No Multiple Reclamations (RCL01)
Level \(\rightarrow\) Mandatory
- Category
- Safety:
- Cyber:
- Goal
- Maintainability:
- Reliability:
- Portability:
- Performance:
- Security:
Remediation \(\rightarrow\) High
Verification Method \(\rightarrow\) Code inspection
Never deallocate the storage designated by a given access value more than once.
Applicable Vulnerability within ISO TR 24772-2
6.39 Memory leak and heap fragmentation [XYL]
Applicable Common Weakness Enumeration
Noncompliant Code Example
type String_Reference is access all String;
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Object => String, Name => String_Reference);
S : String_Reference := new String'("Hello");
Y : String_Reference;
Y := S;
Free (S);
Free (Y);
Compliant Code Example
Remove the call to Free (Y)
Enforcement of this rule can be provided by manual code review, unless
deallocation is forbidden via No_Unchecked_Deallocation
or SPARK is used, as
ownership analysis in SPARK detects such cases. Note that storage utilization
analysis tools such as Valgrind can usually find this sort of error. In
addition, a GNAT-defined storage pool is available to help debug such errors.