
Expressions: Definition

According to the Ada Reference Manual, an expression "is a formula that defines the computation or retrieval of a value." Also, when an expression is evaluated, the computed or retrieved value always has an associated type known at compile-time.

Even though the definition above is very simple, Ada expressions are actually very flexible — and they can also be very complex. In fact, if you read the corresponding section of the Ada Reference Manual, you'll quickly discover that they include elements such as relations, membership choices, terms and primaries. Some of these are classic elements of expressions in programming languages, although some of their forms are unique to Ada. In this section, we present examples of just some of these elements. For a complete overview, please refer to the Reference Manual.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Relations and simple expressions

Expressions usually consist of relations, which in turn consist of simple expressions. (There are more details to this, but we'll keep it simple for the moment.) Let's see a code example with a few expressions, which we dissect into the corresponding grammatical elements (we're going to discuss them later):

procedure Show_Expression_Elements is type Mode is (Off, A, B, C, D); pragma Unreferenced (B, C, D); subtype Active_Mode is Mode range Mode'Succ (Off) .. Mode'Last; M1, M2 : Mode; Dummy : Boolean; begin M1 := A; Dummy := M1 in Active_Mode and then M2 in Off | A; -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ relation -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ relation -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- expression Dummy := M1 in Active_Mode; -- ^^ name -- ^^ primary -- ^^ factor -- ^^ term -- ^^ simple expression -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^ membership choice -- ^^^^^^^^^^^ membership choice list -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ relation -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression Dummy := M2 in Off | A; -- ^^ name -- ^^ primary -- ^^ factor -- ^^ term -- ^^ simple expression -- -- ^^^ membership choice -- ^ membership choice -- ^^^^^^^ membership choice list -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ relation -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression end Show_Expression_Elements;

In this code example, we see three expressions. As we mentioned earlier, every expression has a type; here, the type of each expression is Boolean.

The first expression (M1 in Active_Mode and then M2 in Off | A) consists of two relations: M1 in Active_Mode and M2 in Off | A. Let's discuss some of the details.

The M1 in Active_Mode relation consists of the simple expression M1 and the membership choice list Active_Mode. (Here, the in keyword is part of the relation definition.) Also, as we see in the comments of the source code, the simple expression M1 is, at the same time, a term, a factor, a primary and a name.

Let's briefly talk about this chain of syntactic elements for simple expressions. Very roughly said, this is how we can break up simple expressions:

For further reading...

The definition of simple expressions we've just seen is very simplified. In actuality, these are the grammatical elements specified in the Ada Reference Manual:

simple_expression ::=
  [unary_adding_operator] term {binary_adding_operator term}

term ::= factor {multiplying_operator factor}

factor ::= primary [** primary] | abs primary | not primary

primary ::=
  numeric_literal | null | string_literal | aggregate
| name | allocator | (expression)
| (conditional_expression) | (quantified_expression)
| (declare_expression)

Later on in this chapter, we discuss conditional expressions, quantified expressions and declare expressions in more details.

In the relation M2 in Off | A from the code example, Off | A is a membership choice list, and Off and A are membership choices.

For further reading...

Relations can actually be much more complicated than the one we just saw. In fact, this is the definition from the Ada Reference Manual:

expression ::=
     relation {and relation}
   | relation {and then relation}
   | relation {or relation}
   | relation {or else relation}
   | relation {xor relation}

relation ::=
       [relational_operator simple_expression]
   | simple_expression [not] in
   | raise_expression

Again, for more details, please refer to the section on expressions of the Ada Reference Manual.

