Standard library: Containers

Simple todo list

Goal: implement a simple to-do list system using vectors.


  1. Implement the Todo_Lists package.

    1. Declare the Todo_Item type.

    2. Declare the Todo_List type.

    3. Implement the Add procedure.

    4. Implement the Display procedure.

  2. Todo_Item type is used to store to-do items.

    1. It should be implemented as an access type to strings.

  3. Todo_List type is the container for all to-do items.

    1. It should be implemented as a vector.

  4. Procedure Add adds items (of Todo_Item type) to the list (of Todo_List type).

    1. This requires allocating a string for the access type.

  5. Procedure Display is used to display all to-do items.

    1. It must display one item per line.


  1. This exercise is based on the Simple todo list exercise from the More About Types.

    1. Your goal is to rewrite that exercise using vectors instead of arrays.

    2. You may reuse the code you've already implemented as a starting point.

package Todo_Lists is type Todo_Item is access String; type Todo_List is null record; procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String); procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List); end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Todo_Lists is procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String) is begin null; end Add; procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List) is begin Put_Line ("TO-DO LIST"); end Display; end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Todo_Lists; use Todo_Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Todo_List_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is T : Todo_List; begin case TC is when Todo_List_Chk => Add (T, "Buy milk"); Add (T, "Buy tea"); Add (T, "Buy present"); Add (T, "Buy tickets"); Add (T, "Pay electricity bill"); Add (T, "Schedule dentist appointment"); Add (T, "Call sister"); Add (T, "Revise spreasheet"); Add (T, "Edit entry page"); Add (T, "Select new design"); Add (T, "Create upgrade plan"); Display (T); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

List of unique integers

Goal: create function that removes duplicates from and orders a collection of elements.


  1. Implement package Ops.

    1. Declare the Int_Array type.

    2. Declare the Integer_Sets type.

    3. Implement the Get_Unique function that returns a set.

    4. Implement the Get_Unique function that returns an array of integer values.


  1. The Int_Array type is an unconstrained array of positive range.

  2. The Integer_Sets package is an instantiation of the Ordered_Sets package for the Integer type.

  3. The Get_Unique function must remove duplicates from an input array of integer values and order the elements.

    1. For example:

      • if the input array contains (7, 7, 1)

      • the function must return (1, 7).

    2. You must implement this function by using sets from the Ordered_Sets package.

    3. Get_Unique must be implemented in two versions:

      • one version that returns a set — Set type from the Ordered_Sets package.

      • one version that returns an array of integer values — Int_Array type.


  1. Sets — as the one found in the generic Ordered_Sets package — are useful for quickly and easily creating an algorithm that removes duplicates from a list of elements.

with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; package Ops is -- type Int_Array is ... -- package Integer_Sets is ... subtype Int_Set is Integer_Sets.Set; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Set; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Array; end Ops;
package body Ops is function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Set is begin null; end Get_Unique; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Array is begin null; end Get_Unique; end Ops;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ops; use Ops; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Get_Unique_Set_Chk, Get_Unique_Array_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index; A : Int_Array) is procedure Display_Unique_Set (A : Int_Array) is S : constant Int_Set := Get_Unique (A); begin for E of S loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (E)); end loop; end Display_Unique_Set; procedure Display_Unique_Array (A : Int_Array) is AU : constant Int_Array := Get_Unique (A); begin for E of AU loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (E)); end loop; end Display_Unique_Array; begin case TC is when Get_Unique_Set_Chk => Display_Unique_Set (A); when Get_Unique_Array_Chk => Display_Unique_Array (A); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 3 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; else declare A : Int_Array (1 .. Argument_Count - 1); begin for I in A'Range loop A (I) := Integer'Value (Argument (1 + I)); end loop; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1)), A); end; end if; end Main;