Enforcing Basic Syntactic Guarantees
C's syntax is concise but also very permissive, which makes it easy to write programs whose effect is not what was intended. MISRA C contains guidelines to:
clearly distinguish code from comments
specially handle function parameters and result
ensure that control structures are not abused
Distinguishing Code and Comments
The problem arises from block comments in C, starting with /*
and ending
with */
. These comments do not nest with other block comments or with line
comments. For example, consider a block comment surrounding three lines that
each increase variable a
by one:
++a; */
Now consider what happens if the first line is commented out using a block comment and the third line is commented out using a line comment (also known as a C++ style comment, allowed in C since C99):
/* ++a; */
// ++a; */
The result of commenting out code that was already commented out is that the
second line of code becomes live! Of course, the above example is simplified,
but similar situations do arise in practice, which is the reason for MISRA C
Directive 4.1 "Sections of code should not be 'commented out'". This is
reinforced with Rules 3.1 and 3.2 from the section on "Comments" that forbid in
particular the use of /*
inside a comment like we did above.
These situations cannot arise in SPARK (or in Ada), as only line comments are
permitted, using --
-- A := A + 1;
-- A := A + 1;
-- A := A + 1;
So commenting again the first and third lines does not change the effect:
-- -- A := A + 1;
-- A := A + 1;
-- -- A := A + 1;
Specially Handling Function Parameters and Result
Handling the Result of Function Calls
It is possible in C to ignore the result of a function call, either implicitly
or else explicitly by converting the result to void
This is particularly dangerous when the function returns an error status, as
the caller is then ignoring the possibility of errors in the callee. Thus the
MISRA C Directive 4.7: "If a function returns error
information, then that error information shall be tested". In the general case
of a function returning a result which is not an error status, MISRA C Rule
17.7 states that "The value returned by a function having non-void return type
shall be used", where an explicit conversion to void
counts as a use.
In SPARK, as in Ada, the result of a function call must be used, for example by assigning
it to a variable or by passing it as a parameter, in
contrast with procedures (which are equivalent to void-returning functions
in C). SPARK analysis also checks that the result of the function is actually
used to influence an output of the calling subprogram. For example, the first
two calls to F
in the following are detected as unused, even though the result
of the function call is assigned to a variable, which is itself used in
the second case:
package Fun is function F return Integer is (1); end Fun;procedure Use_F (Z : out Integer);with Fun; use Fun; procedure Use_F (Z : out Integer) is X, Y : Integer; begin X := F; Y := F; X := Y; Z := F; end Use_F;
Only the result of the third call is used to influence the value of an output
of Use_F
, here the output parameter Z
of the procedure.
Handling Function Parameters
In C, function parameters are treated as local variables of the function. They can be modified, but these modifications won't be visible outside the function. This is an opportunity for mistakes. For example, the following code, which appears to swap the values of its parameters, has in reality no effect:
void swap (int x, int y) {
int tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
MISRA C Rule 17.8 prevents such mistakes by stating that "A function parameter should not be modified".
No such rule is needed in SPARK, since function parameters are only inputs so
cannot be modified, and procedure parameters have a mode defining whether
they can be modified or not. Only parameters of mode out
or ada:in out
can be modified — and these are prohibited from functions in SPARK
— and their modification is visible at the calling site. For example,
assigning to a parameter of mode in
(the default parameter mode if
omitted) results in compilation errors:
procedure Swap (X, Y : Integer);procedure Swap (X, Y : Integer) is Tmp : Integer := X; begin X := Y; -- ERROR Y := Tmp; -- ERROR end Swap;
Here is the output of AdaCore's GNAT compiler:
1. procedure Swap (X, Y : Integer) is
2. Tmp : Integer := X;
3. begin
4. X := Y; -- ERROR
>>> assignment to "in" mode parameter not allowed
5. Y := Tmp; -- ERROR
>>> assignment to "in" mode parameter not allowed
6. end Swap;
The correct version of Swap
in SPARK takes parameters of mode
in out
procedure Swap (X, Y : in out Integer);procedure Swap (X, Y : in out Integer) is Tmp : constant Integer := X; begin X := Y; Y := Tmp; end Swap;
Ensuring Control Structures Are Not Abused
The previous issue (ignoring the result of a function call) is an example of a control structure being abused, due to the permissive syntax of C. There are many such examples, and MISRA C contains a number of guidelines to prevent such abuse.
