead of removing it:

function Sample (This : not null access Cycle_Counter'Class)
                 return Cycle_Count
  with Inline;

In the version above, the formal parameter type is now (anonymous) access to Cycle_Counter'Class, i.e., class-wide, so in this version Sample can be passed a value designating an object of type Cycle_Counter or any type derived from it. We don't want to have a null access value passed so we add that to the parameter specification.

In this version the function is again not a primitive operation and so is neither inherited nor overridable, but because it mentions type Cycle_Counter it looks like a reasonable part of an Abstract Data Type. As it happens this version of Sample also doesn't actually reference the formal parameter, so it is somewhat unusual. Ordinarily in the body we'd expect the class-wide formal to be used in dynamic dispatching calls to primitive operations, but that's not required by the language.

Ultimately whether to make Sample a primitive operation is a judgment call. We don't know that Sample will never need to be overridden so we declare it as a primitive op.

With all that said, here is an example program using the child type. Because the timestamp register is updated once per clock cycle, if we know the system clock frequency we can use the counter to measure elapsed time. In the demo below we measure the accuracy of the delay statement by delaying for a known time, with samples taken before and after the delay statement. We can then compare the known delay time to the measured elapsed time, printing the difference.

Note the constant Machine_Cycles_Per_Second. Before you run the demo you will likely need to change it in the source code to your machine's clock frequency.

with Timestamp.Sampling;   use Timestamp.Sampling;
with Ada.Text_IO;          use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Demo_Sampling_Cycle_Counter is

   Delay_Interval : constant Duration := 1.0;
   --  arbitrary, change if desired
   Elapsed_Time   : Duration;

   GHz : constant := 1_000_000_000;

   Machine_Cycles_Per_Second : constant := 1.9 * GHz;
   --  This is the system clock rate on the machine running this executable.
   --  It corresponds to the rate at which the time stamp counter hardware is
   --  incremented. Change it according to your target.

   use type Timestamp.Cycle_Count;  --  for "<"
   Put_Line ("Using" & Machine_Cycles_Per_Second'Image
             & " Hertz for system clock");

   Put_Line ("Delaying for" & Delay_Interval'Image & " second(s) ...");

   delay Delay_Interval;

   Put_Line ("First sample            :" & Counter.First_Sample'Image);
   Put_Line ("Second sample           :" & Counter.Second_Sample'Image);

   if Counter.Second_Sample < Counter.First_Sample then
      Put_Line ("RDTSC counter wrapped around!?");
   end if;

   Elapsed_Time := Duration (Elapsed (Counter)) / Machine_Cycles_Per_Second;

   Put_Line ("Elapsed count           :" & Elapsed (Counter)'Image);
   Put_Line ("Specified delay interval:" & Delay_Interval'Image);
   Put_Line ("Measured delay interval :" & Elapsed_Time'Image);
end Demo_Sampling_Cycle_Counter;

In the above, Delay_Interval is set to 1.0 so the program will delay for 1 second, with samples taken from the TSC before and after. Delay statement semantics are such that at least the amount of time requested is delayed, so some value slightly greater than 1 second is expected. There will be overhead too, so an elapsed time slightly larger than requested should be seen. The value of Delay_Interval is arbitrary, change it to whatever you like.

If you have set the Machine_Cycles_Per_Second properly but still get elapsed measurement values that are much larger than expected or don't make sense at all, it may be that your machine does not support using the TSC this way reliably.


Ensuring explicit initialization is easily achieved. The abstraction should likely be a private type anyway, and the syntax for the required additional building blocks is light: all are just additional decorations on the declaration of the private type or private extension. The compiler does the rest, either at compile-time itself or via a generated check verified at run-time.

Likewise, ensuring that only the implementation can create objects of a type is straightforward. We take the same approach for ensuring initialization via function calls in object declarations, but then don't provide any such functions. Only the implementation will have the required visibility to create objects of the type, and can limit that number of objects to one (or any other number). Client access to this hidden object must be indirect, but that is not a heavy burden.



Relationship With Other Idioms

The Abstract Data Type is assumed, in the form of a private type.


Only certain types can have unknown discriminants. For completeness here is the list:

  • A private type

  • A private extension

  • An incomplete type

  • A generic formal private type

  • A generic formal private type extension

  • A generic formal derived type

  • Descendants of the above

The types above will either have a corresponding completion or a generic actual parameter to either define the discriminants or specify that there are none.

As we mentioned, Default_Initial_Condition is new in Ada 2022. The other implementation, based on indefinite private types, is supported by Ada 2022 but also by earlier versions of the language. However, if the type is also limited, Ada 2005 is the earliest version allowing that implementation. Prior to that version an object of a limited type could not be initialized in the object's declaration.