Numeric expressions

The expressions we've seen so far had the Boolean type. Although much of the grammar described in the Manual exists exclusively for Boolean operations, we can also write numeric expressions such as the following one:

procedure Show_Numeric_Expressions is C1 : constant Integer := 5; Dummy : Integer; begin Dummy := -2 ** 4 + 3 * C1 ** 8; -- ^ numeric literal -- ^ primary -- ^^ name -- ^^ primary -- ^^^^^^^ factor -- ^ multiplying operator -- ^ numeric literal -- ^ primary -- ^ factor -- ^^^^^^^^^^^ term -- -- ^ numeric literal -- ^ primary -- ^ numeric literal -- ^ primary -- ^^^^^^ factor -- ^^^^^^ term -- ^ binary adding operator -- ^ unary adding operator -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ simple expression -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression end Show_Numeric_Expressions;

In this code example, the expression - 2 ** 4 + 3 * C1 ** 8 consists of just a single simple expression. (Note that simple expressions do not have to be "simple".) This simple expression consists of two terms: 2 ** 4 and 3 * C1 ** 8. While the 2 ** 4 term is also a single factor, the 3 * C1 ** 8 term consists of two factors: 3 and C1 ** 8. Both the 2 ** 4 and the C1 ** 8 factors consists of two primaries each:

  • the 2 ** 4 factor has the primaries 2 and 4,

  • the C1 ** 8 factor has the primaries C1 and 8.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Other expressions

Expressions aren't limited to the Boolean type or to numeric types. Indeed, expressions can be of any type, and the definition of primaries we've seen earlier on already hints in this direction — as it includes elements such as allocators. Because expressions are very flexible, covering all possible variations and combinations in this section is out of scope. Again, please refer to the section on expressions of the Ada Reference Manual for further details.

Parenthesized expression

An interesting aspect of primaries is that, by using parentheses, we can embed an expression inside another expression. As an example, let's discuss the following expression and its elements:

procedure Show_Parenthesized_Expressions is C1 : constant Integer := 4; C2 : constant Integer := 5; Dummy : Integer; begin Dummy := (2 + C1) * C2; -- ^^ name -- ^^ primary -- ^^ factor -- ^^ term -- -- ^ numeric literal -- ^ primary -- ^ factor -- ^ term -- -- ^ binary adding operator -- ^^^^^^^^ simple expression -- -- ^^^^^^^^ expression -- ^^^^^^^^ primary -- ^^^^^^^^ factor -- -- ^^ factor -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ term -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ simple expression -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression end Show_Parenthesized_Expressions;

In this example, we first start with the single expression (2 + C1) * C2, which is also a simple expression consisting of just one term, which consists of two factors: (2 + C1) and C2. The (2 + C1) factor is also a primary. Now, because of the parentheses, we identify that the primary (2 + C1) is an expression that is embedded in another expression.


To be fair, the existence of parentheses in a primary could also indicate other kinds of expressions, such as conditional or quantified expressions. However, differentiating between them is straightforward, as we'll see later on in this chapter.

We then proceed to parse the (2 + C1) expression, which consists of the terms 2 and C1. As we've seen in the comments of the code example, each of these terms consists of one factor, which consists of one primary. In the end, after parsing the primaries, we identify that 2 is a numeric literal and C1 is a name.

Note that the usage of parentheses might lead to situations where we have expressions in potentially unsuspected places. For example, consider the following code example:

procedure Show_Name_In_Expression is type Mode is (Off, A, B, C, D); M1 : Mode; begin M1 := A; case M1 is when Off | D => null; when A | B | C => M1 := D; end case; end Show_Name_In_Expression;

Here, the case statement expects a selecting expression. In this case, M1 is identified as a name — after being identified as a relation, a simple expression, a term, a factor and a primary.

However, if we replace case M1 is by case (M1) is, (M1) is identified as a parenthesized expression, not as a name! This parenthesized expression is first parsed and evaluated, which might have implications in case statements, as we'll see in another chapter.

