Use Precondition and Postcondition Contracts (RPP09)

Level \(\rightarrow\) Advisory














Remediation \(\rightarrow\) Low

Verification Method \(\rightarrow\) Code inspection


Power of Ten rule 5: "The assertion density of the code should average to a minimum of two assertions per function."


Subprograms should declare Pre and/or Post contracts. Developers should consider specifying the Global contract as well, when the default does not apply.

Subprogram contracts complete the Ada notion of a specification, enabling clients to know what the subprogram does without having to know how it is implemented.

Preconditions define those logical (Boolean) conditions required for the body to be able to provide the specified behavior. As such, they are obligations on the callers. These conditions are checked at run-time in Ada, prior to each call, and verified statically in SPARK.

Postconditions define those logical (Boolean) conditions that will hold after the call returns normally. As such, they express obligations on the implementer, i.e., the subprogram body. The implementation must be such that the postcondition holds, either at run-time for Ada, or statically in SPARK.

Not all subprograms will have both a precondition and a postcondition, some will have neither.

The Global contract specifies interactions with those objects not local to the corresponding subprogram body. As such, they help complete the specification because, otherwise, one would need to examine the body of the subprogram itself and all those it calls, directly or indirectly, to know whether any global objects were accessed.

Applicable Vulnerability within ISO TR 24772-2

  • 6.42 Violations of the Liskov substitution principle or the contract model [BLP]

Noncompliant Code Example

type Stack is private;
procedure Push (This : in out Stack;  Item : Element);

Compliant Code Example

type Stack is private;
procedure Push (This : in out Stack;  Item : Element) with
   Pre  => not Full (This),
   Post => not Empty (This)
           and Top_Element (This) = Item
           and Extent (This) = Extent (This)'Old + 1
           and Unchanged (This'Old, Within => This),
   Global => null;


This rule must be enforced by manual inspection.

Moreover, the program must be compiled with enabled assertions (GNAT -gnata switch) to ensure that the contracts are executed, or a sound static analysis tool such as CodePeer or SPARK toolset should be used to prove that the contracts are always true.