

Generics are used for metaprogramming in Ada. They are useful for abstract algorithms that share common properties with each other.

Either a subprogram or a package can be generic. A generic is declared by using the keyword generic. For example:

generic type T is private; -- Declaration of formal types and objects -- Below, we could use one of the following: -- <procedure | function | package> procedure Operator (Dummy : in out T);
procedure Operator (Dummy : in out T) is begin null; end Operator;

Formal type declaration

Formal types are abstractions of a specific type. For example, we may want to create an algorithm that works on any integer type, or even on any type at all, whether a numeric type or not. The following example declares a formal type T for the Set procedure.

generic type T is private; -- T is a formal type that indicates that -- any type can be used, possibly a numeric -- type or possibly even a record type. procedure Set (Dummy : T);
procedure Set (Dummy : T) is begin null; end Set;

The declaration of T as private indicates that you can map any definite type to it. But you can also restrict the declaration to allow only some types to be mapped to that formal type. Here are some examples:

Formal Type


Any type

type T is private;

Any discrete type

type T is (<>);

Any floating-point type

type T is digits <>;

Formal object declaration

Formal objects are similar to subprogram parameters. They can reference formal types declared in the formal specification. For example:

generic type T is private; X : in out T; -- X can be used in the Set procedure procedure Set (E : T);
procedure Set (E : T) is pragma Unreferenced (E, X); begin null; end Set;

Formal objects can be either input parameters or specified using the in out mode.

Generic body definition

We don't repeat the generic keyword for the body declaration of a generic subprogram or package. Instead, we start with the actual declaration and use the generic types and objects we declared. For example:

generic type T is private; X : in out T; procedure Set (E : T);
procedure Set (E : T) is -- Body definition: "generic" keyword -- is not used begin X := E; end Set;

Generic instantiation

Generic subprograms or packages can't be used directly. Instead, they need to be instantiated, which we do using the new keyword, as shown in the following example:

generic type T is private; X : in out T; -- X can be used in the Set procedure procedure Set (E : T);
procedure Set (E : T) is begin X := E; end Set;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Set; procedure Show_Generic_Instantiation is Main : Integer := 0; Current : Integer; procedure Set_Main is new Set (T => Integer, X => Main); -- Here, we map the formal parameters to -- actual types and objects. -- -- The same approach can be used to -- instantiate functions or packages, e.g.: -- -- function Get_Main is new ... -- package Integer_Queue is new ... begin Current := 10; Set_Main (Current); Put_Line ("Value of Main is " & Integer'Image (Main)); end Show_Generic_Instantiation;

In the example above, we instantiate the procedure Set by mapping the formal parameters T and X to actual existing elements, in this case the Integer type and the Main variable.

Generic packages

The previous examples focused on generic subprograms. In this section, we look at generic packages. The syntax is similar to that used for generic subprograms: we start with the generic keyword and continue with formal declarations. The only difference is that package is specified instead of a subprogram keyword.

Here's an example:

generic type T is private; package Element is procedure Set (E : T); procedure Reset; function Get return T; function Is_Valid return Boolean; Invalid_Element : exception; private Value : T; Valid : Boolean := False; end Element;
package body Element is procedure Set (E : T) is begin Value := E; Valid := True; end Set; procedure Reset is begin Valid := False; end Reset; function Get return T is begin if not Valid then raise Invalid_Element; end if; return Value; end Get; function Is_Valid return Boolean is (Valid); end Element;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Element; procedure Show_Generic_Package is package I is new Element (T => Integer); procedure Display_Initialized is begin if I.Is_Valid then Put_Line ("Value is initialized"); else Put_Line ("Value is not initialized"); end if; end Display_Initialized; begin Display_Initialized; Put_Line ("Initializing..."); I.Set (5); Display_Initialized; Put_Line ("Value is now set to " & Integer'Image (I.Get)); Put_Line ("Resetting..."); I.Reset; Display_Initialized; end Show_Generic_Package;

In the example above, we created a simple container named Element, with just one single element. This container tracks whether the element has been initialized or not.