Let's look at another example, this time with a subprogram call:

procedure Increment_By_One (I : in out Integer);
procedure Increment_By_One (I : in out Integer) is begin I := I + 1; end Increment_By_One;
with Increment_By_One; procedure Show_Name_In_Expression is V : Integer := 0; begin Increment_By_One ((V)); end Show_Name_In_Expression;

The Increment_By_One procedure from this example expects a variable as an actual parameter because the parameter mode is in out. However, the (V) in the call to the procedure is interpreted as an expression, so we end up providing a value — the result of the expression — as the actual parameter instead of the V variable. Naturally, this is a compilation error. (Of course, writing Increment_By_One (V) fixes the error.)

Conditional Expressions

As we've seen before, we can write simple expressions such as I = 0 or D.Valid. A conditional expression, as the name implies, is an expression that contains a condition. This might be an "if-expression" (in the if ... then ... else form) or a "case-expression" (in the case ... is when => form).

The Max function in the following code example is an expression function implemented with a conditional expression — an if-expression, to be more precise:

package Expr_Func is function Max (A, B : Integer) return Integer is (if A >= B then A else B); end Expr_Func;

Let's say we have a system with four states Off, On, Waiting, and Invalid. For this system, we want to implement a function named Toggled that returns the toggled value of a state S. If the current value of S is either Off or On, the function toggles from Off to On (or from On to Off). For other values, the state remains unchanged — i.e. the returned value is the same as the input value. This is the implementation using a conditional expression:

package Expr_Func is type State is (Off, On, Waiting, Invalid); function Toggled (S : State) return State is (if S = Off then On elsif S = On then Off else S); end Expr_Func;

As you can see, if-expressions may contain an elsif branch (and therefore be more complicated).

The code above corresponds to this more verbose version:

package Expr_Func is type State is (Off, On, Waiting, Invalid); function Toggled (S : State) return State; end Expr_Func;
package body Expr_Func is function Toggled (S : State) return State is begin if S = Off then return On; elsif S = On then return Off; else return S; end if; end Toggled; end Expr_Func;

If we compare the if-block of this code example to the if-expression of the previous example, we notice that the if-expression is just a simplified version without the return keyword and the end if;. In fact, converting an if-block to an if-expression is quite straightforward.

We could also replace the if-expression used in the Toggled function above with a case-expression. For example:

package Expr_Func is type State is (Off, On, Waiting, Invalid); function Toggled (S : State) return State is (case S is when Off => On, when On => Off, when others => S); end Expr_Func;

Note that we use commas in case-expressions to separate the alternatives (the when expressions). The code above corresponds to this more verbose version:

package Expr_Func is type State is (Off, On, Waiting, Invalid); function Toggled (S : State) return State; end Expr_Func;
package body Expr_Func is function Toggled (S : State) return State is begin case S is when Off => return On; when On => return Off; when others => return S; end case; end Toggled; end Expr_Func;

If we compare the case block of this code example to the case-expression of the previous example, we notice that the case-expression is just a simplified version of the case block without the return keyword and the end case;, and with alternatives separated by commas instead of semicolons.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Quantified Expressions

Quantified expressions are for expressions using a quantifier — which can be either all or some — and a predicate. This kind of expressions let us formalize statements such as:

  • "all values of array A must be zero" into for all I in A'Range => A (I) = 0, and

  • "at least one value of array A must be zero" into for some I in A'Range => A (I) = 0.

In the quantified expression for all I in A'Range => A (I) = 0, the quantifier is all and the predicate is A (I) = 0. In the second expression, the quantifier is some. The result of a quantified expression is always a Boolean value.

For example, we could use the quantified expressions above and implement these two functions:

  • Is_Zero, which checks whether all components of an array A are zero, and

  • Has_Zero, which checks whether array A has at least one component of the array A is zero.

