
Imperative Language

Hello World

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is begin Put_Line ("Hello World!"); end Main;


with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Main is procedure Greet (Name : String) is begin Put_Line ("Hello " & Name & "!"); end Greet; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Greet (Argument (1)); end Main;

Positive Or Negative

procedure Classify_Number (X : Integer);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Classify_Number (X : Integer) is begin if X > 0 then Put_Line ("Positive"); elsif X < 0 then Put_Line ("Negative"); else Put_Line ("Zero"); end if; end Classify_Number;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Classify_Number; procedure Main is A : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; A := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); Classify_Number (A); end Main;


procedure Display_Numbers (A, B : Integer);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Display_Numbers (A, B : Integer) is X, Y : Integer; begin if A <= B then X := A; Y := B; else X := B; Y := A; end if; for I in X .. Y loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (I)); end loop; end Display_Numbers;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Display_Numbers; procedure Main is A, B : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 2 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 2 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; A := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); B := Integer'Value (Argument (2)); Display_Numbers (A, B); end Main;


Subtract Procedure

procedure Subtract (A, B : Integer; Result : out Integer);
procedure Subtract (A, B : Integer; Result : out Integer) is begin Result := A - B; end Subtract;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Subtract; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Sub_10_1_Chk, Sub_10_100_Chk, Sub_0_5_Chk, Sub_0_Minus_5_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is Result : Integer; begin case TC is when Sub_10_1_Chk => Subtract (10, 1, Result); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_10_100_Chk => Subtract (10, 100, Result); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_0_5_Chk => Subtract (0, 5, Result); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_0_Minus_5_Chk => Subtract (0, -5, Result); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Subtract Function

function Subtract (A, B : Integer) return Integer;
function Subtract (A, B : Integer) return Integer is begin return A - B; end Subtract;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Subtract; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Sub_10_1_Chk, Sub_10_100_Chk, Sub_0_5_Chk, Sub_0_Minus_5_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is Result : Integer; begin case TC is when Sub_10_1_Chk => Result := Subtract (10, 1); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_10_100_Chk => Result := Subtract (10, 100); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_0_5_Chk => Result := Subtract (0, 5); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); when Sub_0_Minus_5_Chk => Result := Subtract (0, -5); Put_Line ("Result: " & Integer'Image (Result)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Equality function

function Is_Equal (A, B : Integer) return Boolean;
function Is_Equal (A, B : Integer) return Boolean is begin return A = B; end Is_Equal;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Is_Equal; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Equal_Chk, Inequal_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Display_Equal (A, B : Integer; Equal : Boolean) is begin Put (Integer'Image (A)); if Equal then Put (" is equal to "); else Put (" isn't equal to "); end if; Put_Line (Integer'Image (B) & "."); end Display_Equal; Result : Boolean; begin case TC is when Equal_Chk => for I in 0 .. 10 loop Result := Is_Equal (I, I); Display_Equal (I, I, Result); end loop; when Inequal_Chk => for I in 0 .. 10 loop Result := Is_Equal (I, I - 1); Display_Equal (I, I - 1, Result); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


procedure Display_State (State : Integer);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Display_State (State : Integer) is begin case State is when 0 => Put_Line ("Off"); when 1 => Put_Line ("On: Simple Processing"); when 2 => Put_Line ("On: Advanced Processing"); when others => null; end case; end Display_State;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Display_State; procedure Main is State : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; State := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); Display_State (State); end Main;

States #2

function Get_State (State : Integer) return String;
function Get_State (State : Integer) return String is begin return (case State is when 0 => "Off", when 1 => "On: Simple Processing", when 2 => "On: Advanced Processing", when others => ""); end Get_State;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Get_State; procedure Main is State : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; State := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); Put_Line (Get_State (State)); end Main;

States #3

function Is_On (State : Integer) return Boolean;
function Is_On (State : Integer) return Boolean is begin return not (State = 0); end Is_On;
procedure Display_On_Off (State : Integer);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Is_On; procedure Display_On_Off (State : Integer) is begin Put_Line (if Is_On (State) then "On" else "Off"); end Display_On_Off;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Display_On_Off; with Is_On; procedure Main is State : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; State := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); Display_On_Off (State); Put_Line (Boolean'Image (Is_On (State))); end Main;

States #4

procedure Set_Next (State : in out Integer);
procedure Set_Next (State : in out Integer) is begin State := (if State < 2 then State + 1 else 0); end Set_Next;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Set_Next; procedure Main is State : Integer; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; State := Integer'Value (Argument (1)); Set_Next (State); Put_Line (Integer'Image (State)); end Main;

Modular Programming


package Months is Jan : constant String := "January"; Feb : constant String := "February"; Mar : constant String := "March"; Apr : constant String := "April"; May : constant String := "May"; Jun : constant String := "June"; Jul : constant String := "July"; Aug : constant String := "August"; Sep : constant String := "September"; Oct : constant String := "October"; Nov : constant String := "November"; Dec : constant String := "December"; procedure Display_Months; end Months;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Months is procedure Display_Months is begin Put_Line ("Months:"); Put_Line ("- " & Jan); Put_Line ("- " & Feb); Put_Line ("- " & Mar); Put_Line ("- " & Apr); Put_Line ("- " & May); Put_Line ("- " & Jun); Put_Line ("- " & Jul); Put_Line ("- " & Aug); Put_Line ("- " & Sep); Put_Line ("- " & Oct); Put_Line ("- " & Nov); Put_Line ("- " & Dec); end Display_Months; end Months;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Months; use Months; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Months_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Months_Chk => Display_Months; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Operations is function Add (A, B : Integer) return Integer; function Subtract (A, B : Integer) return Integer; function Multiply (A, B : Integer) return Integer; function Divide (A, B : Integer) return Integer; end Operations;
package body Operations is function Add (A, B : Integer) return Integer is begin return A + B; end Add; function Subtract (A, B : Integer) return Integer is begin return A - B; end Subtract; function Multiply (A, B : Integer) return Integer is begin return A * B; end Multiply; function Divide (A, B : Integer) return Integer is begin return A / B; end Divide; end Operations;
package Operations.Test is procedure Display (A, B : Integer); end Operations.Test;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Operations.Test is procedure Display (A, B : Integer) is A_Str : constant String := Integer'Image (A); B_Str : constant String := Integer'Image (B); begin Put_Line ("Operations:"); Put_Line (A_Str & " + " & B_Str & " = " & Integer'Image (Add (A, B)) & ","); Put_Line (A_Str & " - " & B_Str & " = " & Integer'Image (Subtract (A, B)) & ","); Put_Line (A_Str & " * " & B_Str & " = " & Integer'Image (Multiply (A, B)) & ","); Put_Line (A_Str & " / " & B_Str & " = " & Integer'Image (Divide (A, B)) & ","); end Display; end Operations.Test;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Operations; with Operations.Test; use Operations.Test; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Operations_Chk, Operations_Display_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Operations_Chk => Put_Line ("Add (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Add (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Subtract (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Subtract (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Multiply (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Multiply (100, 2))); Put_Line ("Divide (100, 2) = " & Integer'Image (Operations.Divide (100, 2))); when Operations_Display_Chk => Display (10, 5); Display ( 1, 2); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Strongly typed language