After writing the package definition, we create the instance I of the Element. We use the instance by calling the package subprograms (Set, Reset, and Get).

Formal subprograms

In addition to formal types and objects, we can also declare formal subprograms or packages. This course only describes formal subprograms; formal packages are discussed in the advanced course.

We use the with keyword to declare a formal subprogram. In the example below, we declare a formal function (Comparison) to be used by the generic procedure Check.

generic Description : String; type T is private; with function Comparison (X, Y : T) return Boolean; procedure Check (X, Y : T);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Check (X, Y : T) is Result : Boolean; begin Result := Comparison (X, Y); if Result then Put_Line ("Comparison (" & Description & ") between arguments is OK!"); else Put_Line ("Comparison (" & Description & ") between arguments is not OK!"); end if; end Check;
with Check; procedure Show_Formal_Subprogram is A, B : Integer; procedure Check_Is_Equal is new Check (Description => "equality", T => Integer, Comparison => Standard."="); -- Here, we are mapping the standard -- equality operator for Integer types to -- the Comparison formal function begin A := 0; B := 1; Check_Is_Equal (A, B); end Show_Formal_Subprogram;

Example: I/O instances

Ada offers generic I/O packages that can be instantiated for standard and derived types. One example is the generic Float_IO package, which provides procedures such as Put and Get. In fact, Float_Text_IO — available from the standard library — is an instance of the Float_IO package, and it's defined as:

with Ada.Text_IO;

package Ada.Float_Text_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float);

You can use it directly with any object of floating-point type. For example:

with Ada.Float_Text_IO; procedure Show_Float_Text_IO is X : constant Float := 2.5; use Ada.Float_Text_IO; begin Put (X); end Show_Float_Text_IO;

Instantiating generic I/O packages can be useful for derived types. For example, let's create a new type Price that must be displayed with two decimal digits after the point, and no exponent.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Float_IO_Inst is type Price is digits 3; package Price_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Price); P : Price; begin -- Set to zero => don't display exponent Price_IO.Default_Exp := 0; P := 2.5; Price_IO.Put (P); New_Line; P := 5.75; Price_IO.Put (P); New_Line; end Show_Float_IO_Inst;

By adjusting Default_Exp from the Price_IO instance to remove the exponent, we can control how variables of Price type are displayed. Just as a side note, we could also have written:

-- [...]

   type Price is new Float;

   package Price_IO is new
     Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Price);

   Price_IO.Default_Aft  := 2;
   Price_IO.Default_Exp  := 0;

In this case, we're ajusting Default_Aft, too, to get two decimal digits after the point when calling Put.

In addition to the generic Float_IO package, the following generic packages are available from Ada.Text_IO:

  • Enumeration_IO for enumeration types;

  • Integer_IO for integer types;

  • Modular_IO for modular types;

  • Fixed_IO for fixed-point types;

  • Decimal_IO for decimal types.

In fact, we could rewrite the example above using decimal types:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Show_Decimal_IO_Inst is type Price is delta 10.0 ** (-2) digits 12; package Price_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO (Price); P : Price; begin Price_IO.Default_Exp := 0; P := 2.5; Price_IO.Put (P); New_Line; P := 5.75; Price_IO.Put (P); New_Line; end Show_Decimal_IO_Inst;

Example: ADTs

An important application of generics is to model abstract data types (ADTs). In fact, Ada includes a library with numerous ADTs using generics: Ada.Containers (described in the containers section).