Preventing the Semicolon Mistake
Because a semicolon can act as a statement, and because an if-statement and a loop accept a simple statement (possibly only a semicolon) as body, inserting a single semicolon can completely change the behavior of the code:
int func() {
if (0)
return 1;
while (1)
return 0;
return 0;
As written, the code above returns with status 0. If a semicolon is added after
the first line (if (0);
), then the code returns with status 1. If a
semicolon is added instead after the third line (while (1);
), then the
code does not return. To prevent such surprises, MISRA C Rule 15.6 states that
"The body of an iteration-statement or a selection-statement shall be a compound
statement" so that the code above must be written:
int func() {
if (0) {
return 1;
while (1) {
return 0;
return 0;
Note that adding a semicolon after the test of the if
or while
statement has the same effect as before! But doing so would violate MISRA C
Rule 15.6.
In SPARK, the semicolon is not a statement by itself, but rather a marker that
terminates a statement. The null statement is an explicit null;
, and all
blocks of statements have explicit begin
and end
markers, which
prevents mistakes that are possible in C. The SPARK (also Ada) version of the
above C code is as follows:
function Func return Integer;function Func return Integer is begin if False then return 1; end if; while True loop return 0; end loop; return 0; end Func;
Avoiding Complex Switch Statements
Switch statements are well-known for being easily misused. Control can jump to any case section in the body of the switch, which in C can be before any statement contained in the body of the switch. At the end of the sequence of statements associated with a case, execution continues with the code that follows unless a break is encountered. This is a recipe for mistakes, and MISRA C enforces a simpler well-formed syntax for switch statements defined in Rule 16.1: "All switch statements shall be well-formed".
The other rules in the section on "Switch statements" go on detailing individual consequences of Rule 16.1. For example Rule 16.3 forbids the fall-through from one case to the next: "An unconditional break statement shall terminate every switch-clause". As another example, Rule 16.4 mandates the presence of a default case to handle cases not taken into account explicitly: "Every switch statement shall have a default label".
The analog of the C switch statements in SPARK (and in Ada) is the case statement. This statement has a simpler and more robust structure than the C switch, with control automatically exiting after one of the case alternatives is executed, and the compiler checking that the alternatives are disjoint (like in C) and complete (unlike in C). So the following code is rejected by the compiler:
package Sign_Domain is type Sign is (Negative, Zero, Positive); function Opposite (A : Sign) return Sign is (case A is -- ERROR when Negative => Positive, when Positive => Negative); function Multiply (A, B : Sign) return Sign is (case A is when Negative => Opposite (B), when Zero | Positive => Zero, when Positive => B); -- ERROR procedure Get_Sign (X : Integer; S : out Sign); end Sign_Domain;package body Sign_Domain is procedure Get_Sign (X : Integer; S : out Sign) is begin case X is when 0 => S := Zero; when others => S := Negative; -- ERROR when 1 .. Integer'Last => S := Positive; end case; end Get_Sign; end Sign_Domain;
The error in function Opposite
is that the when
choices do not cover
all values of the target expression. Here, A
is of the enumeration type
, so all three values of the enumeration must be covered.
The error in function Multiply
is that Positive
is covered
twice, in the second and the third alternatives. This is not allowed.
The error in procedure Get_Sign
is that the others
choice (the equivalent
of C default
case) must come last. Note that an others
choice would be
useless in Opposite
and Multiply
, as all Sign
values are covered.