package Color_Types is type HTML_Color is (Salmon, Firebrick, Red, Darkred, Lime, Forestgreen, Green, Darkgreen, Blue, Mediumblue, Darkblue); function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer; type Basic_HTML_Color is (Red, Green, Blue); function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color; end Color_Types;
package body Color_Types is function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer is begin case C is when Salmon => return 16#FA8072#; when Firebrick => return 16#B22222#; when Red => return 16#FF0000#; when Darkred => return 16#8B0000#; when Lime => return 16#00FF00#; when Forestgreen => return 16#228B22#; when Green => return 16#008000#; when Darkgreen => return 16#006400#; when Blue => return 16#0000FF#; when Mediumblue => return 16#0000CD#; when Darkblue => return 16#00008B#; end case; end To_Integer; function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color is begin case C is when Red => return Red; when Green => return Green; when Blue => return Blue; end case; end To_HTML_Color; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Color_Types; use Color_Types; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (HTML_Color_Range, HTML_Color_To_Integer, Basic_HTML_Color_To_HTML_Color); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when HTML_Color_Range => for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (I)); end loop; when HTML_Color_To_Integer => for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => To_Integer (I), Width => 1, Base => 16); New_Line; end loop; when Basic_HTML_Color_To_HTML_Color => for I in Basic_HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (To_HTML_Color (I))); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Int_Types is type I_100 is range 0 .. 100; type U_100 is mod 101; function To_I_100 (V : U_100) return I_100; function To_U_100 (V : I_100) return U_100; type D_50 is new I_100 range 10 .. 50; subtype S_50 is I_100 range 10 .. 50; function To_D_50 (V : I_100) return D_50; function To_S_50 (V : I_100) return S_50; function To_I_100 (V : D_50) return I_100; end Int_Types;
package body Int_Types is function To_I_100 (V : U_100) return I_100 is begin return I_100 (V); end To_I_100; function To_U_100 (V : I_100) return U_100 is begin return U_100 (V); end To_U_100; function To_D_50 (V : I_100) return D_50 is Min : constant I_100 := I_100 (D_50'First); Max : constant I_100 := I_100 (D_50'Last); begin if V > Max then return D_50'Last; elsif V < Min then return D_50'First; else return D_50 (V); end if; end To_D_50; function To_S_50 (V : I_100) return S_50 is begin if V > S_50'Last then return S_50'Last; elsif V < S_50'First then return S_50'First; else return V; end if; end To_S_50; function To_I_100 (V : D_50) return I_100 is begin return I_100 (V); end To_I_100; end Int_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Int_Types; use Int_Types; procedure Main is package I_100_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (I_100); package U_100_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Modular_IO (U_100); package D_50_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (D_50); use I_100_IO; use U_100_IO; use D_50_IO; type Test_Case_Index is (I_100_Range, U_100_Range, U_100_Wraparound, U_100_To_I_100, I_100_To_U_100, D_50_Range, S_50_Range, I_100_To_D_50, I_100_To_S_50, D_50_To_I_100, S_50_To_I_100); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin I_100_IO.Default_Width := 1; U_100_IO.Default_Width := 1; D_50_IO.Default_Width := 1; case TC is when I_100_Range => Put (I_100'First); New_Line; Put (I_100'Last); New_Line; when U_100_Range => Put (U_100'First); New_Line; Put (U_100'Last); New_Line; when U_100_Wraparound => Put (U_100'First - 1); New_Line; Put (U_100'Last + 1); New_Line; when U_100_To_I_100 => for I in U_100'Range loop I_100_IO.Put (To_I_100 (I)); New_Line; end loop; when I_100_To_U_100 => for I in I_100'Range loop Put (To_U_100 (I)); New_Line; end loop; when D_50_Range => Put (D_50'First); New_Line; Put (D_50'Last); New_Line; when S_50_Range => Put (S_50'First); New_Line; Put (S_50'Last); New_Line; when I_100_To_D_50 => for I in I_100'Range loop Put (To_D_50 (I)); New_Line; end loop; when I_100_To_S_50 => for I in I_100'Range loop Put (To_S_50 (I)); New_Line; end loop; when D_50_To_I_100 => for I in D_50'Range loop Put (To_I_100 (I)); New_Line; end loop; when S_50_To_I_100 => for I in S_50'Range loop Put (I); New_Line; end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Temperature_Types is type Celsius is digits 6 range -273.15 .. 5504.85; type Int_Celsius is range -273 .. 5505; function To_Celsius (T : Int_Celsius) return Celsius; function To_Int_Celsius (T : Celsius) return Int_Celsius; type Kelvin is digits 6 range 0.0 .. 5778.00; function To_Celsius (T : Kelvin) return Celsius; function To_Kelvin (T : Celsius) return Kelvin; end Temperature_Types;
package body Temperature_Types is function To_Celsius (T : Int_Celsius) return Celsius is Min : constant Float := Float (Celsius'First); Max : constant Float := Float (Celsius'Last); F : constant Float := Float (T); begin if F > Max then return Celsius (Max); elsif F < Min then return Celsius (Min); else return Celsius (F); end if; end To_Celsius; function To_Int_Celsius (T : Celsius) return Int_Celsius is begin return Int_Celsius (T); end To_Int_Celsius; function To_Celsius (T : Kelvin) return Celsius is F : constant Float := Float (T); begin return Celsius (F - 273.15); end To_Celsius; function To_Kelvin (T : Celsius) return Kelvin is F : constant Float := Float (T); begin return Kelvin (F + 273.15); end To_Kelvin; end Temperature_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Temperature_Types; use Temperature_Types; procedure Main is package Celsius_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Celsius); package Kelvin_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Kelvin); package Int_Celsius_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Int_Celsius); use Celsius_IO; use Kelvin_IO; use Int_Celsius_IO; type Test_Case_Index is (Celsius_Range, Celsius_To_Int_Celsius, Int_Celsius_To_Celsius, Kelvin_To_Celsius, Celsius_To_Kelvin); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin Celsius_IO.Default_Fore := 1; Kelvin_IO.Default_Fore := 1; Int_Celsius_IO.Default_Width := 1; case TC is when Celsius_Range => Put (Celsius'First); New_Line; Put (Celsius'Last); New_Line; when Celsius_To_Int_Celsius => Put (To_Int_Celsius (Celsius'First)); New_Line; Put (To_Int_Celsius (0.0)); New_Line; Put (To_Int_Celsius (Celsius'Last)); New_Line; when Int_Celsius_To_Celsius => Put (To_Celsius (Int_Celsius'First)); New_Line; Put (To_Celsius (0)); New_Line; Put (To_Celsius (Int_Celsius'Last)); New_Line; when Kelvin_To_Celsius => Put (To_Celsius (Kelvin'First)); New_Line; Put (To_Celsius (0)); New_Line; Put (To_Celsius (Kelvin'Last)); New_Line; when Celsius_To_Kelvin => Put (To_Kelvin (Celsius'First)); New_Line; Put (To_Kelvin (Celsius'Last)); New_Line; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;



package Directions is type Angle_Mod is mod 360; type Direction is (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest); function To_Direction (N: Angle_Mod) return Direction; type Ext_Angle is record Angle_Elem : Angle_Mod; Direction_Elem : Direction; end record; function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle; procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle); end Directions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Directions is procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle) is begin Put_Line ("Angle: " & Angle_Mod'Image (N.Angle_Elem) & " => " & Direction'Image (N.Direction_Elem) & "."); end Display; function To_Direction (N : Angle_Mod) return Direction is begin case N is when 0 => return North; when 1 .. 89 => return Northeast; when 90 => return East; when 91 .. 179 => return Southeast; when 180 => return South; when 181 .. 269 => return Southwest; when 270 => return West; when 271 .. 359 => return Northwest; end case; end To_Direction; function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle is begin return (Angle_Elem => N, Direction_Elem => To_Direction (N)); end To_Ext_Angle; end Directions;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Directions; use Directions; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Direction_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Direction_Chk => Display (To_Ext_Angle (0)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (30)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (45)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (90)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (91)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (120)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (180)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (250)); Display (To_Ext_Angle (270)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Color_Types is type HTML_Color is (Salmon, Firebrick, Red, Darkred, Lime, Forestgreen, Green, Darkgreen, Blue, Mediumblue, Darkblue); function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer; type Basic_HTML_Color is (Red, Green, Blue); function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color; subtype Int_Color is Integer range 0 .. 255; type RGB is record Red : Int_Color; Green : Int_Color; Blue : Int_Color; end record; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Color_Types is function To_Integer (C : HTML_Color) return Integer is begin case C is when Salmon => return 16#FA8072#; when Firebrick => return 16#B22222#; when Red => return 16#FF0000#; when Darkred => return 16#8B0000#; when Lime => return 16#00FF00#; when Forestgreen => return 16#228B22#; when Green => return 16#008000#; when Darkgreen => return 16#006400#; when Blue => return 16#0000FF#; when Mediumblue => return 16#0000CD#; when Darkblue => return 16#00008B#; end case; end To_Integer; function To_HTML_Color (C : Basic_HTML_Color) return HTML_Color is begin case C is when Red => return Red; when Green => return Green; when Blue => return Blue; end case; end To_HTML_Color; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB is begin case C is when Salmon => return (16#FA#, 16#80#, 16#72#); when Firebrick => return (16#B2#, 16#22#, 16#22#); when Red => return (16#FF#, 16#00#, 16#00#); when Darkred => return (16#8B#, 16#00#, 16#00#); when Lime => return (16#00#, 16#FF#, 16#00#); when Forestgreen => return (16#22#, 16#8B#, 16#22#); when Green => return (16#00#, 16#80#, 16#00#); when Darkgreen => return (16#00#, 16#64#, 16#00#); when Blue => return (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#FF#); when Mediumblue => return (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#CD#); when Darkblue => return (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#8B#); end case; end To_RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String is subtype Str_Range is Integer range 1 .. 10; SR : String (Str_Range); SG : String (Str_Range); SB : String (Str_Range); begin Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SR, Item => C.Red, Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SG, Item => C.Green, Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SB, Item => C.Blue, Base => 16); return ("(Red => " & SR & ", Green => " & SG & ", Blue => " & SB &")"); end Image; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Color_Types; use Color_Types; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (HTML_Color_To_RGB); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when HTML_Color_To_RGB => for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (I) & " => " & Image (To_RGB (I)) & "."); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Inventory_Pkg is type Item_Name is (Ballpoint_Pen, Oil_Based_Pen_Marker, Feather_Quill_Pen); function To_String (I : Item_Name) return String; type Item is record Name : Item_Name; Quantity : Natural; Price : Float; end record; function Init (Name : Item_Name; Quantity : Natural; Price : Float) return Item; procedure Add (Assets : in out Float; I : Item); end Inventory_Pkg;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Inventory_Pkg is function To_String (I : Item_Name) return String is begin case I is when Ballpoint_Pen => return "Ballpoint Pen"; when Oil_Based_Pen_Marker => return "Oil-based Pen Marker"; when Feather_Quill_Pen => return "Feather Quill Pen"; end case; end To_String; function Init (Name : Item_Name; Quantity : Natural; Price : Float) return Item is begin Put_Line ("Item: " & To_String (Name) & "."); return (Name => Name, Quantity => Quantity, Price => Price); end Init; procedure Add (Assets : in out Float; I : Item) is begin Assets := Assets + Float (I.Quantity) * I.Price; end Add; end Inventory_Pkg;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Inventory_Pkg; use Inventory_Pkg; procedure Main is -- Remark: the following line is not relevant. F : array (1 .. 10) of Float := (others => 42.42); type Test_Case_Index is (Inventory_Chk); procedure Display (Assets : Float) is package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float); use F_IO; begin Put ("Assets: $"); Put (Assets, 1, 2, 0); Put ("."); New_Line; end Display; procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is I : Item; Assets : Float := 0.0; -- Please ignore the following three lines! pragma Warnings (Off, "default initialization"); for Assets'Address use F'Address; pragma Warnings (On, "default initialization"); begin case TC is when Inventory_Chk => I := Init (Ballpoint_Pen, 185, 0.15); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); I := Init (Oil_Based_Pen_Marker, 100, 9.0); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); I := Init (Feather_Quill_Pen, 2, 40.0); Add (Assets, I); Display (Assets); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Constrained Array

package Constrained_Arrays is type My_Index is range 1 .. 10; type My_Array is array (My_Index) of Integer; function Init return My_Array; procedure Double (A : in out My_Array); function First_Elem (A : My_Array) return Integer; function Last_Elem (A : My_Array) return Integer; function Length (A : My_Array) return Integer; A : My_Array := (1, 2, others => 42); end Constrained_Arrays;
package body Constrained_Arrays is function Init return My_Array is A : My_Array; begin for I in My_Array'Range loop A (I) := Integer (I); end loop; return A; end Init; procedure Double (A : in out My_Array) is begin for I in A'Range loop A (I) := A (I) * 2; end loop; end Double; function First_Elem (A : My_Array) return Integer is begin return A (A'First); end First_Elem; function Last_Elem (A : My_Array) return Integer is begin return A (A'Last); end Last_Elem; function Length (A : My_Array) return Integer is begin return A'Length; end Length; end Constrained_Arrays;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Constrained_Arrays; use Constrained_Arrays; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Range_Chk, Array_Range_Chk, A_Obj_Chk, Init_Chk, Double_Chk, First_Elem_Chk, Last_Elem_Chk, Length_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is AA : My_Array; procedure Display (A : My_Array) is begin for I in A'Range loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (A (I))); end loop; end Display; procedure Local_Init (A : in out My_Array) is begin A := (100, 90, 80, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 50, 70); end Local_Init; begin case TC is when Range_Chk => for I in My_Index loop Put_Line (My_Index'Image (I)); end loop; when Array_Range_Chk => for I in My_Array'Range loop Put_Line (My_Index'Image (I)); end loop; when A_Obj_Chk => Display (A); when Init_Chk => AA := Init; Display (AA); when Double_Chk => Local_Init (AA); Double (AA); Display (AA); when First_Elem_Chk => Local_Init (AA); Put_Line (Integer'Image (First_Elem (AA))); when Last_Elem_Chk => Local_Init (AA); Put_Line (Integer'Image (Last_Elem (AA))); when Length_Chk => Put_Line (Integer'Image (Length (AA))); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Colors: Lookup-Table