This is the complete code:

package Int_Arrays is type Integer_Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; function Is_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is (for all I in A'Range => A (I) = 0); function Has_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is (for some I in A'Range => A (I) = 0); procedure Display_Array (A : Integer_Arr; Name : String); end Int_Arrays;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Int_Arrays is procedure Display_Array (A : Integer_Arr; Name : String) is begin Put (Name & ": "); for E of A loop Put (E'Image & " "); end loop; New_Line; end Display_Array; end Int_Arrays;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Int_Arrays; use Int_Arrays; procedure Test_Int_Arrays is A : Integer_Arr := (0, 0, 1); begin Display_Array (A, "A"); Put_Line ("Is_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Is_Zero (A))); Put_Line ("Has_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Has_Zero (A))); A := (0, 0, 0); Display_Array (A, "A"); Put_Line ("Is_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Is_Zero (A))); Put_Line ("Has_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Has_Zero (A))); end Test_Int_Arrays;

As you might have expected, we can rewrite a quantified expression as a loop in the for I in A'Range loop if ... return ... form. In the code below, we're implementing Is_Zero and Has_Zero using loops and conditions instead of quantified expressions:

package Int_Arrays is type Integer_Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; function Is_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean; function Has_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean; procedure Display_Array (A : Integer_Arr; Name : String); end Int_Arrays;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Int_Arrays is function Is_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is begin for I in A'Range loop if A (I) /= 0 then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Is_Zero; function Has_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is begin for I in A'Range loop if A (I) = 0 then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Has_Zero; procedure Display_Array (A : Integer_Arr; Name : String) is begin Put (Name & ": "); for E of A loop Put (E'Image & " "); end loop; New_Line; end Display_Array; end Int_Arrays;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Int_Arrays; use Int_Arrays; procedure Test_Int_Arrays is A : Integer_Arr := (0, 0, 1); begin Display_Array (A, "A"); Put_Line ("Is_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Is_Zero (A))); Put_Line ("Has_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Has_Zero (A))); A := (0, 0, 0); Display_Array (A, "A"); Put_Line ("Is_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Is_Zero (A))); Put_Line ("Has_Zero: " & Boolean'Image (Has_Zero (A))); end Test_Int_Arrays;

So far, we've seen quantified expressions using indices — e.g. for all I in A'Range => .... We could avoid indices in quantified expressions by simply using the E of A form. In this case, we can just write for all E of A => .... Let's adapt the implementation of Is_Zero and Has_Zero using this form:

package Int_Arrays is type Integer_Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; function Is_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is (for all E of A => E = 0); function Has_Zero (A : Integer_Arr) return Boolean is (for some E of A => E = 0); end Int_Arrays;

Here, we're checking the components E of the array A and comparing them against zero.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Declare Expressions

So far, we've seen expressions that make use of existing objects declared outside of the expression. Sometimes, we might want to declare constant objects inside the expression, so we can use them locally in the expression. Similarly, we might want to rename an object and use the renamed object in an expression. In those cases, we can use a declare expression.

A declare expression allows for declaring or renaming objects within an expression:

pragma Ada_2022; package P is function Max (A, B : Integer) return Integer is (declare Bigger_A : constant Boolean := (A >= B); begin (if Bigger_A then A else B)); end P;

The declare expression starts with the declare keyword and the usual object declarations, and it's followed by the begin keyword and the body. In this example, the body of the declare expression is a conditional expression.

Of course, the code above isn't really useful, so let's look at a more complete example:

pragma Ada_2022; package Integer_Arrays is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer; -- -- Expression function using -- declare expression: -- function Avg (Arr : Integer_Array) return Float is (declare A : Integer_Array renames Arr; S : constant Float := Float (Sum (A)); L : constant Float := Float (A'Length); begin S / L); end Integer_Arrays;
package body Integer_Arrays is function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer is begin return Acc : Integer := 0 do for V of Arr loop Acc := Acc + V; end loop; end return; end Sum; end Integer_Arrays;
pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Integer_Arrays; use Integer_Arrays; procedure Show_Integer_Arrays is Arr : constant Integer_Array := [1, 2, 3]; begin Put_Line ("Sum: " & Sum (Arr)'Image); Put_Line ("Avg: " & Avg (Arr)'Image); end Show_Integer_Arrays;

In this example, the Avg function is implemented using a declare expression. In this expression, A renames the Arr array, and S is a constant initialized with the value returned by the Sum function.

