Container Aggregates


Container aggregates are supported by

  • GNAT Community Edition 2021

  • GCC 11

Ada 2022 introduces container aggregates, which can be used to easily create values for vectors, lists, maps, and other aggregates. For containers such as maps, the aggregate must use named assоciations to provide keys and values. For other containers it uses positional assоciations. Only square brackets are allowed. Here's an example:

pragma Ada_2022; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps; procedure Main is package Int_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Integer); X : constant Int_Vectors.Vector := [1, 2, 3]; package Float_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps (Integer, Float); Y : constant Float_Maps.Map := [-10 => 1.0, 0 => 2.5, 10 => 5.51]; begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (X'Image); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Y'Image); end Main;
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;
procedure Main is
package Int_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
(Positive, Integer);
X : constant Int_Vectors.Vector := [1, 2, 3];
package Float_Maps is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps
(Integer, Float);
Y : constant Float_Maps.Map := [-10 => 1.0, 0 => 2.5, 10 => 5.51];
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (X'Image);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Y'Image);
end Main;

At run time, the compiler creates an empty container and populates it with elements one by one. If you define a new container type, you can specify a new Aggregate aspect to enable container aggregates for your container and let the compiler know what subprograms to use to construct the aggregate:

pragma Ada_2022; procedure Main is package JSON is type JSON_Value is private with Integer_Literal => To_JSON_Value; function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value; type JSON_Array is private with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Array, Add_Unnamed => Append); function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array; procedure Append (Self : in out JSON_Array; Value : JSON_Value) is null; private type JSON_Value is null record; type JSON_Array is null record; function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value is (null record); function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array is (null record); end JSON; List : JSON.JSON_Array := [1, 2, 3]; ------------------------------------ begin -- Equivalent old initialization code List := JSON.New_JSON_Array; JSON.Append (List, 1); JSON.Append (List, 2); JSON.Append (List, 3); end Main;
pragma Ada_2022;
procedure Main is
package JSON is
type JSON_Value is private
with Integer_Literal => To_JSON_Value;
function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value;
type JSON_Array is private
with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Array,
Add_Unnamed => Append);
function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array;
procedure Append
(Self : in out JSON_Array;
Value : JSON_Value) is null;
type JSON_Value is null record;
type JSON_Array is null record;
function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value
is (null record);
function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array is (null record);
end JSON;
List : JSON.JSON_Array := [1, 2, 3];
-- Equivalent old initialization code
List := JSON.New_JSON_Array;
JSON.Append (List, 1);
JSON.Append (List, 2);
JSON.Append (List, 3);
end Main;

The equivalent for maps is:

pragma Ada_2022; procedure Main is package JSON is type JSON_Value is private with Integer_Literal => To_JSON_Value; function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value; type JSON_Object is private with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Object, Add_Named => Insert); function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object; procedure Insert (Self : in out JSON_Object; Key : Wide_Wide_String; Value : JSON_Value) is null; private type JSON_Value is null record; type JSON_Object is null record; function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value is (null record); function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object is (null record); end JSON; Object : JSON.JSON_Object := ["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3]; ------------------------------------------------------------ begin -- Equivalent old initialization code Object := JSON.New_JSON_Object; JSON.Insert (Object, "a", 1); JSON.Insert (Object, "b", 2); JSON.Insert (Object, "c", 3); end Main;
pragma Ada_2022;
procedure Main is
package JSON is
type JSON_Value is private
with Integer_Literal => To_JSON_Value;
function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value;
type JSON_Object is private
with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Object,
Add_Named => Insert);
function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object;
procedure Insert
(Self : in out JSON_Object;
Key : Wide_Wide_String;
Value : JSON_Value) is null;
type JSON_Value is null record;
type JSON_Object is null record;
function To_JSON_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value
is (null record);
function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object is (null record);
end JSON;
Object : JSON.JSON_Object := ["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3];
-- Equivalent old initialization code
Object := JSON.New_JSON_Object;
JSON.Insert (Object, "a", 1);
JSON.Insert (Object, "b", 2);
JSON.Insert (Object, "c", 3);
end Main;

You can't specify both Add_Named and Add_Unnamed subprograms for the same type. This prevents you from defining JSON_Value with both array and object aggregates present. But we can define conversion functions for array and object and get code almost as dense as the same code in native JSON. For example:

pragma Ada_2022; procedure Main is package JSON is type JSON_Value is private with Integer_Literal => To_Value, String_Literal => To_Value; function To_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value; function To_Value (Text : Wide_Wide_String) return JSON_Value; type JSON_Object is private with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Object, Add_Named => Insert); function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object; procedure Insert (Self : in out JSON_Object; Key : Wide_Wide_String; Value : JSON_Value) is null; function From_Object (Self : JSON_Object) return JSON_Value; type JSON_Array is private with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Array, Add_Unnamed => Append); function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array; procedure Append (Self : in out JSON_Array; Value : JSON_Value) is null; function From_Array (Self : JSON_Array) return JSON_Value; private type JSON_Value is null record; type JSON_Object is null record; type JSON_Array is null record; function To_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value is (null record); function To_Value (Text : Wide_Wide_String) return JSON_Value is (null record); function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object is (null record); function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array is (null record); function From_Object (Self : JSON_Object) return JSON_Value is (null record); function From_Array (Self : JSON_Array) return JSON_Value is (null record); end JSON; function "+" (X : JSON.JSON_Object) return JSON.JSON_Value renames JSON.From_Object; function "-" (X : JSON.JSON_Array) return JSON.JSON_Value renames JSON.From_Array; Offices : JSON.JSON_Array := [+["name" => "North American Office", "phones" => -[1_877_787_4628, 1_866_787_4232, 1_212_620_7300], "email" => ""], +["name" => "European Office", "phones" => -[33_1_49_70_67_16, 33_1_49_70_05_52], "email" => ""]]; ----------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- Equivalent old initialization code is too long to print it here null; end Main;
pragma Ada_2022;
procedure Main is
package JSON is
type JSON_Value is private
with Integer_Literal => To_Value, String_Literal => To_Value;
function To_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value;
function To_Value (Text : Wide_Wide_String) return JSON_Value;
type JSON_Object is private
with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Object,
Add_Named => Insert);
function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object;
procedure Insert
(Self : in out JSON_Object;
Key : Wide_Wide_String;
Value : JSON_Value) is null;
function From_Object (Self : JSON_Object) return JSON_Value;
type JSON_Array is private
with Aggregate => (Empty => New_JSON_Array,
Add_Unnamed => Append);
function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array;
procedure Append
(Self : in out JSON_Array;
Value : JSON_Value) is null;
function From_Array (Self : JSON_Array) return JSON_Value;
type JSON_Value is null record;
type JSON_Object is null record;
type JSON_Array is null record;
function To_Value (Text : String) return JSON_Value is
(null record);
function To_Value (Text : Wide_Wide_String) return JSON_Value is
(null record);
function New_JSON_Object return JSON_Object is
(null record);
function New_JSON_Array return JSON_Array is
(null record);
function From_Object (Self : JSON_Object) return JSON_Value is
(null record);
function From_Array (Self : JSON_Array) return JSON_Value is

The Offices variable is supposed to contain this value:

[{"name"  : "North American Office",
  "phones": [18777874628,
  "email" : ""},
 {"name"  : "European Office",
  "phones": [33149706716,
  "email" : ""}]