package Color_Types is type HTML_Color is (Salmon, Firebrick, Red, Darkred, Lime, Forestgreen, Green, Darkgreen, Blue, Mediumblue, Darkblue); subtype Int_Color is Integer range 0 .. 255; type RGB is record Red : Int_Color; Green : Int_Color; Blue : Int_Color; end record; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String; type HTML_Color_RGB is array (HTML_Color) of RGB; To_RGB_Lookup_Table : constant HTML_Color_RGB := (Salmon => (16#FA#, 16#80#, 16#72#), Firebrick => (16#B2#, 16#22#, 16#22#), Red => (16#FF#, 16#00#, 16#00#), Darkred => (16#8B#, 16#00#, 16#00#), Lime => (16#00#, 16#FF#, 16#00#), Forestgreen => (16#22#, 16#8B#, 16#22#), Green => (16#00#, 16#80#, 16#00#), Darkgreen => (16#00#, 16#64#, 16#00#), Blue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#FF#), Mediumblue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#CD#), Darkblue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#8B#)); end Color_Types;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Color_Types is function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB is begin return To_RGB_Lookup_Table (C); end To_RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String is subtype Str_Range is Integer range 1 .. 10; SR : String (Str_Range); SG : String (Str_Range); SB : String (Str_Range); begin Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SR, Item => C.Red, Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SG, Item => C.Green, Base => 16); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => SB, Item => C.Blue, Base => 16); return ("(Red => " & SR & ", Green => " & SG & ", Blue => " & SB &")"); end Image; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Color_Types; use Color_Types; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Color_Table_Chk, HTML_Color_To_Integer_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Color_Table_Chk => Put_Line ("Size of HTML_Color_RGB: " & Integer'Image (HTML_Color_RGB'Length)); Put_Line ("Firebrick: " & Image (To_RGB_Lookup_Table (Firebrick))); when HTML_Color_To_Integer_Chk => for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (I) & " => " & Image (To_RGB (I)) & "."); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Unconstrained Array

package Unconstrained_Arrays is type My_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; procedure Init (A : in out My_Array); function Init (I, L : Positive) return My_Array; procedure Double (A : in out My_Array); function Diff_Prev_Elem (A : My_Array) return My_Array; end Unconstrained_Arrays;
package body Unconstrained_Arrays is procedure Init (A : in out My_Array) is Y : Natural := A'Last; begin for I in A'Range loop A (I) := Y; Y := Y - 1; end loop; end Init; function Init (I, L : Positive) return My_Array is A : My_Array (I .. I + L - 1); begin Init (A); return A; end Init; procedure Double (A : in out My_Array) is begin for I in A'Range loop A (I) := A (I) * 2; end loop; end Double; function Diff_Prev_Elem (A : My_Array) return My_Array is A_Out : My_Array (A'Range); begin A_Out (A'First) := 0; for I in A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop A_Out (I) := A (I) - A (I - 1); end loop; return A_Out; end Diff_Prev_Elem; end Unconstrained_Arrays;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Unconstrained_Arrays; use Unconstrained_Arrays; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Init_Chk, Init_Proc_Chk, Double_Chk, Diff_Prev_Chk, Diff_Prev_Single_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is AA : My_Array (1 .. 5); AB : My_Array (5 .. 9); procedure Display (A : My_Array) is begin for I in A'Range loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (A (I))); end loop; end Display; procedure Local_Init (A : in out My_Array) is begin A := (1, 2, 5, 10, -10); end Local_Init; begin case TC is when Init_Chk => AA := Init (AA'First, AA'Length); AB := Init (AB'First, AB'Length); Display (AA); Display (AB); when Init_Proc_Chk => Init (AA); Init (AB); Display (AA); Display (AB); when Double_Chk => Local_Init (AB); Double (AB); Display (AB); when Diff_Prev_Chk => Local_Init (AB); AB := Diff_Prev_Elem (AB); Display (AB); when Diff_Prev_Single_Chk => declare A1 : My_Array (1 .. 1) := (1 => 42); begin A1 := Diff_Prev_Elem (A1); Display (A1); end; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Product info

package Product_Info_Pkg is subtype Quantity is Natural; subtype Currency is Float; type Product_Info is record Units : Quantity; Price : Currency; end record; type Product_Infos is array (Positive range <>) of Product_Info; type Currency_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Currency; procedure Total (P : Product_Infos; Tot : out Currency_Array); function Total (P : Product_Infos) return Currency_Array; function Total (P : Product_Infos) return Currency; end Product_Info_Pkg;
package body Product_Info_Pkg is -- Get total for single product function Total (P : Product_Info) return Currency is (Currency (P.Units) * P.Price); procedure Total (P : Product_Infos; Tot : out Currency_Array) is begin for I in P'Range loop Tot (I) := Total (P (I)); end loop; end Total; function Total (P : Product_Infos) return Currency_Array is Tot : Currency_Array (P'Range); begin Total (P, Tot); return Tot; end Total; function Total (P : Product_Infos) return Currency is Tot : Currency := 0.0; begin for I in P'Range loop Tot := Tot + Total (P (I)); end loop; return Tot; end Total; end Product_Info_Pkg;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Product_Info_Pkg; use Product_Info_Pkg; procedure Main is package Currency_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Currency); type Test_Case_Index is (Total_Func_Chk, Total_Proc_Chk, Total_Value_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is subtype Test_Range is Positive range 1 .. 5; P : Product_Infos (Test_Range); Tots : Currency_Array (Test_Range); Tot : Currency; procedure Display (Tots : Currency_Array) is begin for I in Tots'Range loop Currency_IO.Put (Tots (I)); New_Line; end loop; end Display; procedure Local_Init (P : in out Product_Infos) is begin P := ((1, 0.5), (2, 10.0), (5, 40.0), (10, 10.0), (10, 20.0)); end Local_Init; begin Currency_IO.Default_Fore := 1; Currency_IO.Default_Aft := 2; Currency_IO.Default_Exp := 0; case TC is when Total_Func_Chk => Local_Init (P); Tots := Total (P); Display (Tots); when Total_Proc_Chk => Local_Init (P); Total (P, Tots); Display (Tots); when Total_Value_Chk => Local_Init (P); Tot := Total (P); Currency_IO.Put (Tot); New_Line; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Strings_10 is subtype String_10 is String (1 .. 10); -- Using "type String_10 is..." is possible, too. function To_String_10 (S : String) return String_10; end Strings_10;
package body Strings_10 is function To_String_10 (S : String) return String_10 is S_Out : String_10; begin for I in String_10'First .. Integer'Min (String_10'Last, S'Last) loop S_Out (I) := S (I); end loop; for I in Integer'Min (String_10'Last + 1, S'Last + 1) .. String_10'Last loop S_Out (I) := ' '; end loop; return S_Out; end To_String_10; end Strings_10;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Strings_10; use Strings_10; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (String_10_Long_Chk, String_10_Short_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is SL : constant String := "And this is a long string just for testing..."; SS : constant String := "Hey!"; S_10 : String_10; begin case TC is when String_10_Long_Chk => S_10 := To_String_10 (SL); Put_Line (String (S_10)); when String_10_Short_Chk => S_10 := (others => ' '); S_10 := To_String_10 (SS); Put_Line (String (S_10)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

List of Names

package Names_Ages is Max_People : constant Positive := 10; subtype Name_Type is String (1 .. 50); type Age_Type is new Natural; type Person is record Name : Name_Type; Age : Age_Type; end record; type People_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Person; type People is record People_A : People_Array (1 .. Max_People); Last_Valid : Natural; end record; procedure Reset (P : in out People); procedure Add (P : in out People; Name : String); function Get (P : People; Name : String) return Age_Type; procedure Update (P : in out People; Name : String; Age : Age_Type); procedure Display (P : People); end Names_Ages;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body Names_Ages is function To_Name_Type (S : String) return Name_Type is S_Out : Name_Type := (others => ' '); begin for I in 1 .. Integer'Min (S'Last, Name_Type'Last) loop S_Out (I) := S (I); end loop; return S_Out; end To_Name_Type; procedure Init (P : in out Person; Name : String) is begin P.Name := To_Name_Type (Name); P.Age := 0; end Init; function Match (P : Person; Name : String) return Boolean is begin return P.Name = To_Name_Type (Name); end Match; function Get (P : Person) return Age_Type is begin return P.Age; end Get; procedure Update (P : in out Person; Age : Age_Type) is begin P.Age := Age; end Update; procedure Display (P : Person) is begin Put_Line ("NAME: " & Trim (P.Name, Right)); Put_Line ("AGE: " & Age_Type'Image (P.Age)); end Display; procedure Reset (P : in out People) is begin P.Last_Valid := 0; end Reset; procedure Add (P : in out People; Name : String) is begin P.Last_Valid := P.Last_Valid + 1; Init (P.People_A (P.Last_Valid), Name); end Add; function Get (P : People; Name : String) return Age_Type is begin for I in P.People_A'First .. P.Last_Valid loop if Match (P.People_A (I), Name) then return Get (P.People_A (I)); end if; end loop; return 0; end Get; procedure Update (P : in out People; Name : String; Age : Age_Type) is begin for I in P.People_A'First .. P.Last_Valid loop if Match (P.People_A (I), Name) then Update (P.People_A (I), Age); end if; end loop; end Update; procedure Display (P : People) is begin Put_Line ("LIST OF NAMES:"); for I in P.People_A'First .. P.Last_Valid loop Display (P.People_A (I)); end loop; end Display; end Names_Ages;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Names_Ages; use Names_Ages; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Names_Ages_Chk, Get_Age_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is P : People; begin case TC is when Names_Ages_Chk => Reset (P); Add (P, "John"); Add (P, "Patricia"); Add (P, "Josh"); Display (P); Update (P, "John", 18); Update (P, "Patricia", 35); Update (P, "Josh", 53); Display (P); when Get_Age_Chk => Reset (P); Add (P, "Peter"); Update (P, "Peter", 45); Put_Line ("Peter is " & Age_Type'Image (Get (P, "Peter")) & " years old."); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