In the Ada Reference Manual

Restrictions in the declarative part

The declarative part of a declare expression is more restricted than the declarative part of a subprogram or declare block. In fact, we cannot:

  • declare variables;

  • declare constants of limited types;

  • rename an object of limited type that is constructed within the declarative part;

  • declare aliased constants;

  • declare constants that make use of the Access or Unchecked_Access attributes in the initialization;

  • declare constants of anonymous access type.

Let's see some examples of erroneous declarations:

pragma Ada_2022; package Integer_Arrays is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; type Integer_Sum is limited private; type Const_Integer_Access is access constant Integer; function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer; function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer_Sum; -- -- Expression function using -- declare expression: -- function Avg (Arr : Integer_Array) return Float is (declare A : Integer_Array renames Arr; S1 : aliased constant Integer := Sum (A); -- ERROR: aliased constant S : Float := Float (S1); L : Float := Float (A'Length); -- ERROR: declaring variables S2 : constant Integer_Sum := Sum (A); -- ERROR: declaring constant of -- limited type A1 : Const_Integer_Access := S1'Unchecked_Access; -- ERROR: using 'Unchecked_Access -- attribute A2 : access Integer := null; -- ERROR: declaring object of -- anonymous access type begin S / L); private type Integer_Sum is new Integer; end Integer_Arrays;
package body Integer_Arrays is function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer is begin return Acc : Integer := 0 do for V of Arr loop Acc := Acc + V; end loop; end return; end Sum; function Sum (Arr : Integer_Array) return Integer_Sum is (Integer_Sum (Integer'(Sum (Arr)))); end Integer_Arrays;

In this version of the Avg function, we see many errors in the declarative part of the declare expression. If we convert the declare expression into an actual function implementation, however, those declarations won't trigger compilation errors. (Feel free to try this out!)

Reduction Expressions


This feature was introduced in Ada 2022.

A reduction expression reduces a list of values into a single value. For example, we can reduce the list [2, 3, 4] to a single value:

  • by adding the values of the list: 2 + 3 + 4 = 9, or

  • by multiplying the values of the list: 2 * 3 * 4 = 24.

We write a reduction expression by using the Reduce attribute and providing the reducer and its initial value:

  • the reducer is the operator (e.g.: + or *) that we use to combine the values of the list;

  • the initial value is the value that we use before all other values of the list.

For example, if we use + as the operator and 0 an the initial value, we get the reduction expression: 0 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 9. This can be implemented using an array:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is A : array (1 .. 3) of Integer; I : Integer; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; I := A'Reduce ("+", 0); Put_Line ("A = " & A'Image); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

Here, we have the array A with a list of values. The A'Reduce ("+", 0) expression reduces the list of values of A into a single value — in this case, an integer value that is stored in I. This statement is equivalent to:

I := 0;
for E of A loop
   I := I + E;
end loop;

Naturally, we can reduce the array using the * operator:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is A : array (1 .. 3) of Integer; I : Integer; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; I := A'Reduce ("*", 1); Put_Line ("A = " & A'Image); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this example, we call A'Reduce ("*", 1) to reduce the list. (Note that we use an initial value of one because it is the identity element of a multiplication, so the complete operation is: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 = 24.)

In the Ada Reference Manual

Value sequences

In addition to arrays, we can apply reduction expression to value sequences, which consist of an iterated element association — for example, [for I in 1 .. 3 => I + 1]. We can simply append the reduction expression to a value sequence:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is I : Integer; begin I := [for I in 1 .. 3 => I + 1]'Reduce ("+", 0); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); I := [for I in 1 .. 3 => I + 1]'Reduce ("*", 1); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this example, we create the value sequence [for I in 1 .. 3 => I + 1] and reduce it using the + and * operators. (Note that the operations in this example have the same results as in the previous examples using arrays.)

