Use Class-wide Pre/Post Contracts (OOP06)
Level \(\rightarrow\) Required
- Category
- Safety:
- Cyber:
- Goal
- Maintainability:
- Reliability:
- Portability:
- Performance:
- Security:
Remediation \(\rightarrow\) Low
Verification Method \(\rightarrow\) GNATcheck rule:
(builtin rule)
[AdaOOP2016] section 6.1.4
For primitive operations of tagged types, use only class-wide pre/post contracts, if any.
The class-wide form of precondition and postcondition expresses conditions that are intended to apply to any version of the subprogram. Therefore, when a subprogram is derived as part of inheritance, only the class-wide form of those contracts is inherited from the parent subprogram, if any are defined. As a result, it only makes sense to use the class-wide form in this situation.
(The same semantics and recommendation applies to type invariants.)
Note: this approach will be required for OOP07 (Ensure Local Type Consistency).
Applicable Vulnerability within ISO TR 24772-2
6.42 Violations of the Liskov substitution principle or the contract model [BLP]
Applicable Common Weakness Enumeration
Noncompliant Code Example
type Root_T is tagged null record;
procedure Set_Name (X : Root_T;
Name : String)
with Pre => Name'length > 0;
function Get_Name (X : Root_T) return String
with Post => Get_Name'result'length > 0;
Compliant Code Example
type Root_T is tagged null record;
procedure Set_Name (X : Root_T;
Name : String)
with Pre'class => Name'length > 0;
function Get_Name (X : Root_T) return String
with Post'class => Get_Name'result'length > 0;