More About Types

Aggregate Initialization

package Aggregates is type Rec is record W : Integer := 10; X : Integer := 11; Y : Integer := 12; Z : Integer := 13; end record; type Int_Arr is array (1 .. 20) of Integer; procedure Init (R : out Rec); procedure Init_Some (A : out Int_Arr); procedure Init (A : out Int_Arr); end Aggregates;
package body Aggregates is procedure Init (R : out Rec) is begin R := (X => 100, Y => 200, others => <>); end Init; procedure Init_Some (A : out Int_Arr) is begin A := (1 .. 5 => 99, others => 100); end Init_Some; procedure Init (A : out Int_Arr) is begin A := (others => 5); end Init; end Aggregates;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Aggregates; use Aggregates; procedure Main is -- Remark: the following line is not relevant. F : array (1 .. 10) of Float := (others => 42.42) with Unreferenced; type Test_Case_Index is (Default_Rec_Chk, Init_Rec_Chk, Init_Some_Arr_Chk, Init_Arr_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is A : Int_Arr; R : Rec; DR : constant Rec := (others => <>); begin case TC is when Default_Rec_Chk => R := DR; Put_Line ("Record Default:"); Put_Line ("W => " & Integer'Image (R.W)); Put_Line ("X => " & Integer'Image (R.X)); Put_Line ("Y => " & Integer'Image (R.Y)); Put_Line ("Z => " & Integer'Image (R.Z)); when Init_Rec_Chk => Init (R); Put_Line ("Record Init:"); Put_Line ("W => " & Integer'Image (R.W)); Put_Line ("X => " & Integer'Image (R.X)); Put_Line ("Y => " & Integer'Image (R.Y)); Put_Line ("Z => " & Integer'Image (R.Z)); when Init_Some_Arr_Chk => Init_Some (A); Put_Line ("Array Init_Some:"); for I in A'Range loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (I) & " " & Integer'Image (A (I))); end loop; when Init_Arr_Chk => Init (A); Put_Line ("Array Init:"); for I in A'Range loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (I) & " " & Integer'Image (A (I))); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


package Versioning is type Version is record Major : Natural; Minor : Natural; Maintenance : Natural; end record; function Convert (V : Version) return String; function Convert (V : Version) return Float; end Versioning;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; package body Versioning is function Image_Trim (N : Natural) return String is S_N : constant String := Trim (Natural'Image (N), Left); begin return S_N; end Image_Trim; function Convert (V : Version) return String is S_Major : constant String := Image_Trim (V.Major); S_Minor : constant String := Image_Trim (V.Minor); S_Maint : constant String := Image_Trim (V.Maintenance); begin return (S_Major & "." & S_Minor & "." & S_Maint); end Convert; function Convert (V : Version) return Float is begin return Float (V.Major) + (Float (V.Minor) / 10.0); end Convert; end Versioning;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Versioning; use Versioning; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Ver_String_Chk, Ver_Float_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is V : constant Version := (1, 3, 23); begin case TC is when Ver_String_Chk => Put_Line (Convert (V)); when Ver_Float_Chk => Put_Line (Float'Image (Convert (V))); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Simple todo list

package Todo_Lists is type Todo_Item is access String; type Todo_Items is array (Positive range <>) of Todo_Item; type Todo_List (Max_Len : Natural) is record Items : Todo_Items (1 .. Max_Len); Last : Natural := 0; end record; procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String); procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List); end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Todo_Lists is procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String) is begin if Todos.Last < Todos.Items'Last then Todos.Last := Todos.Last + 1; Todos.Items (Todos.Last) := new String'(Item); else Put_Line ("ERROR: list is full!"); end if; end Add; procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List) is begin Put_Line ("TO-DO LIST"); for I in Todos.Items'First .. Todos.Last loop Put_Line (Todos.Items (I).all); end loop; end Display; end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Todo_Lists; use Todo_Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Todo_List_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is T : Todo_List (10); begin case TC is when Todo_List_Chk => Add (T, "Buy milk"); Add (T, "Buy tea"); Add (T, "Buy present"); Add (T, "Buy tickets"); Add (T, "Pay electricity bill"); Add (T, "Schedule dentist appointment"); Add (T, "Call sister"); Add (T, "Revise spreasheet"); Add (T, "Edit entry page"); Add (T, "Select new design"); Add (T, "Create upgrade plan"); Display (T); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Price list

package Price_Lists is type Price_Type is delta 0.01 digits 12; type Price_List_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Price_Type; type Price_List (Max : Positive) is record List : Price_List_Array (1 .. Max); Last : Natural := 0; end record; type Price_Result (Ok : Boolean) is record case Ok is when False => null; when True => Price : Price_Type; end case; end record; procedure Reset (Prices : in out Price_List); procedure Add (Prices : in out Price_List; Item : Price_Type); function Get (Prices : Price_List; Idx : Positive) return Price_Result; procedure Display (Prices : Price_List); end Price_Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Price_Lists is procedure Reset (Prices : in out Price_List) is begin Prices.Last := 0; end Reset; procedure Add (Prices : in out Price_List; Item : Price_Type) is begin if Prices.Last < Prices.List'Last then Prices.Last := Prices.Last + 1; Prices.List (Prices.Last) := Item; else Put_Line ("ERROR: list is full!"); end if; end Add; function Get (Prices : Price_List; Idx : Positive) return Price_Result is begin if (Idx >= Prices.List'First and then Idx <= Prices.Last) then return Price_Result'(Ok => True, Price => Prices.List (Idx)); else return Price_Result'(Ok => False); end if; end Get; procedure Display (Prices : Price_List) is begin Put_Line ("PRICE LIST"); for I in Prices.List'First .. Prices.Last loop Put_Line (Price_Type'Image (Prices.List (I))); end loop; end Display; end Price_Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Price_Lists; use Price_Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Price_Type_Chk, Price_List_Chk, Price_List_Get_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is L : Price_List (10); procedure Local_Init_List is begin Reset (L); Add (L, 1.45); Add (L, 2.37); Add (L, 3.21); Add (L, 4.14); Add (L, 5.22); Add (L, 6.69); Add (L, 7.77); Add (L, 8.14); Add (L, 9.99); Add (L, 10.01); end Local_Init_List; procedure Get_Display (Idx : Positive) is R : constant Price_Result := Get (L, Idx); begin Put_Line ("Attempt Get # " & Positive'Image (Idx)); if R.Ok then Put_Line ("Element # " & Positive'Image (Idx) & " => " & Price_Type'Image (R.Price)); else declare begin Put_Line ("Element # " & Positive'Image (Idx) & " => " & Price_Type'Image (R.Price)); exception when others => Put_Line ("Element not available (as expected)"); end; end if; end Get_Display; begin case TC is when Price_Type_Chk => Put_Line ("The delta value of Price_Type is " & Price_Type'Image (Price_Type'Delta) & ";"); Put_Line ("The minimum value of Price_Type is " & Price_Type'Image (Price_Type'First) & ";"); Put_Line ("The maximum value of Price_Type is " & Price_Type'Image (Price_Type'Last) & ";"); when Price_List_Chk => Local_Init_List; Display (L); when Price_List_Get_Chk => Local_Init_List; Get_Display (5); Get_Display (40); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;



package Directions is type Angle_Mod is mod 360; type Direction is (North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, East); function To_Direction (N : Angle_Mod) return Direction; type Ext_Angle is private; function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle; procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle); private type Ext_Angle is record Angle_Elem : Angle_Mod; Direction_Elem : Direction; end record; end Directions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Directions is procedure Display (N : Ext_Angle) is begin Put_Line ("Angle: " & Angle_Mod'Image (N.Angle_Elem) & " => " & Direction'Image (N.Direction_Elem) & "."); end Display; function To_Direction (N : Angle_Mod) return Direction is begin case N is when 0 => return East; when 1 .. 89 => return Northwest; when 90 => return North; when 91 .. 179 => return Northwest; when 180 => return West; when 181 .. 269 => return Southwest; when 270 => return South; when 271 .. 359 => return Southeast; end case; end To_Direction; function To_Ext_Angle (N : Angle_Mod) return Ext_Angle is begin return (Angle_Elem => N, Direction_Elem => To_Direction (N)); end To_Ext_Angle; end Directions;
with Directions; use Directions; procedure Test_Directions is type Ext_Angle_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Ext_Angle; All_Directions : constant Ext_Angle_Array (1 .. 6) := (To_Ext_Angle (0), To_Ext_Angle (45), To_Ext_Angle (90), To_Ext_Angle (91), To_Ext_Angle (180), To_Ext_Angle (270)); begin for I in All_Directions'Range loop Display (All_Directions (I)); end loop; end Test_Directions;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Test_Directions; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Direction_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Direction_Chk => Test_Directions; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Limited Strings

package Limited_Strings is type Lim_String is limited private; function Init (S : String) return Lim_String; function Init (Max : Positive) return Lim_String; procedure Put_Line (LS : Lim_String); procedure Copy (From : Lim_String; To : in out Lim_String); function "=" (Ref, Dut : Lim_String) return Boolean; private type Lim_String is access String; end Limited_Strings;
with Ada.Text_IO; package body Limited_Strings is function Init (S : String) return Lim_String is LS : constant Lim_String := new String'(S); begin return Ls; end Init; function Init (Max : Positive) return Lim_String is LS : constant Lim_String := new String (1 .. Max); begin LS.all := (others => '_'); return LS; end Init; procedure Put_Line (LS : Lim_String) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (LS.all); end Put_Line; function Get_Min_Last (A, B : Lim_String) return Positive is begin return Positive'Min (A'Last, B'Last); end Get_Min_Last; procedure Copy (From : Lim_String; To : in out Lim_String) is Min_Last : constant Positive := Get_Min_Last (From, To); begin To (To'First .. Min_Last) := From (To'First .. Min_Last); To (Min_Last + 1 .. To'Last) := (others => '_'); end; function "=" (Ref, Dut : Lim_String) return Boolean is Min_Last : constant Positive := Get_Min_Last (Ref, Dut); begin for I in Dut'First .. Min_Last loop if Dut (I) /= Ref (I) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end; end Limited_Strings;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Limited_Strings; use Limited_Strings; procedure Check_Lim_String is S : constant String := "----------"; S1 : constant Lim_String := Init ("Hello World"); S2 : constant Lim_String := Init (30); S3 : Lim_String := Init (5); S4 : Lim_String := Init (S & S & S); begin Put ("S1 => "); Put_Line (S1); Put ("S2 => "); Put_Line (S2); if S1 = S2 then Put_Line ("S1 is equal to S2."); else Put_Line ("S1 isn't equal to S2."); end if; Copy (From => S1, To => S3); Put ("S3 => "); Put_Line (S3); if S1 = S3 then Put_Line ("S1 is equal to S3."); else Put_Line ("S1 isn't equal to S3."); end if; Copy (From => S1, To => S4); Put ("S4 => "); Put_Line (S4); if S1 = S4 then Put_Line ("S1 is equal to S4."); else Put_Line ("S1 isn't equal to S4."); end if; end Check_Lim_String;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Check_Lim_String; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Lim_String_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Lim_String_Chk => Check_Lim_String; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Display Array