A typical example of an ADT is a stack:

generic Max : Positive; type T is private; package Stacks is type Stack is limited private; Stack_Underflow, Stack_Overflow : exception; function Is_Empty (S : Stack) return Boolean; function Pop (S : in out Stack) return T; procedure Push (S : in out Stack; V : T); private type Stack_Array is array (Natural range <>) of T; Min : constant := 1; type Stack is record Container : Stack_Array (Min .. Max); Top : Natural := Min - 1; end record; end Stacks;
package body Stacks is function Is_Empty (S : Stack) return Boolean is (S.Top < S.Container'First); function Is_Full (S : Stack) return Boolean is (S.Top >= S.Container'Last); function Pop (S : in out Stack) return T is begin if Is_Empty (S) then raise Stack_Underflow; else return X : T do X := S.Container (S.Top); S.Top := S.Top - 1; end return; end if; end Pop; procedure Push (S : in out Stack; V : T) is begin if Is_Full (S) then raise Stack_Overflow; else S.Top := S.Top + 1; S.Container (S.Top) := V; end if; end Push; end Stacks;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Stacks; procedure Show_Stack is package Integer_Stacks is new Stacks (Max => 10, T => Integer); use Integer_Stacks; Values : Integer_Stacks.Stack; begin Push (Values, 10); Push (Values, 20); Put_Line ("Last value was " & Integer'Image (Pop (Values))); end Show_Stack;

In this example, we first create a generic stack package (Stacks) and then instantiate it to create a stack of up to 10 integer values.

Example: Swap

Let's look at a simple procedure that swaps variables of type Color:

package Colors is type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); procedure Swap_Colors (X, Y : in out Color); end Colors;
package body Colors is procedure Swap_Colors (X, Y : in out Color) is Tmp : constant Color := X; begin X := Y; Y := Tmp; end Swap_Colors; end Colors;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Colors; use Colors; procedure Test_Non_Generic_Swap_Colors is A, B, C : Color; begin A := Blue; B := White; C := Red; Put_Line ("Value of A is " & Color'Image (A)); Put_Line ("Value of B is " & Color'Image (B)); Put_Line ("Value of C is " & Color'Image (C)); New_Line; Put_Line ("Swapping A and C..."); New_Line; Swap_Colors (A, C); Put_Line ("Value of A is " & Color'Image (A)); Put_Line ("Value of B is " & Color'Image (B)); Put_Line ("Value of C is " & Color'Image (C)); end Test_Non_Generic_Swap_Colors;

In this example, Swap_Colors can only be used for the Color type. However, this algorithm can theoretically be used for any type, whether an enumeration type or a complex record type with many elements. The algorithm itself is the same: it's only the type that differs. If, for example, we want to swap variables of Integer type, we don't want to duplicate the implementation. Therefore, such an algorithm is a perfect candidate for abstraction using generics.

In the example below, we create a generic version of Swap_Colors and name it Generic_Swap. This generic version can operate on any type due to the declaration of formal type T.

generic type T is private; procedure Generic_Swap (X, Y : in out T);
procedure Generic_Swap (X, Y : in out T) is Tmp : constant T := X; begin X := Y; Y := Tmp; end Generic_Swap;
with Generic_Swap; package Colors is type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); procedure Swap_Colors is new Generic_Swap (T => Color); end Colors;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Colors; use Colors; procedure Test_Swap_Colors is A, B, C : Color; begin A := Blue; B := White; C := Red; Put_Line ("Value of A is " & Color'Image (A)); Put_Line ("Value of B is " & Color'Image (B)); Put_Line ("Value of C is " & Color'Image (C)); New_Line; Put_Line ("Swapping A and C..."); New_Line; Swap_Colors (A, C); Put_Line ("Value of A is " & Color'Image (A)); Put_Line ("Value of B is " & Color'Image (B)); Put_Line ("Value of C is " & Color'Image (C)); end Test_Swap_Colors;

As we can see in the example, we can create the same Swap_Colors procedure as we had in the non-generic version of the algorithm by declaring it as an instance of the generic Generic_Swap procedure. We specify that the generic T type will be mapped to the Color type by passing it as an argument to the Generic_Swap instantiation.

