

Goal: create a package that handles directions and geometric angles.


  1. Implement the Directions package.

    1. Declare the Ext_Angle record.

    2. Implement the Display procedure.

    3. Implement the To_Ext_Angle function.


  1. Record Ext_Angle stores information about the extended angle (see remark about extended angles below).

  2. Procedure Display displays information about the extended angle.

    1. You should use the implementation that has been commented out (see code below) as a starting point.

  3. Function To_Ext_Angle converts a simple angle value to an extended angle (Ext_Angle type).


  1. We make use of the algorithm implemented in the Check_Direction procedure (chapter on imperative language).

  2. For the sake of this exercise, we use the concept of extended angles. This includes the actual geometric angle and the corresponding direction (North, South, Northwest, and so on).

package Directions is type Angle_Mod is mod 360; type Direction is (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest); function To_Direction (N: Angle_Mod) return Direction; -- Include type declaration for Ext_Angle record type: -- -- NOTE: Use the Angle_Mod and Direction types declared above! -- -- type Ext_Angle is [...] -- function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle; procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle); end Directions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Directions is procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle) is begin -- Uncomment the code below and fill the missing elements -- -- Put_Line ("Angle: " -- & Angle_Mod'Image (____) -- & " => " -- & Direction'Image (____) -- & "."); null; end Display; function To_Direction (N : Angle_Mod) return Direction is begin case N is when 0 => return North; when 1 .. 89 => return Northeast; when 90 => return East; when 91 .. 179 => return Southeast; when 180 => return South; when 181 .. 269 => return Southwest; when 270 => return West; when 271 .. 359 => return Northwest; end case; end To_Direction; function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle is begin -- Implement the conversion from Angle_Mod to Ext_Angle here! -- -- Hint: you can use a return statement and an aggregate. -- null; end To_Ext_Angle; end Directions;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Directions; use Directions; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Direction_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Direction_Chk => Display (To_Ext_Angle (0)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (30)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (45)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (90)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (91)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (120)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (180)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (250)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (270)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Goal: create a package to represent HTML colors in RGB format using the hexadecimal form.


  1. Implement the Color_Types package.

    1. Declare the RGB record.

    2. Implement the To_RGB function.

    3. Implement the Image function for the RGB type.


  1. The following table contains the HTML colors and the corresponding value in hexadecimal form for each color element:

















































  2. The hexadecimal information of each HTML color can be mapped to three color elements: red, green and blue.

    1. Each color element has a value between 0 and 255, or 00 and FF in hexadecimal.

    2. For example, for the color salmon, the hexadecimal value of the color elements are:

      • red = FA,

      • green = 80, and

      • blue = 72.

  3. Record RGB stores information about HTML colors in RGB format, so that we can retrieve the individual color elements.

  4. Function To_RGB converts from the HTML_Color enumeration to the RGB type based on the information from the table above.

  5. Function Image returns a string representation of the RGB type in this format:

    • "(Red => 16#..#, Green => 16#...#, Blue => 16#...# )"


  1. We use the exercise on HTML colors from the previous lab on Strongly typed language as a starting point.

package Color_Types is type HTML_Color is (Salmon, Firebrick, Red, Darkred, Lime, Forestgreen, Green, Darkgreen, Blue, Mediumblue, Darkblue); function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer; type Basic_HTML_Color is (Red, Green, Blue); function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color; subtype Int_Color is Integer range 0 .. 255; -- Replace type declaration for RGB record below -- -- - NOTE: Use the Int_Color type declared above! -- -- type RGB is [...] -- type RGB is null record; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Color_Types is function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer is begin case C is when Salmon => return 16#FA8072#; when Firebrick => return 16#B22222#; when Red => return 16#FF0000#; when Darkred => return 16#8B0000#; when Lime => return 16#00FF00#; when Forestgreen => return 16#228B22#; when Green => return 16#008000#; when Darkgreen => return 16#006400#; when Blue => return 16#0000FF#; when Mediumblue => return 16#0000CD#; when Darkblue => return 16#00008B#; end case; end To_Integer; function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color is begin case C is when Red => return Red; when Green => return Green; when Blue => return Blue; end case; end To_HTML_Color; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB is begin -- Implement the conversion from HTML_Color to RGB here! -- return (null record); end To_RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String is subtype Str_Range is Integer range 1 .. 10; SR : String (Str_Range); SG : String (Str_Range); SB : String (Str_Range); begin -- Replace argument in the calls to Put below -- with the missing elements (red, green, blue) -- from the RGB record -- Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SR, Item => 0, -- REPLACE! Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SG, Item => 0, -- REPLACE! Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SB, Item => 0, -- REPLACE! Base => 16); return ("(Red => " & SR & ", Green => " & SG & ", Blue => " & SB &")"); end Image; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Color_Types; use Color_Types; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (HTML_Color_To_RGB); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when HTML_Color_To_RGB => for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (I) & " => " & Image (To_RGB (I)) & "."); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Goal: create a simplified inventory system for a store to enter items and keep track of assets.


  1. Implement the Inventory_Pkg package.

    1. Declare the Item record.

    2. Implement the Init function.

    3. Implement the Add procedure.


  1. Record Item collects information about products from the store.

    1. To keep it simple, this record only contains the name, quantity and price of each item.

    2. The record components are:

      • Name of Item_Name type;

      • Quantity of Natural type;

      • Price of Float type.

  2. Function Init returns an initialized item (of Item type).

    1. Function Init must also display the item name by calling the To_String function for the Item_Name type.

      • This is already implemented in the code below.

  3. Procedure Add adds an item to the assets.

    1. Since we want to keep track of the assets, the implementation must accumulate the total value of each item's inventory, the result of multiplying the item quantity and its price.

package Inventory_Pkg is type Item_Name is (Ballpoint_Pen, Oil_Based_Pen_Marker, Feather_Quill_Pen); function To_String (I : Item_Name) return String; -- Replace type declaration for Item record: -- type Item is null record; function Init (Name : Item_Name; Quantity : Natural; Price : Float) return Item; procedure Add (Assets : in out Float; I : Item); end Inventory_Pkg;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Inventory_Pkg is function To_String (I : Item_Name) return String is begin case I is when Ballpoint_Pen => return "Ballpoint Pen"; when Oil_Based_Pen_Marker => return "Oil-based Pen Marker"; when Feather_Quill_Pen => return "Feather Quill Pen"; end case; end To_String; function Init (Name : Item_Name; Quantity : Natural; Price : Float) return Item is begin Put_Line ("Item: " & To_String (Name) & "."); -- Replace return statement with the actual record initialization! -- return (null record); end Init; procedure Add (Assets : in out Float; I : Item) is begin -- Implement the function that adds an item to the inventory here! -- null; end Add; end Inventory_Pkg;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Inventory_Pkg; use Inventory_Pkg; procedure Main is -- Remark: the following line is not relevant. F : array (1 .. 10) of Float := (others => 42.42); type Test_Case_Index is (Inventory_Chk); procedure Display (Assets : Float) is package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float); use F_IO; begin Put ("Assets: $"); Put (Assets, 1, 2, 0); Put ("."); New_Line; end Display; procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is I : Item; Assets : Float := 0.0; -- Please ignore the following three lines! pragma Warnings (Off, "default initialization"); for Assets'Address use F'Address; pragma Warnings (On, "default initialization"); begin case TC is when Inventory_Chk => I := Init (Ballpoint_Pen, 185, 0.15); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); I := Init (Oil_Based_Pen_Marker, 100, 9.0); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); I := Init (Feather_Quill_Pen, 2, 40.0); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;