generic type T_Range is range <>; type T_Element is private; type T_Array is array (T_Range range <>) of T_Element; with function Image (E : T_Element) return String; procedure Display_Array (Header : String; A : T_Array);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Display_Array (Header : String; A : T_Array) is begin Put_Line (Header); for I in A'Range loop Put_Line (T_Range'Image (I) & ": " & Image (A (I))); end loop; end Display_Array;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Display_Array; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Int_Array_Chk, Point_Array_Chk); procedure Test_Int_Array is type Int_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; procedure Display_Int_Array is new Display_Array (T_Range => Positive, T_Element => Integer, T_Array => Int_Array, Image => Integer'Image); A : constant Int_Array (1 .. 5) := (1, 2, 5, 7, 10); begin Display_Int_Array ("Integers", A); end Test_Int_Array; procedure Test_Point_Array is type Point is record X : Float; Y : Float; end record; type Point_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Point; function Image (P : Point) return String is begin return "(" & Float'Image (P.X) & ", " & Float'Image (P.Y) & ")"; end Image; procedure Display_Point_Array is new Display_Array (T_Range => Natural, T_Element => Point, T_Array => Point_Array, Image => Image); A : constant Point_Array (0 .. 3) := ((1.0, 0.5), (2.0, -0.5), (5.0, 2.0), (-0.5, 2.0)); begin Display_Point_Array ("Points", A); end Test_Point_Array; procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Int_Array_Chk => Test_Int_Array; when Point_Array_Chk => Test_Point_Array; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Average of Array of Float

generic type T_Range is range <>; type T_Element is digits <>; type T_Array is array (T_Range range <>) of T_Element; function Average (A : T_Array) return T_Element;
function Average (A : T_Array) return T_Element is Acc : Float := 0.0; begin for I in A'Range loop Acc := Acc + Float (A (I)); end loop; return T_Element (Acc / Float (A'Length)); end Average;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Average; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Float_Array_Chk, Digits_7_Float_Array_Chk); procedure Test_Float_Array is type Float_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Float; function Average_Float is new Average (T_Range => Positive, T_Element => Float, T_Array => Float_Array); A : constant Float_Array (1 .. 5) := (1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5, -12.5); begin Put_Line ("Average: " & Float'Image (Average_Float (A))); end Test_Float_Array; procedure Test_Digits_7_Float_Array is type Custom_Float is digits 7 range 0.0 .. 1.0; type Float_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Custom_Float; function Average_Float is new Average (T_Range => Integer, T_Element => Custom_Float, T_Array => Float_Array); A : constant Float_Array (-1 .. 3) := (0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5); begin Put_Line ("Average: " & Custom_Float'Image (Average_Float (A))); end Test_Digits_7_Float_Array; procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Float_Array_Chk => Test_Float_Array; when Digits_7_Float_Array_Chk => Test_Digits_7_Float_Array; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Average of Array of Any Type

generic type T_Range is range <>; type T_Element is private; type T_Array is array (T_Range range <>) of T_Element; with function To_Float (E : T_Element) return Float is <>; function Average (A : T_Array) return Float;
function Average (A : T_Array) return Float is Acc : Float := 0.0; begin for I in A'Range loop Acc := Acc + To_Float (A (I)); end loop; return Acc / Float (A'Length); end Average;
procedure Test_Item;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Average; procedure Test_Item is package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float); type Amount is delta 0.01 digits 12; type Item is record Quantity : Natural; Price : Amount; end record; type Item_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Item; function Get_Total (I : Item) return Float is (Float (I.Quantity) * Float (I.Price)); function Get_Price (I : Item) return Float is (Float (I.Price)); function Average_Total is new Average (T_Range => Positive, T_Element => Item, T_Array => Item_Array, To_Float => Get_Total); function Average_Price is new Average (T_Range => Positive, T_Element => Item, T_Array => Item_Array, To_Float => Get_Price); A : constant Item_Array (1 .. 4) := ((Quantity => 5, Price => 10.00), (Quantity => 80, Price => 2.50), (Quantity => 40, Price => 5.00), (Quantity => 20, Price => 12.50)); begin Put ("Average per item & quantity: "); F_IO.Put (Average_Total (A), 3, 2, 0); New_Line; Put ("Average price: "); F_IO.Put (Average_Price (A), 3, 2, 0); New_Line; end Test_Item;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Test_Item; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Item_Array_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Item_Array_Chk => Test_Item; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Generic list

generic type Item is private; type Items is array (Positive range <>) of Item; Name : String; List_Array : in out Items; Last : in out Natural; with procedure Put (I : Item) is <>; package Gen_List is procedure Init; procedure Add (I : Item; Status : out Boolean); procedure Display; end Gen_List;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Gen_List is procedure Init is begin Last := List_Array'First - 1; end Init; procedure Add (I : Item; Status : out Boolean) is begin Status := Last < List_Array'Last; if Status then Last := Last + 1; List_Array (Last) := I; end if; end Add; procedure Display is begin Put_Line (Name); for I in List_Array'First .. Last loop Put (List_Array (I)); New_Line; end loop; end Display; end Gen_List;
procedure Test_Int;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Gen_List; procedure Test_Int is procedure Put (I : Integer) is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put (Integer'Image (I)); end Put; type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; A : Integer_Array (1 .. 3); L : Natural; package Int_List is new Gen_List (Item => Integer, Items => Integer_Array, Name => "List of integers", List_Array => A, Last => L); Success : Boolean; procedure Display_Add_Success (Success : Boolean) is begin if Success then Put_Line ("Added item successfully!"); else Put_Line ("Couldn't add item!"); end if; end Display_Add_Success; begin Int_List.Init; Int_List.Add (2, Success); Display_Add_Success (Success); Int_List.Add (5, Success); Display_Add_Success (Success); Int_List.Add (7, Success); Display_Add_Success (Success); Int_List.Add (8, Success); Display_Add_Success (Success); Int_List.Display; end Test_Int;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Test_Int; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Int_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Int_Chk => Test_Int; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Uninitialized Value

package Options is type Option is (Uninitialized, Option_1, Option_2, Option_3); Uninitialized_Value : exception; function Image (O : Option) return String; end Options;
package body Options is function Image (O : Option) return String is begin case O is when Uninitialized => raise Uninitialized_Value with "Uninitialized value detected!"; when others => return Option'Image (O); end case; end Image; end Options;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Options; use Options; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Options_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check (O : Option) is begin Put_Line (Image (O)); exception when E : Uninitialized_Value => Put_Line (Exception_Message (E)); end Check; begin case TC is when Options_Chk => for O in Option loop Check (O); end loop; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Numerical Exception

package Tests is type Test_ID is (Test_1, Test_2); Custom_Exception : exception; procedure Num_Exception_Test (ID : Test_ID); end Tests;
package body Tests is pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""C"" is assigned but never read"); procedure Num_Exception_Test (ID : Test_ID) is A, B, C : Integer; begin case ID is when Test_1 => A := Integer'Last; B := Integer'Last; C := A + B; when Test_2 => raise Custom_Exception with "Custom_Exception raised!"; end case; end Num_Exception_Test; pragma Warnings (On, "variable ""C"" is assigned but never read"); end Tests;
with Tests; use Tests; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Check_Exception (ID : Test_ID) is begin Num_Exception_Test (ID); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected!"); when E : others => Put_Line (Exception_Message (E)); end Check_Exception;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Tests; use Tests; with Check_Exception; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Exception_1_Chk, Exception_2_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Handle_Exception (ID : Test_ID) is begin Check_Exception (ID); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error" & " (raised by Check_Exception) detected!"); when E : others => Put_Line (Exception_Name (E) & " (raised by Check_Exception) detected!"); end Check_Handle_Exception; begin case TC is when Exception_1_Chk => Check_Handle_Exception (Test_1); when Exception_2_Chk => Check_Handle_Exception (Test_2); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Re-raising Exceptions

package Tests is type Test_ID is (Test_1, Test_2); Custom_Exception, Another_Exception : exception; procedure Num_Exception_Test (ID : Test_ID); end Tests;
package body Tests is pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""C"" is assigned but never read"); procedure Num_Exception_Test (ID : Test_ID) is A, B, C : Integer; begin case ID is when Test_1 => A := Integer'Last; B := Integer'Last; C := A + B; when Test_2 => raise Custom_Exception with "Custom_Exception raised!"; end case; end Num_Exception_Test; pragma Warnings (On, "variable ""C"" is assigned but never read"); end Tests;
with Tests; use Tests; procedure Check_Exception (ID : Test_ID);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; procedure Check_Exception (ID : Test_ID) is begin Num_Exception_Test (ID); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected!"); raise; when E : others => Put_Line (Exception_Message (E)); raise Another_Exception; end Check_Exception;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Tests; use Tests; with Check_Exception; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Exception_1_Chk, Exception_2_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Handle_Exception (ID : Test_ID) is begin Check_Exception (ID); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error" & " (raised by Check_Exception) detected!"); when E : others => Put_Line (Exception_Name (E) & " (raised by Check_Exception) detected!"); end Check_Handle_Exception; begin case TC is when Exception_1_Chk => Check_Handle_Exception (Test_1); when Exception_2_Chk => Check_Handle_Exception (Test_2); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