Example: Reversing

The previous example, with an algorithm to swap two values, is one of the simplest examples of using generics. Next we study an algorithm for reversing elements of an array. First, let's start with a non-generic version of the algorithm, one that works specifically for the Color type:

package Colors is type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); type Color_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Color; procedure Reverse_It (X : in out Color_Array); end Colors;
package body Colors is procedure Reverse_It (X : in out Color_Array) is begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : Color; X_Left : Color renames X (I); X_Right : Color renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Reverse_It; end Colors;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Colors; use Colors; procedure Test_Non_Generic_Reverse_Colors is My_Colors : Color_Array (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); begin for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Reversing My_Color..."); New_Line; Reverse_It (My_Colors); for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; end Test_Non_Generic_Reverse_Colors;

The procedure Reverse_It takes an array of colors, starts by swapping the first and last elements of the array, and continues doing that with successive elements until it reaches the middle of array. At that point, the entire array has been reversed, as we see from the output of the test program.

To abstract this procedure, we declare formal types for three components of the algorithm:

  • the elements of the array (Color type in the example)

  • the range used for the array (Integer range in the example)

  • the actual array type (Color_Array type in the example)

This is a generic version of the algorithm:

generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; procedure Generic_Reverse (X : in out Array_T);
procedure Generic_Reverse (X : in out Array_T) is begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : T; X_Left : T renames X (I); X_Right : T renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Generic_Reverse;
with Generic_Reverse; package Colors is type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); type Color_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Color; procedure Reverse_It is new Generic_Reverse (T => Color, Index => Integer, Array_T => Color_Array); end Colors;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Colors; use Colors; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors is My_Colors : Color_Array (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); begin for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Reversing My_Color..."); New_Line; Reverse_It (My_Colors); for C of My_Colors loop Put_Line ("My_Color: " & Color'Image (C)); end loop; end Test_Reverse_Colors;

As mentioned above, we're abstracting three components of the algorithm:

  • the T type abstracts the elements of the array

  • the Index type abstracts the range used for the array

  • the Array_T type abstracts the array type and uses the formal declarations of the T and Index types.

Example: Test application

In the previous example we've focused only on abstracting the reversing algorithm itself. However, we could have decided to also abstract our small test application. This could be useful if we, for example, decide to test other procedures that change elements of an array.

In order to do this, we again have to choose the elements to abstract. We therefore declare the following formal parameters:

  • S: the string containing the array name

  • a function Image that converts an element of type T to a string

  • a procedure Test that performs some operation on the array

Note that Image and Test are examples of formal subprograms and S is an example of a formal object.

Here is a version of the test application making use of the generic Perform_Test procedure:

generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; procedure Generic_Reverse (X : in out Array_T);
procedure Generic_Reverse (X : in out Array_T) is begin for I in X'First .. (X'Last + X'First) / 2 loop declare Tmp : T; X_Left : T renames X (I); X_Right : T renames X (X'Last + X'First - I); begin Tmp := X_Left; X_Left := X_Right; X_Right := Tmp; end; end loop; end Generic_Reverse;
generic type T is private; type Index is range <>; type Array_T is array (Index range <>) of T; S : String; with function Image (E : T) return String is <>; with procedure Test (X : in out Array_T); procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Perform_Test (X : in out Array_T) is begin for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("Testing " & S & "..."); New_Line; Test (X); for C of X loop Put_Line (S & ": " & Image (C)); end loop; end Perform_Test;
with Generic_Reverse; package Colors is type Color is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); type Color_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Color; procedure Reverse_It is new Generic_Reverse (T => Color, Index => Integer, Array_T => Color_Array); end Colors;
with Colors; use Colors; with Perform_Test; procedure Test_Reverse_Colors is procedure Perform_Test_Reverse_It is new Perform_Test (T => Color, Index => Integer, Array_T => Color_Array, S => "My_Color", Image => Color'Image, Test => Reverse_It); My_Colors : Color_Array (1 .. 5) := (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White); begin Perform_Test_Reverse_It (My_Colors); end Test_Reverse_Colors;

In this example, we create the procedure Perform_Test_Reverse_It as an instance of the generic procedure (Perform_Test). Note that:

  • For the formal Image function, we use the 'Image attribute of the Color type

  • For the formal Test procedure, we reference the Reverse_Array procedure from the package.