Ensure Local Type Consistency (OOP07)
Level \(\rightarrow\) Required
- Category
- Safety:
- Cyber:
- Goal
- Maintainability:
- Reliability:
- Portability:
- Performance:
- Security:
Remediation \(\rightarrow\) N/A
Verification Method \(\rightarrow\) Software test
[AdaOOP2016] See section 4.2.
Formally verify local type consistency, or
Ensure that each tagged type passes all the tests of all the parent types which it can replace.
One of the fundamental benefits of OOP is the ability to manipulate objects in a class inheritance hierarchy without "knowing" at compile-time the specific classes of the objects being manipulated. By manipulate we mean invoking the primitive operations, the methods defined by the classes.
We will use the words class and type interchangeably, because classes are composed in Ada and SPARK using a combination of building blocks, especially type declarations. However, we will use the term subclass rather than subtype because the latter has a specific meaning in Ada and SPARK that is unrelated to OOP.
The objects whose operations are being invoked can be of types anywhere in the inheritance tree, from the root down to the bottom. The location, i.e., the specific type, is transparent to the manipulating code. This type transparency is possible because the invoked operations are dynamically dispatched at run-time, rather than statically dispatched at compile-time.
Typically, the code manipulating the objects does so in terms of superclasses closer to the root of the inheritance tree. Doing so increases generality because it increases the number of potential subclasses that can be manipulated. The actual superclass chosen will depend on the operations required by the manipulation. In Ada and SPARK, subclasses can add operations but can never remove them, so more operations are found as we move down from the root. That is the nature of specialization. Note that the guarantee of an invoked operations' existence is essential for languages used in this domain.
However, for this transparent manipulation to be functionally correct — to accomplish what the caller intends — the primitive operations of subclasses must be functionally indistinguishable from those of the superclasses. That doesn't mean the subclasses cannot make changes. Indeed, the entire point of subclasses is to make changes. In particular, functional changes can be either introduction of new operations, or overridings of inherited operations. It is these overridings that must be functionally transparent to the manipulating code. (Of course, for an inherited operation that is not overridden, the functionality is inherited as-is, and is thus transparent trivially.)
The concept of functional transparency was introduced, albeit with different terminology, by Liskov and Wing in 1994 [LiskovWing1994] and is, therefore, known as the Liskov Substitution Principle, or LSP. The substitution in LSP means that a subclass must be substitutable for its superclass, i.e., a subclass instance should be usable whenever a superclass instance is required.
Unfortunately, requirements-based testing will not detect violations of LSP because unit-level requirements do not concern themselves with superclass substitutability.
However, the OO supplement of DO-178C [DO178C] offers solutions, two of which are in fact the options recommended by this guideline.
Specifically, the supplement suggests adding a specific verification activity it defines as Local Type Consistency Verification. This activity ensures LSP is respected and, in so doing, addresses the vulnerability.
Verification can be accomplished statically with formal methods in SPARK, or dynamically via a modified form of testing.
For the static approach, type consistency is verified by examining the properties of the overriding operation's preconditions and postconditions. These are the properties required by Design by Contract, as codified by Bertrand Meyer [Meyer1997]. Specifically, an overridden primitive may only replace the precondition with one weaker than that of the parent version, and may only replace the postcondition with one stronger. In essence, relative to the parent version, an overridden operation can only require the same or less, and provide the same or more. Satisfying that requirement is sufficient to ensure functional transparency because the manipulating code only "knows" the contracts of the class it manipulates, i.e., the view presented by the type, which may very well be a superclass of the one actually invoked.
In Ada and SPARK, the class-wide form of preconditions and postconditions are inherited by overridden primitive operations of tagged types. The inherited precondition and that of the overriding (if any) are combined into a conjunction. All must hold, otherwise the precondition fails. Likewise, the inherited postcondition is combined with the overriding postcondition into a disjunction. At least one of them must hold. In Ada these are tested at run-time. In SPARK, they are verified statically (or not, in which case proof fails and an error is indicated).
To verify substitutability via testing, all the tests for all superclass types are applied to objects of the given subclass type. If all the parent tests pass, this provides a high degree of confidence that objects of the new tagged type can properly substitute for parent type objects. Note that static proof of consistency provides an even higher degree of confidence.
Applicable Vulnerability within ISO TR 24772-2
6.42 Violations of the Liskov substitution principle of the contract model [BLP]
6.43 Redispatching [PPH]
6.44 Polymorphic variables [BKK]
Applicable Common Weakness Enumeration
Noncompliant Code Example
package P is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
type Rectangle is tagged private;
procedure Set_Width (This : in out Rectangle;
Value : Positive)
Post => Width (This) = Value and
Height (This) = Height (This'Old);
function Width (This : Rectangle) return Positive;
procedure Set_Height (This : in out Rectangle;
Value : Positive)
Post => Height (This) = Value and
Width (This) = Width (This'Old);
function Height (This : Rectangle) return Positive;
end P;
The postcondition for Set_Width
states that the Height
is not changed.
Likewise, for Set_Height
, the postcondition asserts that the Width
is not
changed. However, these postconditions are not class-wide so they are not
inherited by subclasses.
Now, in a subclass Square
, the operations are overridden so that setting
the width also sets the height to the same value, and vice versa. Thus the
overridden operations do not maintain type consistency, but this fact is
neither detected at run-time, nor could SPARK verify it statically (and SPARK
is not used at all in these versions of the packages).
with P; use P;
package Q is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
type Square is new Rectangle with private;
procedure Set_Width (This : in out Square;
Value : Positive)
Post => Width (This) = Height (This);
procedure Set_Height (This : in out Square;
Value : Positive)
Post => Width (This) = Height (This);
end Q;
Compliant Code Example
package P with SPARK_Mode is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
type Rectangle is tagged private;
procedure Set_Width (This : in out Rectangle;
Value : Positive)
Post'Class => Width (This) = Value and
Height (This) = Height (This'Old);
function Width (This : Rectangle) return Positive;
procedure Set_Height (This : in out Rectangle;
Value : Positive)
Post'Class => Height (This) = Value and
Width (This) = Width (This'Old);
function Height (This : Rectangle) return Positive;
end P;
Now the postconditions are class-wide so they are inherited by subclasses. In
the subclass Square
, the postconditions will not hold at run-time. Likewise,
SPARK can now prove that type consistency is not verified because the
postconditions are weaker than those inherited:
with P; use P;
package Q with SPARK_Mode is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
type Square is new Rectangle with private;
procedure Set_Width (This : in out Square;
Value : Positive)
Post'Class => Width (This) = Height (This);
procedure Set_Height (This : in out Square;
Value : Positive)
Post'Class => Width (This) = Height (This);
type Square is new Rectangle with null record;
end Q;
Verification can be achieved dynamically with the GNATtest tool, using the
switch. SPARK enforces this rule.