Display Service

package Display_Services is task type Display_Service is entry Display (S : String); entry Display (I : Integer); end Display_Service; end Display_Services;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Display_Services is task body Display_Service is begin loop select accept Display (S : String) do Put_Line (S); end Display; or accept Display (I : Integer) do Put_Line (Integer'Image (I)); end Display; or terminate; end select; end loop; end Display_Service; end Display_Services;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Display_Services; use Display_Services; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Display_Service_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is Display : Display_Service; begin case TC is when Display_Service_Chk => Display.Display ("Hello"); delay 0.5; Display.Display ("Hello again"); delay 0.5; Display.Display (55); delay 0.5; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Event Manager

with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; package Event_Managers is task type Event_Manager is entry Start (ID : Natural); entry Event (T : Time); end Event_Manager; end Event_Managers;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Event_Managers is task body Event_Manager is Event_ID : Natural := 0; Event_Delay : Time; begin accept Start (ID : Natural) do Event_ID := ID; end Start; accept Event (T : Time) do Event_Delay := T; end Event; delay until Event_Delay; Put_Line ("Event #" & Natural'Image (Event_ID)); end Event_Manager; end Event_Managers;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Event_Managers; use Event_Managers; with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Event_Manager_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is Ev_Mng : array (1 .. 5) of Event_Manager; begin case TC is when Event_Manager_Chk => for I in Ev_Mng'Range loop Ev_Mng (I).Start (I); end loop; Ev_Mng (1).Event (Clock + Seconds (5)); Ev_Mng (2).Event (Clock + Seconds (3)); Ev_Mng (3).Event (Clock + Seconds (1)); Ev_Mng (4).Event (Clock + Seconds (2)); Ev_Mng (5).Event (Clock + Seconds (4)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Generic Protected Queue

generic type Queue_Index is mod <>; type T is private; package Gen_Queues is type Queue_Array is array (Queue_Index) of T; protected type Queue is function Empty return Boolean; function Full return Boolean; entry Push (V : T); entry Pop (V : out T); private N : Natural := 0; Idx : Queue_Index := Queue_Array'First; A : Queue_Array; end Queue; end Gen_Queues;
package body Gen_Queues is protected body Queue is function Empty return Boolean is (N = 0); function Full return Boolean is (N = A'Length); entry Push (V : T) when not Full is begin A (Idx) := V; Idx := Idx + 1; N := N + 1; end Push; entry Pop (V : out T) when not Empty is begin N := N - 1; V := A (Idx - Queue_Index (N) - 1); end Pop; end Queue; end Gen_Queues;
package Queue_Tests is procedure Simple_Test; procedure Concurrent_Test; end Queue_Tests;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Gen_Queues; package body Queue_Tests is Max : constant := 10; type Queue_Mod is mod Max; procedure Simple_Test is package Queues_Float is new Gen_Queues (Queue_Mod, Float); Q_F : Queues_Float.Queue; V : Float; begin V := 10.0; while not Q_F.Full loop Q_F.Push (V); V := V + 1.5; end loop; while not Q_F.Empty loop Q_F.Pop (V); Put_Line ("Value from queue: " & Float'Image (V)); end loop; end Simple_Test; procedure Concurrent_Test is package Queues_Integer is new Gen_Queues (Queue_Mod, Integer); Q_I : Queues_Integer.Queue; task T_Producer; task T_Consumer; task body T_Producer is V : Integer := 100; begin for I in 1 .. 2 * Max loop Q_I.Push (V); V := V + 1; end loop; end T_Producer; task body T_Consumer is V : Integer; begin delay 1.5; while not Q_I.Empty loop Q_I.Pop (V); Put_Line ("Value from queue: " & Integer'Image (V)); delay 0.2; end loop; end T_Consumer; begin null; end Concurrent_Test; end Queue_Tests;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Queue_Tests; use Queue_Tests; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Simple_Queue_Chk, Concurrent_Queue_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Simple_Queue_Chk => Simple_Test; when Concurrent_Queue_Chk => Concurrent_Test; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Design by contracts

Price Range

package Prices is type Amount is delta 10.0 ** (-2) digits 12; -- subtype Price is Amount range 0.0 .. Amount'Last; subtype Price is Amount with Static_Predicate => Price >= 0.0; end Prices;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Assertions; use System.Assertions; with Prices; use Prices; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Price_Range_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Range (A : Amount) is P : constant Price := A; begin Put_Line ("Price: " & Price'Image (P)); end Check_Range; begin case TC is when Price_Range_Chk => Check_Range (-2.0); end case; exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected (NOT as expected)."); when Assert_Failure => Put_Line ("Assert_Failure detected (as expected)."); end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Pythagorean Theorem: Predicate

package Triangles is subtype Length is Integer; type Right_Triangle is record H : Length := 0; -- Hypotenuse C1, C2 : Length := 0; -- Catheti / legs end record with Dynamic_Predicate => H * H = C1 * C1 + C2 * C2; function Init (H, C1, C2 : Length) return Right_Triangle is ((H, C1, C2)); end Triangles;
package Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String; end Triangles.IO;
package body Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String is ("(" & Length'Image (T.H) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C1) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C2) & ")"); end Triangles.IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Assertions; use System.Assertions; with Triangles; use Triangles; with Triangles.IO; use Triangles.IO; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk, Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Triangle (H, C1, C2 : Length) is T : Right_Triangle; begin T := Init (H, C1, C2); Put_Line (Image (T)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected (NOT as expected)."); when Assert_Failure => Put_Line ("Assert_Failure detected (as expected)."); end Check_Triangle; begin case TC is when Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (10, 8, 6); when Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 8, 6); when Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (26, 10, 24); when Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 10, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (30, 18, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (32, 18, 24); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Pythagorean Theorem: Precondition

package Triangles is subtype Length is Integer; type Right_Triangle is record H : Length := 0; -- Hypotenuse C1, C2 : Length := 0; -- Catheti / legs end record; function Init (H, C1, C2 : Length) return Right_Triangle is ((H, C1, C2)) with Pre => H * H = C1 * C1 + C2 * C2; end Triangles;
package Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String; end Triangles.IO;
package body Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String is ("(" & Length'Image (T.H) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C1) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C2) & ")"); end Triangles.IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Assertions; use System.Assertions; with Triangles; use Triangles; with Triangles.IO; use Triangles.IO; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk, Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Triangle (H, C1, C2 : Length) is T : Right_Triangle; begin T := Init (H, C1, C2); Put_Line (Image (T)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected (NOT as expected)."); when Assert_Failure => Put_Line ("Assert_Failure detected (as expected)."); end Check_Triangle; begin case TC is when Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (10, 8, 6); when Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 8, 6); when Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (26, 10, 24); when Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 10, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (30, 18, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (32, 18, 24); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Pythagorean Theorem: Postcondition

package Triangles is subtype Length is Integer; type Right_Triangle is record H : Length := 0; -- Hypotenuse C1, C2 : Length := 0; -- Catheti / legs end record; function Init (H, C1, C2 : Length) return Right_Triangle is ((H, C1, C2)) with Post => (Init'Result.H * Init'Result.H = Init'Result.C1 * Init'Result.C1 + Init'Result.C2 * Init'Result.C2); end Triangles;
package Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String; end Triangles.IO;
package body Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String is ("(" & Length'Image (T.H) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C1) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C2) & ")"); end Triangles.IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Assertions; use System.Assertions; with Triangles; use Triangles; with Triangles.IO; use Triangles.IO; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk, Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Triangle (H, C1, C2 : Length) is T : Right_Triangle; begin T := Init (H, C1, C2); Put_Line (Image (T)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected (NOT as expected)."); when Assert_Failure => Put_Line ("Assert_Failure detected (as expected)."); end Check_Triangle; begin case TC is when Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (10, 8, 6); when Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 8, 6); when Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (26, 10, 24); when Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 10, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (30, 18, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (32, 18, 24); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Pythagorean Theorem: Type Invariant

package Triangles is subtype Length is Integer; type Right_Triangle is private with Type_Invariant => Check (Right_Triangle); function Check (T : Right_Triangle) return Boolean; function Init (H, C1, C2 : Length) return Right_Triangle; private type Right_Triangle is record H : Length := 0; -- Hypotenuse C1, C2 : Length := 0; -- Catheti / legs end record; function Init (H, C1, C2 : Length) return Right_Triangle is ((H, C1, C2)); function Check (T : Right_Triangle) return Boolean is (T.H * T.H = T.C1 * T.C1 + T.C2 * T.C2); end Triangles;
package Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String; end Triangles.IO;
package body Triangles.IO is function Image (T : Right_Triangle) return String is ("(" & Length'Image (T.H) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C1) & ", " & Length'Image (T.C2) & ")"); end Triangles.IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Assertions; use System.Assertions; with Triangles; use Triangles; with Triangles.IO; use Triangles.IO; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk, Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk, Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_Triangle (H, C1, C2 : Length) is T : Right_Triangle; begin T := Init (H, C1, C2); Put_Line (Image (T)); exception when Constraint_Error => Put_Line ("Constraint_Error detected (NOT as expected)."); when Assert_Failure => Put_Line ("Assert_Failure detected (as expected)."); end Check_Triangle; begin case TC is when Triangle_8_6_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (10, 8, 6); when Triangle_8_6_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 8, 6); when Triangle_10_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (26, 10, 24); when Triangle_10_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (12, 10, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Pass_Chk => Check_Triangle (30, 18, 24); when Triangle_18_24_Fail_Chk => Check_Triangle (32, 18, 24); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Primary Colors

package Color_Types is type HTML_Color is (Salmon, Firebrick, Red, Darkred, Lime, Forestgreen, Green, Darkgreen, Blue, Mediumblue, Darkblue); subtype Int_Color is Integer range 0 .. 255; function Image (I : Int_Color) return String; type RGB is record Red : Int_Color; Green : Int_Color; Blue : Int_Color; end record; function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB; function Image (C : RGB) return String; type HTML_Color_RGB_Array is array (HTML_Color) of RGB; To_RGB_Lookup_Table : constant HTML_Color_RGB_Array := (Salmon => (16#FA#, 16#80#, 16#72#), Firebrick => (16#B2#, 16#22#, 16#22#), Red => (16#FF#, 16#00#, 16#00#), Darkred => (16#8B#, 16#00#, 16#00#), Lime => (16#00#, 16#FF#, 16#00#), Forestgreen => (16#22#, 16#8B#, 16#22#), Green => (16#00#, 16#80#, 16#00#), Darkgreen => (16#00#, 16#64#, 16#00#), Blue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#FF#), Mediumblue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#CD#), Darkblue => (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#8B#)); subtype HTML_RGB_Color is HTML_Color with Static_Predicate => HTML_RGB_Color in Red | Green | Blue; function To_Int_Color (C : HTML_Color; S : HTML_RGB_Color) return Int_Color; -- Convert to hexadecimal value for the selected RGB component S end Color_Types;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Color_Types is function To_RGB (C : HTML_Color) return RGB is begin return To_RGB_Lookup_Table (C); end To_RGB; function To_Int_Color (C : HTML_Color; S : HTML_RGB_Color) return Int_Color is C_RGB : constant RGB := To_RGB (C); begin case S is when Red => return C_RGB.Red; when Green => return C_RGB.Green; when Blue => return C_RGB.Blue; end case; end To_Int_Color; function Image (I : Int_Color) return String is subtype Str_Range is Integer range 1 .. 10; S : String (Str_Range); begin Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (To => S, Item => I, Base => 16); return S; end Image; function Image (C : RGB) return String is begin return ("(Red => " & Image (C.Red) & ", Green => " & Image (C.Green) & ", Blue => " & Image (C.Blue) &")"); end Image; end Color_Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Color_Types; use Color_Types; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (HTML_Color_Red_Chk, HTML_Color_Green_Chk, HTML_Color_Blue_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is procedure Check_HTML_Colors (S : HTML_RGB_Color) is begin Put_Line ("Selected: " & HTML_RGB_Color'Image (S)); for I in HTML_Color'Range loop Put_Line (HTML_Color'Image (I) & " => " & Image (To_Int_Color (I, S)) & "."); end loop; end Check_HTML_Colors; begin case TC is when HTML_Color_Red_Chk => Check_HTML_Colors (Red); when HTML_Color_Green_Chk => Check_HTML_Colors (Green); when HTML_Color_Blue_Chk => Check_HTML_Colors (Blue); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Object-oriented programming