Custom reducers

In the previous examples, we've used standard operators such as + and * as the reducer. We can, however, write our own reducers and pass them to the Reduce attribute. For example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; A : Integer_Array (1 .. 3); I : Long_Integer; procedure Accumulate (Accumulator : in out Long_Integer; Value : Integer) is begin Accumulator := Accumulator + Long_Integer (Value); end Accumulate; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; I := A'Reduce (Accumulate, 0); Put_Line ("A = " & A'Image); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this example, we implement the Accumulate procedure as our reducer, which is called to accumulate the individual elements (integer values) of the list. We pass this procedure to the Reduce attribute in the I := A'Reduce (Accumulate, 0) statement, which is equivalent to:

I := 0;
for E of A loop
   Accumulate (I, E);
end loop;

A custom reducer must have the following parameters:

  1. The accumulator parameter, which stores the interim result — and the final result as well, once all elements of the list have been processed.

  2. The value parameter, which is a single element from the list.

Note that the accumulator type doesn't need to match the type of the individual components. In this example, we're using Integer as the component type, while the accumulator type is Long_Integer. (For this kind of reducers, using Long_Integer instead of Integer for the accumulator type makes lots of sense due to the risk of triggering overflows while the reducer is accumulating values — e.g. when accumulating a long list with larger numbers.)

In the example above, we've implemented the reducer as a procedure. However, we can also implement it as a function. In this case, the accumulated value is returned by the function:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; A : Integer_Array (1 .. 3); I : Long_Integer; function Accumulate (Accumulator : Long_Integer; Value : Integer) return Long_Integer is begin return Accumulator + Long_Integer (Value); end Accumulate; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; I := A'Reduce (Accumulate, 0); Put_Line ("A = " & A'Image); Put_Line ("I = " & I'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this example, we converted the Accumulate procedure into a function (while the core implementation is essentially the same).

Note that the reduction expression remains the same, independently of whether we're using a procedure or a function as the reducer. Therefore, the statement with the reduction expression in this example is the same as in the previous example: I := A'Reduce (Accumulate, 0);. Now that we're using a function, this statement is equivalent to:

I := 0;
for E of A loop
   I := Accumulate (I, E);
end loop;

Other accumulator types

The accumulator type isn't restricted to scalars: in fact, we could use record types as well. For example:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; A : Integer_Array (1 .. 3); type Integer_Accumulator is record Value : Long_Integer; Count : Integer; end record; function Accumulate (Accumulator : Integer_Accumulator; Value : Integer) return Integer_Accumulator is begin return (Value => Accumulator.Value + Long_Integer (Value), Count => Accumulator.Count + 1); end Accumulate; function Zero return Integer_Accumulator is (Value => 0, Count => 0); function Average (Acc : Integer_Accumulator) return Float is (Float (Acc.Value) / Float (Acc.Count)); Acc : Integer_Accumulator; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; Acc := A'Reduce (Accumulate, Zero); Put_Line ("Acc = " & Acc'Image); Put_Line ("Avg = " & Average (Acc)'Image); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this example, we're using the Integer_Accumulator record type in our reducer — the Accumulate function. In this case, we're not only accumulating the values, but also counting the number of elements in the list. (Of course, we could have used A'Length for that as well.)

Also, we're not limited to numeric types: we can also create a reducer using strings as the accumulator type. In fact, we can display the initial value and the elements of the list by using unbounded strings:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; procedure Show_Reduction_Expression is type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; A : Integer_Array (1 .. 3); function Unbounded_String_List (Accumulator : Unbounded_String; Value : Integer) return Unbounded_String is begin return Accumulator & ", " & Value'Image; end Unbounded_String_List; begin A := [2, 3, 4]; Put_Line ("A = " & A'Image); Put_Line ("L = " & To_String (A'Reduce (Unbounded_String_List, To_Unbounded_String ("0")))); end Show_Reduction_Expression;

In this case, the "accumulator" is concatenating the initial value and individual values of the list into a string.