Here is a correct version of the same code:
package Sign_Domain is type Sign is (Negative, Zero, Positive); function Opposite (A : Sign) return Sign is (case A is when Negative => Positive, when Zero => Zero, when Positive => Negative); function Multiply (A, B : Sign) return Sign is (case A is when Negative => Opposite (B), when Zero => Zero, when Positive => B); procedure Get_Sign (X : Integer; S : out Sign); end Sign_Domain;package body Sign_Domain is procedure Get_Sign (X : Integer; S : out Sign) is begin case X is when 0 => S := Zero; when 1 .. Integer'Last => S := Positive; when others => S := Negative; end case; end Get_Sign; end Sign_Domain;
Avoiding Complex Loops
Similarly to C switches, for-loops in C can become unreadable. MISRA C thus enforces a simpler well-formed syntax for for-loops, defined in Rule 14.2: "A for loop shall be well-formed". The main effect of this simplification is that for-loops in C look like for-loops in SPARK (and in Ada), with a loop counter that is incremented or decremented at each iteration. Section 8.14 defines precisely what a loop counter is:
It has a scalar type;
Its value varies monotonically on each loop iteration; and
It is used in a decision to exit the loop.
In particular, Rule 14.2 forbids any modification of the loop counter inside the loop body. Here's the example used in MISRA C:2012 to illustrate this rule:
bool_t flag = false;
for ( int16_t i = 0; ( i < 5 ) && !flag; i++ )
if ( C )
flag = true; /* Compliant - allows early termination of loop */
i = i + 3; /* Non-compliant - altering the loop counter */
The equivalent SPARK (and Ada) code does not compile, because of the attempt to modify the value of the loop counter:
procedure Well_Formed_Loop (C : Boolean) is Flag : Boolean := False; begin for I in 0 .. 4 loop exit when not Flag; if C then Flag := True; end if; I := I + 3; -- ERROR end loop; end Well_Formed_Loop;
Removing the problematic line leads to a valid program. Note that the additional condition being tested in the C for-loop has been moved to a separate exit statement at the start of the loop body.
SPARK (and Ada) loops can increase (or, with explicit syntax, decrease) the loop counter by 1 at each iteration.
for I in reverse 0 .. 4 loop
... -- Successive values of I are 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
end loop;
SPARK loops can iterate over any discrete type; i.e., integers as above or enumerations:
type Sign is (Negative, Zero, Positive);
for S in Sign loop
end loop;
Avoiding the Dangling Else Issue
C does not provide a closing symbol for an if-statement. This makes it possible to write the following code, which appears to try to return the absolute value of its argument, while it actually does the opposite:
#include <stdio.h> int absval (int x) { int result = x; if (x >= 0) if (x == 0) result = 0; else result = -x; return result; } int main() { printf("absval(5) = %d\n", absval(5)); printf("absval(0) = %d\n", absval(0)); printf("absval(-10) = %d\n", absval(-10)); }
The warning issued by GCC or LLVM with option -Wdangling-else
(implied by
) gives a clue about the problem: although the else
branch is
written as though it completes the outer if-statement, in fact it completes the
inner if-statement.
MISRA C Rule 15.6 avoids the problem: "The body of an
iteration-statement or a selection-statement shall be a compound
statement". That's the same rule as the one shown earlier for
Preventing the Semicolon Mistake. So the code for absval
must be
#include <stdio.h> int absval (int x) { int result = x; if (x >= 0) { if (x == 0) { result = 0; } } else { result = -x; } return result; } int main() { printf("absval(5) = %d\n", absval(5)); printf("absval(0) = %d\n", absval(0)); printf("absval(-10) = %d\n", absval(-10)); }
which has the expected behavior.
In SPARK (as in Ada), each if-statement has a matching end marker end if;
so the dangling-else problem cannot arise. The above C code is written as follows:
function Absval (X : Integer) return Integer;function Absval (X : Integer) return Integer is Result : Integer := X; begin if X >= 0 then if X = 0 then Result := 0; end if; else Result := -X; end if; return Result; end Absval;
Interestingly, SPARK analysis detects here that the negation operation on line 9 might overflow. That's an example of runtime error detection which will be covered in the chapter on Detecting Undefined Behavior.