Simple type extension

package Type_Extensions is type T_Float is tagged record F : Float; end record; function Init (F : Float) return T_Float; function Init (I : Integer) return T_Float; function Image (T : T_Float) return String; type T_Mixed is new T_Float with record I : Integer; end record; function Init (F : Float) return T_Mixed; function Init (I : Integer) return T_Mixed; function Image (T : T_Mixed) return String; end Type_Extensions;
package body Type_Extensions is function Init (F : Float) return T_Float is begin return ((F => F)); end Init; function Init (I : Integer) return T_Float is begin return ((F => Float (I))); end Init; function Init (F : Float) return T_Mixed is begin return ((F => F, I => Integer (F))); end Init; function Init (I : Integer) return T_Mixed is begin return ((F => Float (I), I => I)); end Init; function Image (T : T_Float) return String is begin return "{ F => " & Float'Image (T.F) & " }"; end Image; function Image (T : T_Mixed) return String is begin return "{ F => " & Float'Image (T.F) & ", I => " & Integer'Image (T.I) & " }"; end Image; end Type_Extensions;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Type_Extensions; use Type_Extensions; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Type_Extension_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is F1, F2 : T_Float; M1, M2 : T_Mixed; begin case TC is when Type_Extension_Chk => F1 := Init (2.0); F2 := Init (3); M1 := Init (4.0); M2 := Init (5); if M2 in T_Float'Class then Put_Line ("T_Mixed is in T_Float'Class as expected"); end if; Put_Line ("F1: " & Image (F1)); Put_Line ("F2: " & Image (F2)); Put_Line ("M1: " & Image (M1)); Put_Line ("M2: " & Image (M2)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Online Store

with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; package Online_Store is type Amount is delta 10.0**(-2) digits 10; subtype Percentage is Amount range 0.0 .. 1.0; type Member is tagged record Start : Year_Number; end record; type Member_Access is access Member'Class; function Get_Status (M : Member) return String; function Get_Price (M : Member; P : Amount) return Amount; type Full_Member is new Member with record Discount : Percentage; end record; function Get_Status (M : Full_Member) return String; function Get_Price (M : Full_Member; P : Amount) return Amount; end Online_Store;
package body Online_Store is function Get_Status (M : Member) return String is ("Associate Member"); function Get_Status (M : Full_Member) return String is ("Full Member"); function Get_Price (M : Member; P : Amount) return Amount is (P); function Get_Price (M : Full_Member; P : Amount) return Amount is (P * (1.0 - M.Discount)); end Online_Store;
package Online_Store.Tests is procedure Simple_Test; end Online_Store.Tests;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Online_Store.Tests is procedure Simple_Test is type Member_Due_Amount is record Member : Member_Access; Due_Amount : Amount; end record; function Get_Price (MA : Member_Due_Amount) return Amount is begin return MA.Member.Get_Price (MA.Due_Amount); end Get_Price; type Member_Due_Amounts is array (Positive range <>) of Member_Due_Amount; DB : constant Member_Due_Amounts (1 .. 4) := ((Member => new Member'(Start => 2010), Due_Amount => 250.0), (Member => new Full_Member'(Start => 1998, Discount => 0.1), Due_Amount => 160.0), (Member => new Full_Member'(Start => 1987, Discount => 0.2), Due_Amount => 400.0), (Member => new Member'(Start => 2013), Due_Amount => 110.0)); begin for I in DB'Range loop Put_Line ("Member #" & Positive'Image (I)); Put_Line ("Status: " & DB (I).Member.Get_Status); Put_Line ("Since: " & Year_Number'Image (DB (I).Member.Start)); Put_Line ("Due Amount: " & Amount'Image (Get_Price (DB (I)))); Put_Line ("--------"); end loop; end Simple_Test; end Online_Store.Tests;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Online_Store; use Online_Store; with Online_Store.Tests; use Online_Store.Tests; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Type_Chk, Unit_Test_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is function Result_Image (Result : Boolean) return String is (if Result then "OK" else "not OK"); begin case TC is when Type_Chk => declare AM : constant Member := (Start => 2002); FM : constant Full_Member := (Start => 1990, Discount => 0.2); begin Put_Line ("Testing Status of Associate Member Type => " & Result_Image (AM.Get_Status = "Associate Member")); Put_Line ("Testing Status of Full Member Type => " & Result_Image (FM.Get_Status = "Full Member")); Put_Line ("Testing Discount of Associate Member Type => " & Result_Image (AM.Get_Price (100.0) = 100.0)); Put_Line ("Testing Discount of Full Member Type => " & Result_Image (FM.Get_Price (100.0) = 80.0)); end; when Unit_Test_Chk => Simple_Test; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Standard library: Containers

Simple todo list

with Ada.Containers.Vectors; package Todo_Lists is type Todo_Item is access String; package Todo_List_Pkg is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Natural, Element_Type => Todo_Item); subtype Todo_List is Todo_List_Pkg.Vector; procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String); procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List); end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Todo_Lists is procedure Add (Todos : in out Todo_List; Item : String) is begin Todos.Append (new String'(Item)); end Add; procedure Display (Todos : Todo_List) is begin Put_Line ("TO-DO LIST"); for T of Todos loop Put_Line (T.all); end loop; end Display; end Todo_Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Todo_Lists; use Todo_Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Todo_List_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is T : Todo_List; begin case TC is when Todo_List_Chk => Add (T, "Buy milk"); Add (T, "Buy tea"); Add (T, "Buy present"); Add (T, "Buy tickets"); Add (T, "Pay electricity bill"); Add (T, "Schedule dentist appointment"); Add (T, "Call sister"); Add (T, "Revise spreasheet"); Add (T, "Edit entry page"); Add (T, "Select new design"); Add (T, "Create upgrade plan"); Display (T); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

List of unique integers

with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; package Ops is type Int_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; package Integer_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (Element_Type => Integer); subtype Int_Set is Integer_Sets.Set; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Set; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Array; end Ops;
package body Ops is function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Set is S : Int_Set; begin for E of A loop S.Include (E); end loop; return S; end Get_Unique; function Get_Unique (A : Int_Array) return Int_Array is S : constant Int_Set := Get_Unique (A); AR : Int_Array (1 .. Positive (S.Length)); I : Positive := 1; begin for E of S loop AR (I) := E; I := I + 1; end loop; return AR; end Get_Unique; end Ops;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ops; use Ops; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Get_Unique_Set_Chk, Get_Unique_Array_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index; A : Int_Array) is procedure Display_Unique_Set (A : Int_Array) is S : constant Int_Set := Get_Unique (A); begin for E of S loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (E)); end loop; end Display_Unique_Set; procedure Display_Unique_Array (A : Int_Array) is AU : constant Int_Array := Get_Unique (A); begin for E of AU loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (E)); end loop; end Display_Unique_Array; begin case TC is when Get_Unique_Set_Chk => Display_Unique_Set (A); when Get_Unique_Array_Chk => Display_Unique_Array (A); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 3 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; else declare A : Int_Array (1 .. Argument_Count - 1); begin for I in A'Range loop A (I) := Integer'Value (Argument (1 + I)); end loop; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1)), A); end; end if; end Main;

Standard library: Dates & Times

Holocene calendar

with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; function To_Holocene_Year (T : Time) return Integer is begin return Year (T) + 10_000; end To_Holocene_Year;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with To_Holocene_Year; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Holocene_Chk); procedure Display_Holocene_Year (Y : Year_Number) is HY : Integer; begin HY := To_Holocene_Year (Time_Of (Y, 1, 1)); Put_Line ("Year (Gregorian): " & Year_Number'Image (Y)); Put_Line ("Year (Holocene): " & Integer'Image (HY)); end Display_Holocene_Year; procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Holocene_Chk => Display_Holocene_Year (2012); Display_Holocene_Year (2020); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

List of events

with Ada.Containers.Vectors; package Events is type Event_Item is access String; package Event_Item_Containers is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Event_Item); subtype Event_Items is Event_Item_Containers.Vector; end Events;
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps; package Events.Lists is type Event_List is tagged private; procedure Add (Events : in out Event_List; Event_Time : Time; Event : String); procedure Display (Events : Event_List); private package Event_Time_Item_Containers is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps (Key_Type => Time, Element_Type => Event_Items, "=" => Event_Item_Containers."="); type Event_List is new Event_Time_Item_Containers.Map with null record; end Events.Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; package body Events.Lists is procedure Add (Events : in out Event_List; Event_Time : Time; Event : String) is use Event_Item_Containers; E : constant Event_Item := new String'(Event); begin if not Events.Contains (Event_Time) then Events.Include (Event_Time, Empty_Vector); end if; Events (Event_Time).Append (E); end Add; function Date_Image (T : Time) return String is Date_Img : constant String := Image (T); begin return Date_Img (1 .. 10); end; procedure Display (Events : Event_List) is use Event_Time_Item_Containers; T : Time; begin Put_Line ("EVENTS LIST"); for C in Events.Iterate loop T := Key (C); Put_Line ("- " & Date_Image (T)); for I of Events (C) loop Put_Line (" - " & I.all); end loop; end loop; end Display; end Events.Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Events.Lists; use Events.Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Event_List_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is EL : Event_List; begin case TC is when Event_List_Chk => EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 2, 16), "Final check"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 2, 16), "Release"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 12, 3), "Brother's birthday"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 1, 1), "New Year's Day"); EL.Display; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Standard library: Strings


with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package Str_Concat is type Unbounded_Strings is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String; function Concat (USA : Unbounded_Strings; Trim_Str : Boolean; Add_Whitespace : Boolean) return Unbounded_String; function Concat (USA : Unbounded_Strings; Trim_Str : Boolean; Add_Whitespace : Boolean) return String; end Str_Concat;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; package body Str_Concat is function Concat (USA : Unbounded_Strings; Trim_Str : Boolean; Add_Whitespace : Boolean) return Unbounded_String is function Retrieve (USA : Unbounded_Strings; Trim_Str : Boolean; Index : Positive) return Unbounded_String is US_Internal : Unbounded_String := USA (Index); begin if Trim_Str then US_Internal := Trim (US_Internal, Both); end if; return US_Internal; end Retrieve; US : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (""); begin for I in USA'First .. USA'Last - 1 loop US := US & Retrieve (USA, Trim_Str, I); if Add_Whitespace then US := US & " "; end if; end loop; US := US & Retrieve (USA, Trim_Str, USA'Last); return US; end Concat; function Concat (USA : Unbounded_Strings; Trim_Str : Boolean; Add_Whitespace : Boolean) return String is begin return To_String (Concat (USA, Trim_Str, Add_Whitespace)); end Concat; end Str_Concat;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Str_Concat; use Str_Concat; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Unbounded_Concat_No_Trim_No_WS_Chk, Unbounded_Concat_Trim_No_WS_Chk, String_Concat_Trim_WS_Chk, Concat_Single_Element); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is begin case TC is when Unbounded_Concat_No_Trim_No_WS_Chk => declare S : constant Unbounded_Strings := ( To_Unbounded_String ("Hello"), To_Unbounded_String (" World"), To_Unbounded_String ("!")); begin Put_Line (To_String (Concat (S, False, False))); end; when Unbounded_Concat_Trim_No_WS_Chk => declare S : constant Unbounded_Strings := ( To_Unbounded_String (" This "), To_Unbounded_String (" _is_ "), To_Unbounded_String (" a "), To_Unbounded_String (" _check ")); begin Put_Line (To_String (Concat (S, True, False))); end; when String_Concat_Trim_WS_Chk => declare S : constant Unbounded_Strings := ( To_Unbounded_String (" This "), To_Unbounded_String (" is a "), To_Unbounded_String (" test. ")); begin Put_Line (Concat (S, True, True)); end; when Concat_Single_Element => declare S : constant Unbounded_Strings := ( 1 => To_Unbounded_String (" Hi ")); begin Put_Line (Concat (S, True, True)); end; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

List of events

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Containers.Vectors; package Events is subtype Event_Item is Unbounded_String; package Event_Item_Containers is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Event_Item); subtype Event_Items is Event_Item_Containers.Vector; end Events;
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps; package Events.Lists is type Event_List is tagged private; procedure Add (Events : in out Event_List; Event_Time : Time; Event : String); procedure Display (Events : Event_List); private package Event_Time_Item_Containers is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps (Key_Type => Time, Element_Type => Event_Items, "=" => Event_Item_Containers."="); type Event_List is new Event_Time_Item_Containers.Map with null record; end Events.Lists;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; package body Events.Lists is procedure Add (Events : in out Event_List; Event_Time : Time; Event : String) is use Event_Item_Containers; E : constant Event_Item := To_Unbounded_String (Event); begin if not Events.Contains (Event_Time) then Events.Include (Event_Time, Empty_Vector); end if; Events (Event_Time).Append (E); end Add; function Date_Image (T : Time) return String is Date_Img : constant String := Image (T); begin return Date_Img (1 .. 10); end; procedure Display (Events : Event_List) is use Event_Time_Item_Containers; T : Time; begin Put_Line ("EVENTS LIST"); for C in Events.Iterate loop T := Key (C); Put_Line ("- " & Date_Image (T)); for I of Events (C) loop Put_Line (" - " & To_String (I)); end loop; end loop; end Display; end Events.Lists;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; use Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Events; with Events.Lists; use Events.Lists; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Unbounded_String_Chk, Event_List_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is EL : Event_List; begin case TC is when Unbounded_String_Chk => declare S : constant Events.Event_Item := To_Unbounded_String ("Checked"); begin Put_Line (To_String (S)); end; when Event_List_Chk => EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 2, 16), "Final check"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 2, 16), "Release"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 12, 3), "Brother's birthday"); EL.Add (Time_Of (2018, 1, 1), "New Year's Day"); EL.Display; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;

Standard library: Numerics

Decibel Factor

package Decibels is subtype Decibel is Float; subtype Factor is Float; function To_Decibel (F : Factor) return Decibel; function To_Factor (D : Decibel) return Factor; end Decibels;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; package body Decibels is function To_Decibel (F : Factor) return Decibel is begin return 20.0 * Log (F, 10.0); end To_Decibel; function To_Factor (D : Decibel) return Factor is begin return 10.0 ** (D / 20.0); end To_Factor; end Decibels;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Decibels; use Decibels; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Db_Chk, Factor_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index; V : Float) is package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Factor); package D_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Decibel); procedure Put_Decibel_Cnvt (D : Decibel) is F : constant Factor := To_Factor (D); begin D_IO.Put (D, 0, 2, 0); Put (" dB => Factor of "); F_IO.Put (F, 0, 2, 0); New_Line; end; procedure Put_Factor_Cnvt (F : Factor) is D : constant Decibel := To_Decibel (F); begin Put ("Factor of "); F_IO.Put (F, 0, 2, 0); Put (" => "); D_IO.Put (D, 0, 2, 0); Put_Line (" dB"); end; begin case TC is when Db_Chk => Put_Decibel_Cnvt (Decibel (V)); when Factor_Chk => Put_Factor_Cnvt (Factor (V)); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 2 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 2 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1)), Float'Value (Argument (2))); end Main;


package Signals is subtype Sig_Value is Float; type Signal is array (Natural range <>) of Sig_Value; function Rms (S : Signal) return Sig_Value; end Signals;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; package body Signals is function Rms (S : Signal) return Sig_Value is Acc : Float := 0.0; begin for V of S loop Acc := Acc + V * V; end loop; return Sqrt (Acc / Float (S'Length)); end; end Signals;
package Signals.Std is Sample_Rate : Float := 8000.0; function Generate_Sine (N : Positive; Freq : Float) return Signal; function Generate_Square (N : Positive) return Signal; function Generate_Triangular (N : Positive) return Signal; end Signals.Std;
with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; package body Signals.Std is function Generate_Sine (N : Positive; Freq : Float) return Signal is S : Signal (0 .. N - 1); begin for I in S'First .. S'Last loop S (I) := 1.0 * Sin (2.0 * Pi * (Freq * Float (I) / Sample_Rate)); end loop; return S; end; function Generate_Square (N : Positive) return Signal is S : constant Signal (0 .. N - 1) := (others => 1.0); begin return S; end; function Generate_Triangular (N : Positive) return Signal is S : Signal (0 .. N - 1); S_Half : constant Natural := S'Last / 2; begin for I in S'First .. S_Half loop S (I) := 1.0 * (Float (I) / Float (S_Half)); end loop; for I in S_Half .. S'Last loop S (I) := 1.0 - (1.0 * (Float (I - S_Half) / Float (S_Half))); end loop; return S; end; end Signals.Std;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Signals; use Signals; with Signals.Std; use Signals.Std; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Sine_Signal_Chk, Square_Signal_Chk, Triangular_Signal_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index) is package Sig_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Sig_Value); N : constant Positive := 1024; S_Si : constant Signal := Generate_Sine (N, 440.0); S_Sq : constant Signal := Generate_Square (N); S_Tr : constant Signal := Generate_Triangular (N + 1); begin case TC is when Sine_Signal_Chk => Put ("RMS of Sine Signal: "); Sig_IO.Put (Rms (S_Si), 0, 2, 0); New_Line; when Square_Signal_Chk => Put ("RMS of Square Signal: "); Sig_IO.Put (Rms (S_Sq), 0, 2, 0); New_Line; when Triangular_Signal_Chk => Put ("RMS of Triangular Signal: "); Sig_IO.Put (Rms (S_Tr), 0, 2, 0); New_Line; end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 1 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 1 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1))); end Main;


with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; package Rotation is type Complex_Points is array (Positive range <>) of Complex; function Rotation (N : Positive) return Complex_Points; end Rotation;
with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; package body Rotation is function Rotation (N : Positive) return Complex_Points is C_Angle : constant Complex := Compose_From_Polar (1.0, 2.0 * Pi / Float (N)); begin return C : Complex_Points (1 .. N + 1) do C (1) := Compose_From_Cartesian (1.0, 0.0); for I in C'First + 1 .. C'Last loop C (I) := C (I - 1) * C_Angle; end loop; end return; end; end Rotation;
with Rotation; use Rotation; package Angles is subtype Angle is Float; type Angles is array (Positive range <>) of Angle; function To_Angles (C : Complex_Points) return Angles; end Angles;
with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; package body Angles is function To_Angles (C : Complex_Points) return Angles is begin return A : Angles (C'Range) do for I in A'Range loop A (I) := Argument (C (I)) / Pi * 180.0; end loop; end return; end To_Angles; end Angles;
package Rotation.Tests is procedure Test_Rotation (N : Positive); procedure Test_Angles (N : Positive); end Rotation.Tests;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO; with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics; with Angles; use Angles; package body Rotation.Tests is package C_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO (Complex_Types); package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float); -- -- Adapt value due to floating-point inaccuracies -- function Adapt (C : Complex) return Complex is function Check_Zero (F : Float) return Float is (if F <= 0.0 and F >= -0.01 then 0.0 else F); begin return C_Out : Complex := C do C_Out.Re := Check_Zero (C_Out.Re); C_Out.Im := Check_Zero (C_Out.Im); end return; end Adapt; function Adapt (A : Angle) return Angle is (if A <= -179.99 and A >= -180.01 then 180.0 else A); procedure Test_Rotation (N : Positive) is C : constant Complex_Points := Rotation (N); begin Put_Line ("---- Points for " & Positive'Image (N) & " slices ----"); for V of C loop Put ("Point: "); C_IO.Put (Adapt (V), 0, 1, 0); New_Line; end loop; end Test_Rotation; procedure Test_Angles (N : Positive) is C : constant Complex_Points := Rotation (N); A : constant Angles.Angles := To_Angles (C); begin Put_Line ("---- Angles for " & Positive'Image (N) & " slices ----"); for V of A loop Put ("Angle: "); F_IO.Put (Adapt (V), 0, 2, 0); Put_Line (" degrees"); end loop; end Test_Angles; end Rotation.Tests;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Rotation.Tests; use Rotation.Tests; procedure Main is type Test_Case_Index is (Rotation_Chk, Angles_Chk); procedure Check (TC : Test_Case_Index; N : Positive) is begin case TC is when Rotation_Chk => Test_Rotation (N); when Angles_Chk => Test_Angles (N); end case; end Check; begin if Argument_Count < 2 then Put_Line ("ERROR: missing arguments! Exiting..."); return; elsif Argument_Count > 2 then Put_Line ("Ignoring additional arguments..."); end if; Check (Test_Case_Index'Value (Argument (1)), Positive'Value (Argument (2))); end Main;